Why Non-Kpop Friends Ruin Kpop

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i know i've posted this a lot but istg if another person does this shit i'm jumping into the ocean

hopefully some of us have real life kpop friends that we can fangirl with and if you don't i'm sorry and this may relate to you a lot

but fucking every goddamn time something happens with kpop (like bighit dropping that mv out of nowhere, all the comebacks happening, and the new photoshoots) some non kpop friend has got to ruin it

like i'm talking to my friend during one of our only breaks together because the bts mv came out during school and we could watch it for a few more hours and the non kpop friends, we'll call them nk, start shitting on us 

"who cares that they released a music video?"

"i don't even understand what you're saying"

"lol idk what's happening"





all that they do this is all that they do. fuckin shit all over what they don't know/like

shut the fuck up. honestly. y'all are the most annoying ass motherfuckers i have had the displeasure to encounter in high school.

legit though we'll all be walking to the school parking lot to leave and all 6 or 7 of us are there and my kpop friend and i are talking about new shit that came out and how beautiful our biases are and a nk will fucking say "i don't know what you guys are talking about" THAT'S CAUSE IT'S NOT FOR YOU YOU NIMBSHIT


this shit happens every fucking day. 

not everyone needs to be talking about the same thing not everyone needs to be fucking 'in' on what's going on

also they talk about it openly ? ? ? ? ?

we were walking to lunch and there's this group of people behind us (idk who they were) and the nks were joking about how i spend all my free time on kpop and i'm like yeah? ? ?  but y'all already know this???? why are we talking about it??? it's not something that i want to share with everyone in the school because fucking it's my own lil thing that i have when i come home and it's my own lil escape from school because i'm stressed the fuck out and every racist kid knowing i like kpop isn't going to help. i don't want people coming up to me and saying " so you like that ching chong music right?" "oh i know that it's psy" "they all look like girls" "they're all gay" "you're not asian why do you like this"'

cause not every fucking fan is asian. not every fucking one. and stop being fucking racist against asians. stop the ling ling shit stop the ching chong shit stop being fucking rude and ignorant. fucking annoying as hell you are.

and every time some random famous asian is across one of the nk's feed they show it to me???? like okay???? that's cool i guess idk who the fuck that is?????

one friend that knows i don't want to be marries, knows i don't want kids fucking went up to me and said "i picture you and your future husband and he's asian. let me draw him for you" i can't say shit because then i'll be 'overreacting" so i gotta sit there and watch her draw some random ass motherfucker she sees me marrying. dudes got like a six pack and black short hair. that's good for him i guess? ? ? ? 

they think cause i like kpop i like every asian i see. that's fetishizing. that shit it nasty. its gross. its something i never want to be apart of. its something i want to stay as far away from as possible.

another thing is freshman year i liked this junior and he's a douchebag i know that now but back then i think the attraction was only because i got to see different faces, different people, grown ups unlike kids in middle school. now though everyone is a kid. but he's asian. that's not why i liked him. idk even know why i liked him. i've stopped liking him for over a year and the fucking other day a nk came up to me and said "so that's why you liked him?" NO fucking no. i did not like him cause he was asian. he was rich tho. still rich. that might be why. but my fucking type is not asian i don't have a type. the only thing i care about appearance wise is height and hair cause i'm short and i like hair.

just cause i like kpop and kdramas does not mean i am going to marry an asian person. korea isn't all of asia you know that right? and who the fuck said i was marrying a dude?

anyway this shit has been going on for months and i want it to stop. i'm fucking done with this shit. i didn't even want to tell them i liked it. i think they found out by snooping through my phone. shit needs to stop. i can't just cut them out because i go to a tiny ass school and we've all known each other since 3rd grade. i just wanna graduate and get this baby shit over with 

but fucking stop with the whole 'every asian is your type because you like kpop" and "ling ling, ching chong" that shit. fuckign stop

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