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Ah a rant!

I haven't done one of these in forever I'm so sorry

this book is really all about kim taehyung

except this chapter.....

aight so I totally forgot what company/whatever is doing this or if it even still exist but like a month ago someone mentioned that a certain company is only allowing music videos where the idols don't lip sync and i was like....? ?  ?   ?  ? ?  ? ? ? ?

so like what you're saying is the idols have to sing live for their music videos while shooting their music videos???

this may not seem like a big thing but it is 

allow me to explain

so the idol/s spends months writing/producing/singing their new album and their exhausted. they are already anxious about anyone even liking/wanting to buy said song/album. they do a music video for their fans and if you've ever watched like a '___ M/V Making' you see how exhausting it is for the idol and even though their having fun and making memories and everything it's a tiring process and they're putting in so much work and energy into making the music video look good and their dancing looking perfect. and now they have the added pressure of having to sing and sound EXACTLY like how they sound in the studio.

idk if y'all think idols are superhumans or something but their not. they're super humans. as in they're super in what they do and they're also human as in they were literally born human.

idk i feel like fans, not only army, ask a lot from their idols and they should stop. we should give idols, male and female, respect, privacy, support, help them with their dream. 

and idols and all musicians are not perfect, flawless, singing machines that can sound like how they do on the radio at any given moment of the day/night. They are human beings. And yeah the music industry sometimes makes them out to be these immortal gods who are perfect in every way possible and have no flaws whatsoever.

but no. they are just like you and me. except they can sing exceptionally well and are famous. 

but kpop or not kpop musicians are not perfect but their working so hard. don't put them down because they aren't perfect and can't sing perfectly every time they preform. it's okay. they make wonderful music that we appreciate and shouldn't take for granted.

that's all i have to say

honestly it's ridiculous this was even an idea but yeah

stop pressuring idols to be perfect and putting them down when you can't do what they do

(tbh i don't think i would still be standing if i was an idol. they have so much energy and i am but a lowly sloth)

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