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aaahhh so off topic for like 2 sec....SUGA'S MIXTAPE! ! ! ! !


so like i have this rant in my head at least  once a week about BIGHIT and V's relationship

(btw this is legit just me being one of those moms that wants everything for their kid and gets butthurt when they don't get something...)

with that being said pls don't yell or get angry cause really....i know this I should be happy for V, I am, but i can't help but want to give him the world. understand,k?

being the spoiled brat i am at home i just got 2 new albums (NCT 127 and BTS DARK AND WILD) and their amazing i love them so so much, i got a huge fking nct poster and i'm still wondering where to put it but guys,,,it was free and it's like half my size,,it's huge. and winwin photocard,yay!!, and a rapmon photocard, yeesss leader finally i get something w/ him on it,


looking through the bts the beginning there are individual close ups and every boy has 4 pics, 2 pages..right? well.....TAEHYUNG ONLY HAD THREE 

(this is ridiculous ik but i gotta rant)




bighit,,,,wth, man???

but, one good thing....not whitewashed

i can't even begin to tell y'all how much i fking can't stand white washing idols

what do you have against their natural skin tone??? seriously, it's rude as hell. you're making them feel bad about their skin, taehyung, the poor soul, apologized for his dark skin. PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN I WAS SO HEARTBROKEN OVER THIS. V'S SKIN IS BEAUTIFUL, PLEASE STOP HIDING IT.

i honestly think everyone should be against whitewashing and this is coming from the palest white girl...(istg, it's kinda funny, you can't see me well in flash or like in the pale i fade out...)


but this isn't about whitewashing this is about V, my bby.

i fcking love that he has a drama coming out in December and i swear not matter where i am i will watch that sh*t right there once it comes out. idc if i'm in class, my boy is on the big screen bby and i'm supporting the HELL out of Hansung (V's character name) (also kinda sounds like handsome 2 me idk)

throwback to rookie king when they stood on the high building and confessed their anger about random things into a microphone in front of everyone (jimin screamed JEON JUNGKOOK at the top of his lungs...) and when it was V's turn he said smth like one of the bighit people didn't know who he was for like a year.....and I KNOW it's suppose to be funny and sh*t but like i said at the beginning, butthurt mommy here so pls deal, HOW JUST HOW could you forget someone like taehyung????????? i don't understand how anyone could forget his face, like,,,he's so pure.

also,,,,,i sometimes feel like taehyung isn't recognized enough,,like talent wise. you know on ahl that lady w/ the piano said V's voice was very soulful and moving and deep and that the company should take advantage of that but somehow that got mixed in translation to have him grunt for 10 sec then maybe a line or more screams. and i love taehyung's deep voice, k? i love it. Fire, Danger, Boy In Luv, i love it. but can they please have more songs like Just One Day where it's very calm and V can fcking sing for once. i love the older albums but V only has like 1 or 2 lines (Jin too) and i get so upset cause in We On and Ma City he has no fcking lines, none. We On he sings w/ Jungkook like 'i promise ya' and that's it. i want to watch them live so i can see how many time's V can actually hold the microphone to his mouth and keep it there for more than a sec. 

this is also why i don't really like looking up their songs color coded where it tells you who sings what. cause just,,,,seeing V and Jin colors pop up like a few times compared to Jungkook and Jimin who light up the whole page is just really frustrating.

and ik it's only been 3 yrs but somedays I get so frustrated I can see who would leave bts and why. like Jin might leave once he gets a wife or smth and i get really scared at the thought of V leaving for acting or for family. like i want what's best for them and I want them to be happy, because really BTS happiness is ARMYS happiness but i just want to hold on to them for as long as I can, you know? and i'm getting really emotional rn but still,

i get so emo when it comes to taehyung like don't even bring up his name when i first wake up or before i fall asleep because i will go on and on and on about how wonderful he is and how much i love him.


but yeah.....i just....i want V to be more in BTS than he is. I want him dancing in the front again and I want him to actually sing and I love his covers and I just, I want more of Taehyung.

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