kpop + friends

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if you don't know i have a 5sos + 1d friend and she's great and all, a little loud but i swear she thinks those bands are the world. which is great because i want people to find a happiness in music but she kinda shoves her music on everyone

now my kpop friend got into kpop on her own, i cannot take credit for destruction. and we do talk about bts and seventeen and monsta x pretty much ever time we see each other but that's because there really is no one else to talk to about them. like in america i know kpop is getting big which is great, (i just wish the racism with it left and never came back) but my friend, my librarian (she got me started on kpop), and two others i know like kpop at much school. that's not a lot and i'm only friends with one of the four. 

so we both like the same groups and we talk about videos and 1000 days with BTS and birthdays (suga's) and jimin and v (our biases) and we talk about comebacks.

our other friends don't know what the fuck those words mean so their lost. and really the conversation isn't meant for them. i hate the idea that all six friends have to be on the same page at all times, have to talk together instead of having private convos. half the time my friends talk about boys or school work and i don't like either so......

i think they're being a little selfish. two friends who listen and don't make every convo about themselves like 'run' and admit that it's a good song. one friend tried to like exo (i think it was too different for her) but she admits to liking their songs.

another friend kinda likes kpop but lowkey likes it which is good too.

this other friend likes 'run' and she listens to them when i take her to lunch without complaining, (t's a free ride off campus i guess you shouldn't be complaining at all). and they know what my jacket is (i got a bts jacket with v and 95 on the back and the bts logo on the breast and they know what it is and complimented me on it)

the other friend who likes 1d and 5sos is very selfish. she's very loud, i'm very quite ( i eat at lunch in silence because i can't go more than a couple hours of talking without feeling tired) and they don't like that, they think i'm being rude. i'll join the convo if it's relevant but  it's normally about stuff idk (french and sports) so i don't have useful input in the convo.

but today during my only break with my kpop friend we were talking about how important today is (suga's bday and 1000 days since debut) and we were talking about their photoshoot 

but today during my only break with my kpop friend we were talking about how important today is (suga's bday and 1000 days since debut) and we were talking about their photoshoot 

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(sooooooooo cute :3)

and we had a small (fight) yesterday about how v and jin don't have that many lines in a couple songs and today it kinda carried i brought up boyz with fun (if you haven't heard it bless your ears with this song from the gods)


and v's little attempt at a rap and how deep his voice gets (honestly it still gives me chills hearing him) and she never heard of the song and i played it on my ipod. my 1d friend was there and she politely turned off her music so we could hear it better.

but during the entire song she talked. now we couldn't turn the volume up too high because we were in the library (but my librarian plays big bang all day so.......) it was already a little difficult to hear it.

the 1d friend kept asking questions and my friend and i very politely answered or shushed her but we didn't glare or anything, too focused on the song. when v's part came on i grabbed my friends arm ( i thought i was going to faint) and my 1d friend was talking very loudly (what's wrong???  what?? i don't know what's going on here? wat??)

we shushed her but she kept talking. she couldn't wait three minutes for the song to end to interrupt it. she kept asking "do you even know what they're saying?" FUCKING STOP ASKING KPOP FANS IF THEY KNOW WHAT THEIR IDOLS ARE SAYING. IT'S ANNOYING AS FUCK. I'M NOT FLUENT IN KOREAN I KNOW LIKE 6 WORDS TOPS. SHUT THE FUCK UP, IT'S RELAXING HAPPY MUSIC THAT I ENJOY AND I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THE FUCKING LYRICS TO LIKE IT.


sorry but i feel like i get asked that every goddamn day and it's pissing me off. in the music video above there are eng subs so i know what the song is about and i remember what some of the lyrics are but i didn't need to know them to like the song. it's bts. they could have a song with just screaming (so any video of them) and i'd still love it 10/10 

she also asked how many members are in the group during crucial parts in the song (yoongi's rap) i had to turn the volume up a little to hint that we were focused on the song. my kpop friend never heard this song your questions can wait another couple of minutes. i wanted to call her out on it afterwards but the bell was going to ring and who would benefit from me yelling at them? (i can't give a truthful answer)

any time we try to talk about kpop during school we get interrupted. i'm scared i'm going to freak out on whoever is talking then. it's annoying that we can only really discuss kpop on weekends or after school on our phones. they always make us feel guilty like we're leaving them out of plans. no. we just want to talk about korean boys in sparkly jackets you don't need to be a part of this conversation unless you have something useful to say, like a korean boy in a sparkly jacket.

it's really bothersome because we always very rudely get interrupted. 'if you aren't speaking to the whole group then your conversation is irrelevant and i can interrupt it'. i hate this mentality it's annoying as fuck. 

we're not ditching you guys or leaving you out on anything important. we're simply discussing our interest so shut the fuck up the world doesn't revolve around you. 

i feel like if bts does come to america and we go our friends will make us feel guilty about not inviting them. but come on, let each other go. stop being so clingy because we're still friends and in a couple years when we graduate and leave each other you'll look back and think 'goddamn, i was being a selfish prick'.

but yeah no kpop friends sometimes ruin kpop which is the exact opposite of what kpop is suppose to do.

even my mom likes kpop and she's more polite about it. she says they look very pretty and they are nice and charming and she likes the 'dope' mv because of their costumes. i'm going to find out her favorite member and update you guys on it.

anyways send this to your non kpop friends if they're being problematic.  

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