Romantic Relationships

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while our boys are growing up they will probably want to be in a relationship someday


idk if y'all have experienced this but when i was in the 1d fandom every girl that got within a 50 mile radius of the boys was hated on constantly on twitter, being sent death threats and shit. it was gross. it's rude as fuck to send someone hate for no fucking reason

but i haven't experienced or heard anything in kpop about this so maybe we're more mature????? to an extent?????

but for real we all want our idols to be happy right? if that person makes them happy we should be grateful they found someone to make them smile. even if the relationship is platonic we should be glad our idol is smiling and happy

my end goal in all of this is for my idols to be happy even if that means they won't be with me. that's okay cause you know what? they are not my property, they don't owe me shit

they only thing i expect from kpop idols is respect (good manners really) and that's it

cause where i grew up good manners was rare in younger people but taught strictly from a young age. i was raised to be fucking polite and i'll be damned if i'm disrespectful for no reason

good manners is just a huge thing for me and i really expect it from everyone 

anyways (i say anyways a lot in this sorry) the boys will most likely have a gf in the future or if by magic a bf ( i dont think many gay idols are recognized)

it doesn't matter who they date if it's a fan or another idol (which is more likely) as long as they're happy with their relationship and love that person we should respect that


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