Chapter Three

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      In the morning when wake, I see the dress, a note pinned to it. Good Morning darling, I hope you will remember me in the kingdom. I love you with all my heart dear, keep singing for me. -Love Mother. I feel tears well in my eyes, and I fight the urge to cry.

       Writing out my own note, I lay it on my bed and get dressed. Jerry waits in his cage, wide eyes staring at me. Scooping his small body in my arms, I place him in my pocket. His head pops out of the slit and I giggle. "Time to go Jerry, we don't need to be late."

       Picking the luggage case off the ground, I make my way down the steps. I pluck a piece of bread from the old table, and put it in Jerry's pocket. I watch as he disappears into the pocket and make my way outside.

       An officer waits for me, his eyes hard and cold. "Adelaide Nash?" I nod and he grabs my arm gently. "Your motorcar awaits ma'am." He leads me to a slick black motorcar. A royal blue flag with a bright yellow sun in the middle sit atop the antenna. He opens the door for me, and I get in, careful not to crush Jerry. "Peace be with you."

       The car door shutting makes me jump, not used to the noise. The motorcar sails throw the streets, nothing in the way to stop it. "We should reach the palace in a couple of hours. There is an Small Screen if you wish to watch a sequence."

      Not knowing how to turn the small screen on, I sit back and close my eyes, feeling the low rumble of the motorcar. My attention is drawn to the streets outside, the lowly beggars making my heart twist. My thoughts are soon drawn to my mother. She slaving away on some Red's floor, while I head to the palace.

      I must fall asleep, because when the car stops, I open my eyes. "Are we here?"

      "Yes ma'am, I'll help you with your bags." He gets out of the motorcar, and opens me door. Putting my hand in my pockets, I make sure Jerry is there before getting out. The driver walks ahead, carrying my bag. An officer recognizes the man, and opens a side door for him. 

       "Henry," the officer says. The driver, Henry, nods in acknowledgement, and I flash a smile at the officer. He gives back a kind smile and shuts the side door after me.

       "You will be taken to your room, where you will bathe and get dressed for dinner." He hands my bag to a house maid, and says, "Peace be with you ma'am."

       "You too Henry." We exchange smiles, and the house maid leads me inside. "I'm Adelaide." I reach my hand out to her, and she shakes it.

        "I'm Mary," she says. "I'll be your personal maid, but you will have others to serve you as well."

        "It's nice to meet you Mary." She stops in front of a set of double doors. Mary reaches her hand out, and twists one diamond knob. The door swings open silently, and reveals a bed fit for a queen, in a powder blue room. It's calming.

         "This is your room." She leads me in, shutting the door behind us. "Do you like hot water, or warm water?" I tell her hot. "What size dress are you ma'am?"

        "I'm not sure, but you can call me Adelaide, Mary." 

        "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what sector do you come from?"

        "Grey." She nods and smiles kindly.

        "I don't want to come across as rude, but you seem," she searches for the right word. I fill it in for her.


         "In a sense, than a Grey."

          "I ate well. It was just me and my mother after my father died. Plus, she works as a house maid for Reds." I leave out the part of my stealing.

          "It served you well. You have a body that royals would kill for. I'm guessing you are a size six." She walks to an adjoining door, and opens it. I see a bathing tub. Pristine white, the bathing tub had golden feet at the bottom. "While you're in the tub, I'll fetch you a dress."

       "Do you know if they have any cages, for mice?"

       "Why milady?" I pull Jerry from my pocket and he sits on my hand. To me comfort, Mary doesn't scream, in fact she comes over and pets him lightly. "I'll see what I can get. Your water is drawn, just wash yourself and I'll be back to help you get ready.


         When I get out of the bathing tub, I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. Mary hands me a robe that is royal blue in color. She begins to dry my hair while another woman comes in and paints my toes with a polish. When my hair is dried, Mary braids a little section on the right, and leaves the rest of the natural curls.

         The other woman, Grace, finishes my toes and moves to paint the polish onto my fingers. The color is red, the color I hate, but I must admit, it goes well with my skin. After the polish dries, Grace leaves, and Mary hands me underwear to put on. "The dress is perfect for you, and I found Jerry a cage, he's in it now."

         I slip into the dress. It is one shouldered, and fitted at the waist, flaring from black to red. "You might have a little trouble walking in these, but they will make you taller."

       I slip on the shoes and am heightened a little. They are red as well. "I'm almost done, sit in the chair." I do as I'm told and she tells me to close my eyes. "Don't be afraid, it's just make up." It only takes her a couple of minutes to complete, and I open my eyes.

      I do not look like me, and it frightens me a bit. "Thank you Mary, I appreciate this very much."

      "It's my pleasure Adelaide. Now, I'll lead you to the dining room. If you are asked a question, answer it politely, and take small bites at a time. Don't speak directly to the king or queen unless asked a question. Be careful."

       We stop at a pair of open double doors. Women are seated inside, all of which are wearing the palace color, Royal Blue. I walk in, the bottom of my shoes echoing on the marble flooring. Everyone becomes silent as they look at me.

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