Chapter Eight

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I prepare myself for the "shopping" trip, grabbing two blankets to cover the children. Mary readies a basket of fruit and bread for her children, and we take our leave. "Will you be back soon?" Caleb asks.

"Just a couple of hours, we're going to the Grey sector to get some trinkets," I say. He nods and we head to the large doors of the palace.

"Be safe miss. Peace be with you," an officer says as we exit.

"You too." The motorcar waiting for us is the same one I was picked up in, I think. We scoot into the motorcar, and I look up front. "Henry, how are you on this fine morning?"

"Perfectly well Lady Adelaide. And you?"

"The same. Will you take us to the Grey sector please?" He nods and begins driving.

We reach the Grey sector by midday, and tell Henry to wait, we won't be long. He does just as he's told, and we stand by the motorcar door. "You go get your children, I'm going to make a stop somewhere."

She walks in the direction of her unit, and I pull off my coat, revealing my burlap paints and cotton shirt. I open the motorcar door and toss off the fancy shoes, trading them for an old raggedy pair. "Not a word Henry."

"I haven't a clue as to what you're talking about." Rushing off, I pull my hair from it's tight bun, and practically run to my unit.

Throwing the door open, I yell out, "Mother, are you home?"

There's a crash from upstairs, then heavy footsteps as she flies down the stairs. "Adelaide!" I nod. She hugs me tight, nearly crushing me. But I pay it no mind.

"It's only been a couple of days. And I can't stay long."

"I'm still happy to see you dear. House is it at the palace, are you being polite?" I nod.

"I tested out of etiquette and lessons. Who knew?"

"I did, I raised you well. Now go before you get in trouble. I'm so happy to see you're okay darling." With one last hug, and a kiss to the forehead, she sends me on my way.

Henry is still in the car when I return, so I pull on the coat, and the fancy shoes. "Has Mary been back yet?"

"I'm here, I'm here." She waves a hand, temporarily letting go of a little boy's shoulder. "Sorry it took so long, I had to pack them some clothes."

"It's perfectly okay, lets get them in the car and get back." We quickly usher them in, and they buckle into the restraint belts in the motorcar. "What are your names?" I ask.

"That's Evangeline, I'm Eric." The little boy smiles, his front tooth missing. "We're seven." He reaches his hand out and I shake it.

"That's wonderful, I wish I had a brother." I turn to Evangeline, who scoots into her mother's side. "You're mother is a very nice lady. She helps me all the time, and she's a wonderful friend."

"Really?" I nod.

"And we have horses at the palace, have you ever seen one before?"

"Only on a sequence."

"How would you like to ride one, I can teach you."

"Could you teach me too?" Eric asks.

"Of course I could." I look up to the front. "Henry, is there a service entrance?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll take you there."

"He's also another one of my friends, very kind and keeps secrets. Which is what you have to do. You're not supposed to be here, so you have to stay quiet. Can you do that?"

"Yes ma'am," they say in unison. Smiling, I look to Mary, who looks happy to have her children back.

"Get some sleep now, we'll be there in a little while." Evangeline and Eric close their eyes, and lean against their mother.

"Thank you so much Adelaide, you have no idea how much this means to me," Mary whispers.

"I have a soft spot for family. It was me and my parents until I was twelve, then my father, he passed. Killed by The Illness. Then it was just me and my mom, it was harder that way. But we managed." A tear slips down my cheek and I wipe it away. "I don't know how she feels now, all alone."

Mary reaches over, and lays a hand on top of mine. "It will be okay miss. Maybe you can get her a job at the palace, as house maid."

"Maybe, but I don't know how I would do that."

"Ask the queen. You're the only one she like, talks about all the rest of the girls. It pays to be silent Miss. Adelaide." She smiles at me. "Her son is very fond of you too, but the king, he doesn't like any of the girls. Thinks they're too low to be queens."

"That's reassuring." Mary laughs and I join in, my tears wiped away. Once we calm down, Mary becomes serious.

"If anything happens to me, I want you to take care of my children."

"What about your husband?"

"He's sick, he won't make it. Charles wanted to die with dignity, so he sent a letter, told me to pick up the children. That he was leaving and wasn't coming back."

"Mary, I," pausing, I look at Evangeline and Eric. "I will. I'll look after them, I swear by it. But nothing is going to happen to you."

"Thank you."

"We're here, hide the children," Henry says. Mary moves Evangeline and Eric to the ground, waking them up in the process, and covers them with the thick blanket in the back.

"Hush now, we'll be inside before you know it," Mary whispers. I roll down the window and wave at the officers as we enter. The smile back, but never change their stance. Henry pulls up to the back entrance of the palace, and we usher the children in quickly.

"Thank you Henry, have a good day." He smiles in return and I hurry on after Mary and her children. She waits just inside the stone doorway, and walks with me. "Well get them child size uniforms, and they can help here in the kitchen or stables. If that's okay with you."

"It will be less suspicious, they can switch every couple of days." We continue on down the hall to uniform storage.

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