Chapter Eighteen

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One Month Later:

      "Your dance lessons have paid off," Caleb whispered to me. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. It was the annual costume party, and everybody in the palace was in the spacious ball room.

       "Why thank you." My costume wasn't as recognizable as the other girl's costumes, but it was perfect. I was Cinderella, a fairy tale princess from ages ago. Caleb was Prince Charming, Cinderella's Prince. Other girls were dressed as things like mother nature, and wood nymphs. Famous women from history.

        A tug on my dress makes me turn around and see Evan with his hands behind his back. "May I have this dance?" He ask holding up his hand.

       "Why yes you may," I say and take his hands. Caleb asks Evie if she'd like to dance and picks her up as well to dance. Evan and I twirl around in circles and Caleb and Evie twist about. When the song changes, Caleb whispers something to Evan and Evie, and they run off giggling. "What'd you say to them?"

       "You'll find out soon enough." Caleb turns around and tugs his ear, and the music changes. Everybody clears from the dance floor and Evan and Evie come running back in. They are holding something behind their backs and have smug looks on their faces.

        Evan hands something to Caleb and I turn to Evie, who hands me a single red rose. My eyebrows knit together and I turn back around to question Caleb on what's going on. But when I turn back around, he's down on one knee holding up a velvet box.

        The music dies out and everyone falls silent so they can hear. "Adelaide Hope Nash, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and a queen to the people?" I stand there stunned for a second, then a smile spreads across my face.

        "Yes, I'd love to." Cheers erupt around us and Caleb gets to his feet, sliding the ring on my finger.

        We clasp our hands together and everyone joins us on the dance floor to celebrate. After hours of dancing and eating and drinking in celebration, everyone heads to their rooms to sleep. 

         Caleb and I walk through the hallways and I turn to him. "Is this really happening?"

        "It is my love, we're going to be getting married."

       "When did you choose me?" I ask. "And why?"

       "The night you stepped in to give the speech for my mother, and I guess I chose you because you knew of those housemaids when nobody but their families did. I chose you for your heart, because it is made of pure gold."

        He leans down and steals a kiss from my lips. "I love you," I tell him.

        " And I love you, my sweet Adelaide." We stop at my door and walk in. "I wish I didn't have to leave you."

       "Who said you had to leave?" I lock the door and grab his shirt in my hand. "You can stay all night if you want to." I lay a kiss on his lips and slip my shoes off. "But first you have to catch me." I run toward my bathroom, but before I get half way there, he wraps his arms around my waist.

        "Gotcha. What's my prize?"

        "Me." I giggle and he helps me out of my dress.


        Caleb's P.O.V:

    In the morning, I wake with Adelaide next to me. Her bare back faces the ceiling, so I lean over and kiss her between her shoulder blades. She stirs and turns over with the sheet covering her front. "You look beautiful," I say.

      "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet," she says. I shrug and begin laying kisses on her neck. "We have to get up and get ready for breakfast."

       "Alright, but we also have to bathe." Adelaide giggles and grabs her robe from the post next to her head, slipping it on.

       "I'll go run the water," she says. I give her a mischievous grin and get out from under the covers. Before I can make it to the bathroom, a knock sounds at the door. Addie runs out, pushes me toward the bathroom, and shuts the door.

       "Just a minute," she says. I slip on my pants that lay on the ground as quietly as possible. She opens the door, and then she lets out a scream. Without hesitation, I open the bathroom door and find her jumping up and down at the door to her room.

       A girl I've never seen before is hugging Adelaide and they're both laughing. "Honey, whose this?" I ask. They turn toward me and Addie smiles.

      "This is my cousin Mads. I haven't seen her in forever." Mads waves at me and I wave back.

      "Hi, I'm Caleb."

      "Oh, I know. You're also my baby cousins Hunk-to-be." Addie hits her in the arm playfully and they walk to her bed.

      "I'll see you at lunch then Addie."

      "Okay, love you sweetie."

      "Love you too." I shut the door behind myself and walk down the hall to my room. A fresh pair of pants and a clean shirt sit on my bed, along with a pair of shoes on the floor. Right after I pull the shirt on, something hits me in the back of the head and I drop to the ground.

      A second blow lands and everything goes black. Something wet hits my face and I sputter. My eyes adjust to the dim room and the face looming in front of me. "Ah, finally the prince is awake."

     I know the mans face but I can't place him. "Who are you?" I ask groggily.

     "What, you don't remember me?" I shake my head, the back of which is throbbing. "My names James, I was a stable hand until your daddy fired me. Wanna know what he fired me for?"


     "Putting the wrong saddle on his horse. Rich right. Like he the wrong saddle is a bid deal." He chuckles and I fight to stay awake. "Now I'm leading the fight to kill your precious daddy and take over his kingdom."

      That's the last thing I hear before passing out again.

A/N- I'm so sorry it took so long thank you for all the love and support I have received. 

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