Chapter Twenty-Two

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     A knock sounds at my door, successfully waking me up. "Come in," I mumble. The doors fly open and my mother, Penelope, and Mary come bursting in. "What're you doing?" I ask.

    "Getting you ready for your wedding, which starts in six hours," my mother says. I sit upright and throw the blankets off me. "Where are you going young lady?"

     "Breakfast. I'll be back after breakfast." I place my feet on the cold marble floor and draw them back quickly. Finding my slippers, I put my feet into them and throw my robe on.

      "Oh no you don't, we have to get you ready."

      "Eating for two mother, it won't just be me starving, it'll be your grandchild." No more protests come from her as I throw my hair up into a ponytail and walk down the staircase to the dining hall.

       One of the house maids, Gertrude or Gertie for short, has already set out eggs, toast, bacon, and a bowl of fruit. "Thank you Gertie." I eat half the food before I realize I have nothing to drink, so I get up from the table and begin making my way to the kitchen.

       "What're you doing Lady Adelaide?" Gertie asks.

       "Just getting some apple juice." She shakes her head and escorts me back to my seat.

       "You slipped and fell yesterday, sit still and I'll get you that apple juice." She taps my head and walks back to the kitchen. Gertie's back in minutes with a big cup of apple juice and I smile at her.

       "Thank you." I take a big gulp of it and set it back on the table. After I finish my breakfast, I gather my dishes and make sure nobody's looking when I pick them up and walk back to the kitchen.

        "Lady Adelaide? How nice to see you again," the cook, Armand, says. I smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

       "Hey Armand, got anything stored away in your secret stash?"

       "You know I do." He walks over to a bag of grain in the corner and pulls out a small tin box. Inside it contains the best cookies this side of the Pacific Ocean. "I even have some chocolate ones saved for you."

        "You're the best." I check the clock on the wall and nearly choke on my bite of cookie. "Alright, I should get going before I have everyone searching the palace for me. Thanks again Armand."

        "See you at the wedding Lady Adelaide." I leave the kitchen, where Gertrude is waiting for me with a hand on her hip.

        "Have a cookie Gertie, they're the best." I hand it to her and breeze past, and up the stairs. When I enter my room, Penelope grabs my wrist and brings me to the bathroom, where she sits me in a chair.

       My mother hands me a book and I begin to read while they fidget with my hair and make-up, pausing every-so-often to close my eyes. When they're finished, I have two hours until the wedding and I still need to get in my dress and shoes.

      "Can I eat yet?" I ask.

      "Yes, what'd you want?" my mother asks.

      "A grilled cheese with tomato soup, oh and could you bring a jar of peanut butter and a spoon?" Mary nods and my mother walks down to go help her. I stare at myself in the mirror and look over my make-up.

       The glitter-gold eye shadow is done perfectly, along with the lipstick and eyeliner. Glancing over my nails, I smile and look at Penelope. "I think I'm gonna cry," I whisper.

       "Oh no dear, why?" She kneels in front of me and I fan my face with my hand.

     "You guys made me look really pretty, and I can't wait to marry your son, and have our baby. I'm just really happy. "

      "Honey, we didn't make you look pretty, you're beautiful on your own, and I can't wait to have a daughter and a grandbaby." This just makes me want to cry more and she helps fan my face.

       "I wanna talk to Caleb, will you help me to him. We can't see each other." She nods and we walk down the hall, her leading me. We stop and she knocks on the door before going in.

       "Okay Adelaide, his eyes are closed. I'm going to help you in." I feel her hand around my wrist and she places my hand on his. "Let me know when you're ready to leave, I'll be just outside the door."

       The door clicks closed and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I'm so nervous," I whisper to Caleb.

      "Me too. But I'm more excited than nervous." His hand leaves mine for a second then lands on my slightly protruding belly. "And I cannot express how overjoyed I am to have this baby with you."

       I place my hand on top of his and I lay my head on his chest. "You have no idea how happy I am either."

       "I can guess." We stand in silence for a minute before Penelope knocks on the door. "I guess that's your cue, I'll see you in two hours. I love you."

       "I love you too." A hand grabs mine and I'm lead out of his bedroom. I keep my eyes closed until we get back to my room, in fear of turning back and running to Caleb. I eat my food, which kills thirty minutes, and sit with Mary, Penelope, and my mother on my bed. 

      "We should probably get you into your dress," Mary says. I nod and we all slide off my bed. Mary pulls the dress out of it's bag and they help me into it. It takes me forever to get laced into it and even longer to get my shoes on because my feet are slightly swollen.

       When we have only thirty minutes until I'm due to be married, Mary, Penelope, and my mother all get into their dresses and put some finishing touches on their make-up. Knocking comes from the door and Mary answers it.

      "Lady Adelaide, Lady Marisa, Lady Mary, and Queen Penelope, we're here to escort you to the procession."

      "Did he say Lady Mary," Mary asks. I nod.

      "I had to return the favor of you helping these last seven months. I appreciate you greatly, and I love you like a sister." She gives me a hug and we loop arms. "Let's get going, I have a Prince to marry." 

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