Chapter Nine

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    Evangeline and Eric squirm as Mary pins items to their shirts. "Stop that mess children, you behave well. Yes ma'am's and no ma'am's. Got it?" They stop and nod at Mary. "Good, now, you'll stay with Adelaide today. You're to call her milady, miss, or Lady Adelaide. Nothing else. Don't speak unless spoken to, not even to asks a question."

     "Yes mama," they say.

     "Love you children, go with Adelaide. Be good."

     "Love you too mama." I lead them away, waving to Mary as we walk.

      "Don't worry, I'll take good care of them." She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. We continue on, me leading them out of the house maid's entrance. "You don't have to call me that, unless we're with your mother."

       Evangeline sticks close to my side, and I hold onto her hand. Eric strides in front a little, hands clasped behind his back, chin up. The sight makes me giggle, and I walk on. Caleb appears out of a room, and starts in my direction. When he looks up, he smiles at me.

        "Lady Adelaide, enjoy your trip?" I nod. Evangeline presses further into my side, if possible. "Who's this little lady?"

        "My sister Evangeline. I'm Eric, who are you?"

        "I'm Caleb. Why are youngens like you working?"

         "Cause our papa can't watch us no more, so Addie's watchin' us."


          "Lady Adelaide, I mean," his little cheeks turn pink, and his head drops a little.

          "Yes, we're just headed to my room. Will you be attending dinner tonight?"

           "Only if they'll join us." I look at Eric who looks ecstatic, then Evangeline. She has a terrified expression, so I get to my knees.

           "Don't worry Evangeline, we'll get you a pretty dress, and we'll have a good supper. If you want, we can eat in my room," I whisper to her. Her eyes light when I say good supper, and she nods.

         "Can we eat in your room, mama won't like us eatin' with all them fancy people."

         "Sure, we'll even have dessert." She smiles and I get back to my feet. "Maybe another night. We'll be eating in my room tonight."

          "Well, we'll miss you dearly. I'll tell them you're not feeling well. Good night Lady Adelaide."

          "Good night Sir Caleb." We continue on our way, making it all the way to my room. When they enter, Evangeline runs to the open door of my bathroom.

           "Oh, can I?" she begs. I give her a questioning look and she says, "A bath. Mama didn't ever let us stay in long enough. Please Addie?" The new nickname is pleasant, and the puppy dog eyes are hard to resist.

           "Sure, you can bathe by yourself right?" She nods. "Let me get it started. I'll call you in when it's done." Eric looks over the books on my desk, pulling one from the middle. "Can you read it?"

         "Papa taught us before he left, but I'm not that good at it."

         "I'll help when I'm done in here." Twisting knobs on the tub fixture, I finally get warm water to spurt out, and I pour some bubbles in. Once the tub is filled, I call Evangeline in and shut the door after exiting. "I'll be right back, don't leave the room."

        Opening the wardrobe doors, I grab a random night dress and robe before walking to the partition. Fully covered by the partition, I change into the night dress and slip on the robe. My dirty burlap pants and white shirt sit in a pile on the floor.

         "Alright Eric, read me the title of the book."

         "It says, Old World. What does that mean?"

          "It's a history book, from the old world, hence the title. Now, read me the first page, when you get to a word you can't read, let me know." He begins reading the page slowly. When he gets more comfortable reading it, he picks up his pace.

         A knock sounds at my door, but Eric keeps reading. Walking over, I open it, finding Penelope on the other side. She holds a tray, a house maid behind her carries the same thing. "I decided to eat with you, since you're the only company I enjoy. Besides my husband and son of course."

        Eric halts his reading at her voice, going stone still. I invite Penelope in and she smiles at Eric. "Who's this handsome young man?"

        "My nephew, his mother works here." She turns to me, and I feel my stomach twist.

         "Well, he's adorable. He's welcome in the palace whenever you see fit."


         "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine dear. Maybe he could eat dinner with us tomorrow."

         "That would be lovely, I don-" Evangeline's voice interrupts me.

         "Addie! I need help!"

          "My niece, they're twins." She smiles widely. "I'll be right back." I duck my head into the bathroom. "What's wrong honey?"

           "I can't reach my towel." I walk in, and place it closer to her. "Thank you." I walk back into my bedroom and see Penelope talking to Eric.

          "How would you feel about some proper clothes?" she asks.

          "Proper clothes? Are these not proper?" The queen laughs and shakes her head.

          "No dear, I mean night clothes, to sleep in."

          "I guess, but can I eat first?" She nods and sends the house maid to grab him and Evangeline some dinner. "Addie, where's mama?"

          "Probably helping with dinner honey, she'll be up in a little." Evangeline walks out of the bathroom, wrapped in one of my night robes, which drags on the floor behind her.

           She's looking down, so she doesn't see anyone in the room, when she says, "I feel like a princess!" She looks up at me, then sees the queen. Her little legs carry her to me, tripping slightly on the robe. "Who's that lady?" she whispers.

         "That's Queen Penelope. Don't worry, she's nice." Evangeline still hides behind my legs though, not wanting to be seen. "She's shy. I'm going to take her to get some clothes for her and Eric. Will you watch him?"

          "Yes of course, I'll see you when you get back dear." I tie the belt on the robe Evangeline wears, mine as well, and hold her hand. We walk down the hall, me trying to remember the path I took with Mary. I successfully find the room, and see the walls of night clothes.

           "We'll look for yours and Eric size, then you can pick whatever you want. Okay?" She nods and I take her to the sizing area.    

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