Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N- Sorry these updates always take so long, I space a lot and forget I'm writing it. Thank you for your patience, only a few chapters left before the ending.

     It had been months since Caleb was taken hostage and promptly returned to us, and I was now in my final trimester. I was put on bed rest as soon as I hit the seven month mark, due to my clumsiness. The extra added weight to my body shifted my center of gravity and it made it hard to move around. Mary wasn't doing any better and it looked as though her days were numbered. Her children only cried when they were around me or Caleb, and that wasn't very often.

     A knock sounds at my door and I shout a come in. One of my armed guards walked in briskly and grabbed my robe off the post of my bed. "What's going on?" I question.

     "The building is under attack and we must get all the royal family to a safe place." He helps me off the bed and I slide into my slippers, pulling my robe on as we go. 

     "Mary's children, where are they?"

     "Already in the hide-away with Mary. Your mother is being brought down as well."

     "Okay good. It's gonna take us a while to get there cause of my bel-" I stop short and bend over, clutching my stomach with one hand, and bracing myself against the wall with the other. "Not good," I say once it's over.

     "What isn't? What's wrong?"

     "Labor. If we pass any spare rooms on the way to the hide out, grab as many pillows and blankets as you can."

     "We don't have time."

     "We're gonna have to make time." We manage to make it down the hallway and come across my old room, which is empty of everything except the bedding. "Grab a couple towels too."

     "Yes you're majesty." Another one hits me and I take a deep breath, trying not to scream. The guard comes back out with his arms loaded down with everything he can carry. 

     "Give that to me, and you get a few more towels and the rest of the pillows." He passes it to me and runs back into the room. When he comes back, we speed walk, as fast as I can, to the hideout. He touches different panels on the wall and it opens up. 

     "What's all of this?" Penelope asks. I set it on a cot in the corner and hold up a finger, signaling for her to wait. I feel my face pinch up and I put both hands on the wall, bending slightly. "Oh no, not today."

     "Apparently so, the twins like danger," I joke. Caleb comes to my side and rubs my back in circles. "At least everyone is here."

     "Except for a doctor," My mom says. She dusts her dress off and strides to me. "But don't worry darling, we've got it all under control." As soon as she says this, a large boom reverberates through the hide out, shaking the walls. 

     "Guess they made it inside," I whisper. "Take me over to Mary?" Caleb nods and helps me over to my friend. "Hey there, how you feeling?"

     "Like I could crap rainbows and butterflies." This throws her into a coughing fit and I wince, Caleb helping me onto the cot beside hers. "You?"

     "The exact same actually." I chuckle and she smiles, her children sitting on either side of me. "And how are you two doing?"

     "Good. Evangeline is scared though."

     "Am not, you are." Mary shushes them and they fall silent, leaning into me. 

     "Those babies are gonna be beautiful, wish I was gonna be here to see 'em grow up."

     "Me too Mary." Gunshots can be heard threw the walls of the hide-away, and I put my arms around Evangeline and Evan. "All right, you two are gonna have to help me and your mom, because we're a little freaked out. Can you do that?"

     "Yes," they state in unison. I smile and look to Caleb, who is just staring at me. 

     "Okay, you're first mission is to see what Penelope is up to. And then my mother. See what you can do for them."

      "Ay, ay Captain," Evan says. They both hop off the cot and run to mine and Caleb's mothers. Just as Caleb sits on my right side, another contraction hits and I grab ahold of Caleb's hand, squeezing hard. 

       "Breathe baby, breathe." As soon as it's over, I take a breath and place my hand on my belly. "I'm gonna get you some pillows and a blanket okay." I nod and rub my belly. This was gonna be a long night.


  I grit my teeth and groan, attempting to be quiet. The gun fire has intesified and I didn't want to give away our position. "You can do it sweetheart, I believe in you," Penelope says from my side. I shake my head and relax, the contraction over.

     "It hurts. I can't do it anymore." Caleb brushes my sweat soaked hair away from my face. Evangeline gives him the ribbon out of her hair and He ties mine back. "I blame you for this," I whisper, turning to Caleb.

    "If that helps you through this. So be it. It's all my fault."

    "I didn't mean that baby, I'm sorry. I'm just in pain." He chuckles and lays his forehead on mine. Another painful contraction racks my body and I sit up, holding my large stomach. "They're so close together, am I ready to push yet?"

     "I don't know sweetie, let me check." My mom lifts the blanket and gasps. "On the next contraction Adelaide, I need you to push." I nod and take a deep breath.

     "You're never touching me again. Got that mister." Caleb nods and I feel the pain in my abdomen again. I grit my teeth and push with all I have. What feels like an eternity later, a soft cry fills the room and I look down. My mom places the baby on my chest and cuts the cord.

     "It's a girl," she says. I'm handed a blanket and I wrap her up, holding her close.

      "Hi, my beautiful chaos baby. You're okay. Mama and daddy are right here." I run my finger over her nose, and gasp. "I forgot I had another one in there." Penelope laughs and takes the baby.

     "Push darling," my mom says. I sit up again and squeeze Caleb's hand. I count this time, and I make it to 407 when I hear the next cry. "Another girl." She cuts the cord and hands her to me.

      "Hello my other chaos baby. It's nice to meet you, I'm your mama and this is your daddy." Penelope hands me the other baby and I hold them both, crying softly. "These are our daughters Caleb."

     "They look just like you," he says. "Which is a good thing, because I'm not the cutest." We all laugh and I kiss him. "What should we name them?"

     "Spero and Amare." I say.

     "Odd names, are you sure?"

     "It's hope and love in Latin. I'm absolutely positive."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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