Chapter Twenty-One

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    "I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow," I state looking in the mirror. Mary was doing some last minute sewing on my dress because my belly had grown a small amount since Caleb came back.

     I was four months along and beginning to show a little, but not enough for anybody to really notice. "I know, I'm so excited for you. Then we get to see the little one in 5 months." She brushes the skirt of my dress off and stands to her feet.

     "It looks so beautiful Mary. Thank you so much." I give her a hug and the door opens. Caleb walks in and I scream. "Cover your eyes!"

      His hands fly to his eyes and he stops in his tracks. "What? Why am I covering my eyes?"

       "Because it's bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding." Caleb laughs and I Mary helps me out of the dress and takes it behind the curtain. I pull on a robe and tie it off, "Alright, you can open your eyes now."

        His eyes pop open and he glances down at my belly, which slightly pokes out. I place my hand on my stomach and Caleb steps closer so we're toe-to-toe. "I cannot wait to marry you." With that he pulls my face to his and we kiss for a long moment.

       "I've never been this happy in my entire life." Mary clears her throat and stares at the ceiling. Caleb chuckles and my face flushes. He kisses me on the forehead and leaves the room so Mary can finish the alterations. "Sorry."


        I'm sitting in the tub enjoying the heat of the water when my bathroom door opens. Looking over, I see my mother enter with a small box in her hand. "Hi, what'd you have there?"

        "Something for tomorrow." She opens the box and inside is a locket. In the center of the locket sits a pale blue diamond, enclosed by silver details. "Something old and new, something borrowed and something blue. The diamond is new and blue, I had it placed on there a few weeks ago. The locket is old and now I'm giving this to you, something borrowed."

        Even though my arms are soaking wet, I reach out of the tub and give her a hug. "I love it, it's beautiful Mama." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "If you turn around I'll dry off and put a robe on."

       "No dear, you relax. I just wanted to give it to you to make sure you liked it. I'm gonna leave it here on the vanity."

      "Thank you Mama, I really do love it. I can't wait to wear it." She leaves the bathroom and I stay in the tub for a couple more minutes before stepping out. My foot slips on some of the water and I fall on my butt. I scream and roll over so my I'm not on my butt anymore.

       A guard comes running into the room and turns away. "I'm so sorry Lady Adelaide."

      "It's okay, just pass me that towel please." He keeps his back to me, but manages to pass me the towel anyway. "Okay, I'm covered." Now he turns around and helps me to my feet before getting me to my bed.

       "I'll be back, I'm just going to go get Prince Caleb."

       "No, that's okay. I ju-" but he's out the door before I can finish my sentence. Not even a minute later Caleb and the guard come running into the room, Caleb at my side in less than two seconds.

        He starts asking me questions, not giving me a chance to answer. "What happened?" "Did you fall on your stomach?" "Is the baby okay?" "Are you okay?" etc. I grab his face between my hands and make him look at me.

        "I'm fine, our baby is fine. I only slipped and fell on my butt. He only found me on my stomach because my butt hurt too bad to sit on."

        "I still want you to be checked on by the doctor." I roll my eyes and sigh, knowing I'm not getting out of this one. I stand to my feet, but Caleb pushes me back down. "No, I'll carry you down there. No walking."

        "Caleb," I let out a laugh and he looks at me sternly. "I didn't break my legs, I just hit my bottom. I'm capable of walking." He shakes his head and places one arm under my knees, the other around my upper back and lifts. 

        I flop dramatically, going limp in his arms, increasing the weight. "Adelaide Faith Nash, stop doing that." He sounds like my mother. "I'm gonna drop you and we'll really be in trouble." I straighten up and he takes me to the infirmary.

       After the doctor diagnoses me with a bruised tailbone, I'm sent back to bed where I am to move as little as possible. "I told you I was fine, and so is our baby." Caleb rolls his eyes and places me in bed.

      "Do you want anything dear?" I nod my head. "What can I get you?"

      "Evan and Evangeline, I haven't seen them in ages." He gives me a smile and goes to get them from their classes, which I'm sure they'll be glad to escape. Caleb returns with them and they crawl into the bed with me on either side of my body.

       "Better?" he asks.

      "Much." Caleb gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room.

      "Thank you for saving us," Evangeline says standing at my feet. "Mrs. Cott is so boring." She places the back of her wrist on her forehead before falling back on my bed. I laugh and Evan stands to his feet above her.

       "No, Evangeline!" He cries over-dramatically. "You must come back! We have dogs to feed and horses to ride." She pops up and smiles.

       "Did you say dogs?" I laugh harder and they bow while I clap my hands.  

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