Chapter Five

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I'm woken in the morning by Mary, she helps me get dressed, not bothering with the makeup so early in the morning. The dress I wear today is not as formal, and more form fitting. It stops at my knees, paired with teal shoes that lift me from the ground.

The dress itself has flowers of different colors on it, and I wear a silver necklace with a single heart attached to the chain. Mary shows me to the lady's room, and I meet with Queen Penelope. "Adelaide darling, how are you this morning?"

"I'm well your highness."

"None of that nonsense. It's just Penelope, now have a seat my dear." The familiar nickname stings and I give a weak smile. "Do you have a talent Adelaide?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Do you sing, or paint, maybe dance?"

"I sang with my father all the time, and my mother listens to me often. Why do you ask?"

"I play the piano, and I've needed someone to share my talent with. My husband doesn't have time to listen, and my son. He's tone deaf. Would you mind singing for me?"

"I'm not sure the notes on the piano, but I know the melody." I hum the soft tune until she gets it right on the piano, then begin to sing.

My song ends and the queen smiles. "You have a beautiful voice Adelaide, I can't wait to hear you sing it again."

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever there is a new queen coming to order, we have them go through a talent sequence to see which has a useful talent."

"Singing isn't useful," I say. "It's for entertainment. "

"How wrong you are sweet child. Music can be used to make people listen. You would captivate a crowd Adelaide."

I flush at her words and sit down. "Maybe I'll teach you to play the piano, and you can sing and play at the same time."

"I would love to learn." She smiles wide and places a hand on shoulder.

"Every morning, while the others are having their breakfast or free time, whichever suits you, we'll practice. Deal?" I nod. "Great, now scurry on, lessons start at ten darling."

"Lessons? What lessons?"

"Etiquette, dancing, and learning. Have a good day Adelaide. I'll see you here for breakfast tomorrow."

I quickly leave the room, Mary waiting for me just outside the door. "You have a beautiful voice Adelaide. The queen is right." My smile stretches from ear to ear. "Your first lesson is learning, if you pass the test, then you dont have to take lessons. Same with etiquette. Not for dance though, you have to take that class."

"I read a lot of books back in Grey. They had a small library, and my father took all the books he could get his hands, which was a lot, when it closed down. I know more than you think." At this, Mary smiles and opens the door to a big classroom.

"Good luck Lady Adelaide." I'm escorted into the room by a house maid, who I recognize as Grace. She pats my hand instead of saying hello, and points to a desk.

All the girls are hard at work taking their tests, and I get started. The answers are easy, and I don't have any trouble answering them. When I'm finished, I stand and hand the test to the teacher.

"Give up already Grey?"

I seath with anger, but keep my voice level and calm. "No, I'm finished. Are you going to score it?"

"No point in doing so, you probably got them all wrong Grey."

"My name is Adelaide, madame." She gives a sneer and sit s behind her desk to score the test. When she is finished, she hands me the paper. Awe stricken. "Surprised that a Grey can read?" This time its my turn to boast.

"You got two wrong, out of 100 questions. How can this be?"

"I didn't go to a fancy school, but I sure read a lot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I dont think I have to take learning lessons anymore." I gently take the paper from hands and walk out of the room, leaving whispers in my wake.

"Arent you supposed to be at learning lessons?" Mary asks when she sees me.

"No, I tested out." I show her the score and she smiles. "That blasted teacher kept calling me Grey, I wanted to punch her in her crooked nose."

"Yes, she is a mean isn't she." I nod in agreement and sit on the bed, taking Jerry out of his cage. Mary is busy cleaning something up when a knock sounds at my door. She begins walking to it, but I stop her and get up.

"I've got it." I place Jerry on my shoulder and walk to the door. Opening it I'm surprised by Caleb. "Hello Sir Caleb."

"Are you aware there is a mouse on your shoulder Lady Adelaide?" I nod. "Good. The queen has requested that you wear red for lunch today." I nod.

"Thank you Caleb. I'll make sure to do that." He smiles and leaves. "Mary, do you think we could find another red dress for today?"

"I'm sure we could, why?"

"The queen asked me to wear red to lunch." She nods.

"I'll go look for one, you sit and relax." I begin to protest but she interrupts me. "Hush, now go sit and read a book." Smiling at her, I take a seat on my bed, putting Jerry back in his cage.

I open the first book. Blue in color with the title, Fairytales, stamped across it. Opening to the first story, I read of a princess named Cinderella. The story is intriguing, and I read onto the next one.

I've read four stories by the time Mary gets back. She holds a da to red dress, the color of the queens drink yesterday, and lays it on the bed. "Perfect," is all she can muster.

"It is indeed Mary, and I have you to thank for that." I get out of my previous dress, and get into the new one. It's a form fitting dress, the falls just below my knees, two thick straps to hold it up. "It's simply beautiful Mary."

"Off to lunch with you. Be kind and quiet." I nod in understanding and begin to walk.

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