Chapter Six

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The dining hall is loud compared to yesterday. Girls chatting away, wearing the same color dresses again. Royal Blue. Except for two other people. The queen and the girl that screamed at the house maid yesterday.

"Adelaide, I thought you were never going to join us." Immediately all is silent and once again, I'm at the center of everyone's attention. "Have a seat darling," she say, patting the seat next to her.

I walk over and take a seat. You can hear someone mumble something under their breath, but I pay it no mind. The queen however, doesn't turn the other cheek. "Did you say something girl?"

Her question is directed to the other girl wearing red. "What is your name?"

"Elizabeth. And yes, I did." The queen gives her a look, silently telling her to continue. "How come she, a Grey, gets to sit by you?"

"Because Elizabeth, " she spits her name like poison, "I do not see her color, I see her heart. Which is not Grey and cold, like yours, but lively and red." The girl seems embarrassed, and right fully some. "And next time you take it upon yourself to talk about her like that, you might find yourself without a tongue."

Elizabeth nods, almost saying something, but thinks better of it. "And red does not suit you, don't wear it again," the queen adds as an after thought. She quickly takes a bite of the fruit on her plate, and the talking resumes.

"Queen Penelope, if you don't mind my asking, where is the prince and the king?" The question comes from close by, and the queen answers.

"Attending to business, they will eat with us tonight." We continue on with our lunch, and eat quietly. "Now, everyone is allowed free time. We have many things to do here, but be back in the lessons hall at three. Have a good day, peace be with you."

We exit the dining hall and each make our way to our rooms, ready to dress for whatever we might do. Mary has laid out clothes for me, a pair of riding pants and cotton shirt.

Pulling on the clothes, I find it all form fitting. It looks nice on me, so I braid my hair in a side plait and pull the brown riding boots on. I feel different in these clothes, like they'll make me a person I regret becoming.

Dismissing the thought with a slight shake of my head, I make my way to the staircase. Somehow I manage to find the stables, and am met with the sight of Caleb.

"Lady Adelaide? What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd try to ride a horse. What are you doing here Sir Caleb?"

"I was about to go for a ride, would you like to accompany me?" I nod and he saddles up a horse for me. "She's a nervous nelly, we call her Bean. Just be gentle and kind, not too quick with your movements."

"I will be. Now, how do you get on?" He directs me and I swing one leg up and over. "That was easy. Don't tell me, I want to try to get her moving." Making a soft clicking noise, I lightly tap her sides and she begins walking. "I did it!"

"That you did. Here's a helmet, wait here." Caleb quickly mounts the horse and places a helmet on his head.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask as we begin moving.


"I won't tell if you don't. "

"Keeping secrets for the servant boy, that's a new one."

"I keep so many secrets it's hard to count. I didn't have any friends to tell them to." Caleb's sad glance lands on me and I wave it off. "It's better not to have friends. No way to get hurt when something happens."

"We're friends. Aren't we?"

"I suppose we are. I'm also friends with Mary." He smiles and we take a right into the Forrest. "Two friends in one day, it's a new record."

"My m- I mean queen Penelope, has a new companion in one of the girls here. Do you know which one?"

"I suppose that would be me too."

"So you were with her in the lady's room today?" I nod. "You'll have to sing for me one time." Shaking my head, I speed up a bit, petting Bean's neck.

"What about you Sir Caleb? Do you have any talents?"

"Only patience. And good looks." I laugh and turn my head to him.

"Confident are we?" He nods and speeds his horse up to me. "What sector do you come from?"

"For me to know, and you to find out." We're silent for a while, enjoying the natural sounds of the world.

"We should get back, I have lessons," I say, interrupting the silence. We turn around and make our way back quickly. "It was nice seeing you Sir Caleb, I hope to see you at dinner."

"You will Lady Adelaide."

"Just Adelaide."

"I'll call you Adelaide when you call me Caleb."

"Then you shall never call me Adelaide." I give him a warm smile, and leaves the stables. Changing back into the floral dress I wore this morning, I walk to the lessons hall.

"Nice of you to join us Lady Adelaide, now we can begin." I sit in the seat next to Greta, and the teacher continues. "We'll be having the etiquette testing, if you pass, you're not required to take this lesson."

We begin the testing, and are finished quickly. "Twenty-seven of you passed, the others did not. If I call your name, you may leave."

She picks up the list with names, and reads the first one, surprising myself and everyone. "Adelaide Nash, you are excused, peace be with you."

I leave the lessons hall, taking a short break in my room before dinner. "Another red dress?" I ask when I see it on my bed.

"Yes, that is your color now," Mary says. It's a wrap around dress, this one stopping at my knees. Paired with black shoes, flat this time thank goodness. "Hurry, you'll be late." We rush down the stairs, me pulling my hair into a loose bun on my head.

"Do I look okay?" She nods and pushes me into the dining hall.

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