Chapter Four

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     I'm ushered to the only empty seat left by a house maid. I sit down and she places a napkin over my lap. Everyone eventually starts talking, their voices echoing out over their place settings. "So, young lady, what is your name?" I turn and see the king. The table is immediately silenced once again, and every eye turned.

      I do not stumble over my words as I say, "Adelaide Nash."

      "A beautiful name it is, did your mother or father name you?" the queen pipes in.

      "My father." She smiles and I return it.

      "That was quite an entrance you made Lady Adelaide," the queens says. "You were the only one to wear a different color." Everyone sucks in a silent breath before she speaks again. "I like it on you."

       "Thank you Madame. I very much like your dress as well." It's not a lie, it's royal blue, the same as everyone else's, but there's yellow patterns on it.

       "Well, I appreciate the compliment very much." She raises her glass, "to each lady here tonight." Everyone echoes her toast and she says, "shall we eat?"

       The house maids begin to carry out plates of food, removing the silver covers adorning them. One girl shrieks, and we all look toward her. "Are you trying to kill me you fool! I'm allergic to nuts, take this back." The poor house maid at the end of her shriek fest cowers.

        One of the house maids by me jumps so much, that a drop of water gets on my back surprising me. I let out a yelp, and every eye is on me. "I'm so sorry milady. I didn't do it on purpose."

        I turn to her. "I know, just scared me is all. No need to apologize, will you pass me a napkin please?" She does, and I wipe the water off my back.

        "I'm so sorry again Lady Adelaide, please forgive me."

        "I told you, it's fine. I'm not made of sugar, I won't melt." I give a kind smile of reassurance and she leaves the room. I turn to the dinner in front of me and pick up my fork. With the dining hall still silent I look up. Everyone quickly averts their gaze and begins to eat.

       A servant man, walks over, holding a bottle of bubbling liquid. "Would you like some?" he asks.

       "What is it?"

       "Champagne, it contains alcohol."

       "No thank you." He moves from me, and goes around the entire table. I am the only one who doesn't take any, aside from the queen. When dinner ends, and everyone has finished, we file out of the dining hall. The queen stops me at the door.

        "Will you meet me in the lady's room tomorrow for breakfast?"

        "Yes, I don't know where it is though."

        "Your house maid will show you. Enjoy tonight Adelaide, tomorrow, we begin." Not knowing what she means, I nod and walk away from her. I close my eyes and remember the way to my room. My feet hurt, so I slip off the high shoes, and instantly shrink four inches.

        "You're not as tall as I thought you would be," I hear from behind me. Turning around, I see the servant man smiling.

       "What can I say, I'm short. And these shoes hurt." I wiggle my toes, lifting the dress where it hangs to the ground.

       "Have a good night Lady Adelaide."

       "You too..." I wait for his name.   


       "You too, Sir Caleb." He smiles.

       "I'm not a sir, just Caleb. I don't have a title."

       "You can be a sir and not have a title. Sir is determined by manner, not name. Sleep well Sir Caleb." I walk away on silent feet, light and airy, like a dancer. I find my room with ease, and see Mary sitting on the bed feeding Jerry through his cage. "You're going to fatten up my mouse before we leave you know."

       She jumps from the bed and stands tall. I wave her actions away. "Sorry, you scared me."

       "Why does everybody keep saying sorry. A couple of hours ago, I was a Grey, and nobody apologized." She smiles and almost says she's sorry, but catches herself. "Could you show me to the lady's room in the morning?"

        "I can, do you wish to do some exploring tonight?"

        "Are we allowed?"

        "Of course, we have no curfew. We just have to be quiet." We make our ways through the halls. Mary's steps echo a little, while mine are silent from years of practice. The cold marble flooring feels good under my aching feet, making me smile.

        The halls are decorated with banners of royal blue and golden suns. "Is there a library?"

        "There is, do you wish to see it?" I nod and we make our way there. Mary opens the door, and we enter. Rows upon rows of books sit inside the room, brandishing different colors and titles. I gasp in amazement and begin walking through the rows and shelves. "Pick a couple and bring them to your room."

        "Really?" She nods and helps me carry a couple. Books of history and English, all of which I intend to read. The books are heavy, but we get them to my room and set them down.

        "We should get the make up off of you, then get you ready for bed."

        "I'm not a child, just show me where it all is, and you're free to go." She grabs a container from a drawer and hands it to me, then she hands me a soft silk night dress that ends at the knees.

       "Goodnight Mary."

       "Goodnight Adelaide." She leaves and I pull a wet piece of paper from the container, wiping it across my eye. The makeup removes in one swipe, and I do the other eye. The dress is easy to get out of, so I slip out of it, and pull on the night dress.

       "Goodnight Jerry." I pause, looking out my window at the moon in the sky. "Goodnight mother." I hum my father's tune as I turn out the lights and climb into the soft bed, quickly falling asleep.

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