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What would happen if I died.
Honestly, this dude who was obviously depressed, posted shit on Facebook and everything and no one noticed, and from what it seems these other kids are trying to scam others behind his name.

He killed himself.

On Friday.

And people are using him to gain funds for them selves.

I'm sickened.

I'm tired.

When will victims be treated like humans.

Not just some forgotten case of the blues.

He killed himself because he couldn't handle it anymore.

I'm heartbroken.

And I don't even know him.

But I wish I did.

Because I would have tried.

Tried to make this guy feel better.

Because i know if I was going through that, all I would need is someone anyone yo message me and say "are you okay".

Because that's all we need, someone to see the pain behind the wall of smiles.

Someone to here us cry at night.

Someone who cares about us when no one else did.

Im So tired honestly, tired of trying anymore, but I don't want to die, I know that.

But I feel like I want to.

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