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I have an identity.

I can say that proudly.

I know I don't seem confident.

But trust me when I say.

I have an identity.

I love the colour blue, I paint over my clothes And I can't tell the difference between love and whats not.

That's an identity, right?

Things about myself everyone knows, right?

Oh...  Its not...

Okay let me Google the definition,Okay got it.

"the condition of being oneself or itself,and not another"


So being who I really am.
That's no hidden walls.
No hiding behind my own face.

Just me.

Raw and the beaut -

The gorgeu -

The amaz -

The me.

No adjectives to make it seem more then what it is.

the condition of being oneself or itself,and not another.

the condition of being oneself or itself,and not another

the condition of being oneself or itself,and not another

Repeat and you'll learn.

Repeat and you'll learn.

Repeat and you'll learn.

Repeat and you'll learn.

the condition.

of being oneself or itself.

and not another.

That's hard to grasp.

That means my identity is what I see in the mirror.

No story to make it cool.

No things that I think will make me cool.

Its not the fact that I do great at school even through I hate my own face and body.

Its not the fact that even though my friends tell me they are there for me I know they aren't.

Its not the fact that I know that my life sucks and I was dealt a bad card.

Its not the reality that I will never be what people think of me.

My identity is the truth.

The raw.
The realistic.
The life I've build even through I'm young.

My identity is the fact that I've been dealt a bad card but that.

That bad card can not and will not define what my identity is...

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