drifting dreams.

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The sounds echo as if the world doesn't hear the cries of sorrow.
The sorrows flows throughout the trees and water and land and it follows the weak.
The weak sing the song that saves the trouble of having to bear the burden.
The burden.
That's where the story ends, right?
When things happen a burden is felt.
Its there but you refuse to see it.
You refuse to recognise that its there.
I am there.
I am here.
But you just ignore me.
To save yourselves the pain?
To stop the suffering.
But I have suffered too.
I have felt the pain that you chose to ignore.
I feel as if I am a drifting dream.
Slowly fading from the face of earth.
And while I drift you still don't see that the burden of what you've done hasn't only left a mark on me.
But to you the one who stood by the tree as the echo's of the sounds flowed throughout.

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