used to be

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We were so close.
We talked everyday but now we hardly even talk.
I've still always been here.
when you need me. I'm here.
When i need you, you're not.
You've put my mental health second to something else but I was still there for you!
I am still here for you! because I cared so fucking much.
Because I care so fucking much...
But If you want to ignore me, fine, go ahead.
ignore me.
Pretend I'm not here.
Act like I don't exist.
Because I'll be here for you, or maybe I won't.
Because I'm done.
I'm over trying to keep this friendship going.
you've moved on and you don't try anymore.
I'm over this game or cat and mouse.
But then again I'm not.
It just hurts to know that you stopped trying first.

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