"write the saddest love story you can"

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He was the boy, no one saw.
She was the girl, no one heard.
They passed each other everyday with out a single word. Not even a peek.
They knew each others names, but not the each others faces.
They knew each others stories, but not each others lives.
They were in love, but they didn't even know it.
Each horrible day after school he would come home jump online and greeted with her messages.
Each silent day after school she would come home and be greeted by his words.
It was a bittersweet poem of love and loss.
She didn't even know the cost.
The cost of the pain she gave him each time she'd cry.
He didn't know the love.
The love of her he gave her each time she said she wanted to die.
He fought his own battles daily the same way she fought hers.
But to him, hers were worse.
The endless circle they went in. Until one day.
One single day.
They looked up at each other running away from the others.
The others who judge them.
The others who don't care.
They looked up at each other as they collided with each other.
Fear set in their eyes, the pain hidden on the inside.
They got back up and kept running.
They got back up and kept walking.
Forgetting each others eyes.
For the hundredth millionth time.

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