Grave Vandalising

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  The trip to Oregon was longer than he remembered as a child, but he dismissed it as him dreading his summer experience as a kid and the fact that Mabel had only brought her Several Times CD and insisted on playing all the way here for nostalgic reasons. He rubbed his temples as he lay on the bare mattress up in the attic. The unpacking could wait, he needed to rest a pop boy induced headache away.
  He was ripped mercifully away from his nap by Mabel screaming downstairs. While he was about to run down there and stop what could be a number of bad things, Stan's bold laugh settled his nerves. The Stans had just got here.
  He followed the noise to the gift shop to see that he was late to some sort of reunion. Soos was showing off the horrifying 'founder' statue to the Stans. Wendy and Pacifica had become good friends over the break, or more like Wendy showing Pacifica how to keep her head without her unimaginable wealth. Melody guided customers to the tour line. Robby and Gideon mumbled about lost loves in the corner. Mcgucket greeted Dipper, but regarded Ford quietly and Mabel and her friends were a screaming mess.
  "Dude, it's been so long. We're definitely going to have to have another movie Friday this week!" Wendy seemed excited to see him again. He tried not to blush at that. He managed to snub this crush, he didn't want to get wrapped up again.
  "Yeah! Absolutely! Your place?"
   She nodded in confirmation and looked up to Ford who was walking Dips way.
   "Already time for the first lesson?"
  "Not even close." Ford laughed. "What's the rush? I was thinking about having a little hiking trip." Ford shot a smile at Robbie and he nodded in return, proving that the can of spray paint Ford presented came from him.
  "What are you implying?"
  "I say we go give Bill a makeover!" Ford gave the spray can a justifiable shake.
  "I say that sounds like a perfect idea." Dipper grinned.
   Later that evening he and Ford left to do just that and after an hour trek in the woods that came close to the statue. Dipper came to realize that he was nowhere as used to walking in the woods as he was used too and bitterly accepted that his Great Uncle was in better shape than he was.
  "I don't understand." Ford stopped in a shaded clearing.
  "What?" Dipper finally caught up.
  "The statue. It's gone."

Sooooo, this is only what's covered by in the summary. We learned nothing! To make sure I'm not stepping on the toes of any of your guy's notps, this will be a billdip story. So don't get don't get all invested if it's not really your cup of tea. Or do. I don't really call the shots here. Have fun with my eradic updating skills.

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