Don't Tickle The Demon

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Bill left the room soon after and left the three to eat the cold deserts. A small servant whispered something into McGuckets ear, but loud enough that Dipper could still hear in the seat over. She was just advising him to but aloe on his red skin after the desert. He didn't understand why the servers always kept their voice down, but he pretended that he didn't hear her nonetheless.
Mabel, the quick eater as always, excused herself from the table, and left to probably go play with the child. Dipper tried to pick up his pace in eating as well.
"Dipper?" Fiddleford spoke up.
"Yes, sir?" Dipper turned his attention to the elder.
"Ah, don't call me that, now. Just McGucket or Fidds will do." He chuckled softly and his age could be heard. "Any who, I wanted to thank ya."
"Anytime, the garden work was kinda fun."
"No, well, thank you for your help, but I was more talking about being there for the kiddo, and I don't know if you really care, but thank you for being reasonable with Bill."
"O-oh I..."
"However, I mean this as respectfully as possible; If you're here for whatever Ford is planning, looking to find a weakness. Please leave." His voice died off at the end. There was no threat, just a simple request.
Dipper shook his head no. "I should inform you that Ford is planning something. I..." He paused, trying to ignore the guilt of watching Fiddlefords face turn sour. He was far to old for all of Fords antics. "I will keep an eye on it, and keep you updated."
Fiddleford gave a weary nod. He was tired of this, it was obvious. He had only wanted for Bill and Alex to be happy, and Dipper wished the same even if it was only to calm the old man's nerves.
A loud bout of laughter followed by several pleas sounded from down the hall. It was easily identified as Bill.
"I guess he's still ticklish." Dipper joked, happy to see the other lighten up a little.
"I haven't seen either one of them this energetic since they got here. Even after what happened with Timothy, you're really lifting their spirits." Fiddleford nodded along as Bills hysterical screaming grew louder.
"I wouldn't say it was all my fault."
"Take credit were it's due, fella."
Almost instantly Bills screaming stopped as if cut off by something. Dipper would have assumed that he had fainted and Mabel and Alex's screams following seemed to prove it.
They both darted from the dinning table, but Dipper didn't slow down to allow Fiddleford to catch up. He was quick and stove just as the scene was ending.
Bill hadn't fainted, but it was clear he wished he had. He looked petrified and he didn't dare take a step towards Mabel or Alex. Alex was in tears, holding a chared hand and Mabel was trying to prevent any further water damage on the paper child. The room smelled of burnt paper.
"I-i... I didn't mean to..." Bill tried, he voice was strained. He tried a step towards the two and Alex visibly flinched. Bills face was heart wrenching.
He had to separate them now.
"Can you take him to the garden? I'll talk to Bill." He whispered to Mabel, urging her into action.
"It was an accident, we were tickling him and he reacted. He didn't mean to-"
"I know, I know." He rushed, trying to not react to the red burn deepening on his sisters arm. He swallowed his sense of protectiveness. Bill didn't mean it ,and by God they can't let this slip up ruin Bills progress.
Mabel lead the sniffling child out of the room, and Fiddleford followed them out with a quiet "I'll be out here if y'all need me."
He turned to Bill. He looked hollow; he didn't know what to do. "Hey... " Dipper approached the other, but Bill didn't seem to notice him.
Dipper wasn't sure how to go about this. He had to reiterate the idea that he wasn't afraid of him. He took another step forward and placed a hand on his forearm. He could feel Bill shaking. "Bi-"
"He's scared of me." He whispered so quietly Dipper almost missed it.
"It was an accident; he knows that."
"He knows I can hurt him even on accident!"
"Look! Parents accidentaly hurt their kids all the time!" He yanked up his sleeve to prove his point. "You see that scare right there?"
Bill only nodded.
"My mom did that. I was walking around her when she was cooking and she dropped her spatula and it hit me on he arm. I was around Alexanders age; he might even have the scar as well. Yeah, sure I was upset by her and tried not to talk to her for maybe three hours, before I forgot the whole thing." He paused, debating on whether or not to stop talking. Bill looked like he was about to cry. "Kids don't hold grudges. He'll be pouty for maybe a few hours and then it will be like it never happened."
"But Timothy. He was burned, a-and what if he thought that-"
"Okay, no. None of that. If he is anything like me at that age; which is inable to see a flaw in anyone that I look up too, he'll probably ask you to fire tricks."
Bill didn't seem to have a counter to that so he just nodded and tried to hold back tears. Dipper placed his free hand on Bills other arm. "I suggest in about an hour you go apologize, but you can't be in tears. It will only work him up."
Bill nodded again, and tried to wipe his face, but Dipper stopped him short. "No, get it now, man, or you'll water up talking to him later."
Bill forced a laugh, but the first tear fell from his cheek. "So much for being the big dream demon to you."
Dipper laughed lightly, pulling Bill to him and surprising accepted the hug with no resistance. "I think I like this better. You're easier to talk to and less intimidating."
Bill returned the hug, his hands were firmly pressed against his shoulder blades and his face was tucked on his shoulder. He could feel the wet on his shoulder and Bill shaking. "Don't get all sentimental on me now, kid."
"That's what us fleshbags do best." Bill laughed at the use of his own word. "I'd say youre getting the hang of it too."
"It's awful."
Dipper laughed. "Yeah, I know."
Hey! I'm not dead! (I know it's surprising) I have super bad news. Pretty soon I'm gonna start work so (please forgive me) my uploading schedule will be a nightmare again (but I will try to at the very least post once a week)

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