Car Fires

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"What the hell Ford!" Dipper screamed as he pushed to wriggling bag into the back of his car. He believed he grabbed clone three, but they hadn't been wearing their hats.
"Dipper, I understand you're uncomfortable." His tone was way to calm for someone who just kidnapped a child from a demon. "but it's not a real person. Think of all the people we could save if we were able to warn them of Cipher before he does anything."
"How do you know he's going to do anything!" Dipper tried to counter. "He seemed perfectly happy over there. All we're doing is disturbing that!" Dipper couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling of the chaos that would come about if they were to disrupt Ciphers new way of life.
Cipher didn't really have a reason to go after them during Weirdmegeddon, but if an apocalypse like that were to come around, he didn't want to imagine if Bill actually did have a bone to pick with him.
"We'll kill it quickly. It won't feel a thing." Ford tried to offer. Dipper couldn't believe he was having this conversation. He needed to put an end to it.
"I'm telling Grunkle Stan." Dipper pulled out his cell in warning.
"What!?" Ford turned quickly, reaching desperately for the device. "Kid, this is for the greater good!"
And all at once Ford was pulled away from him, blue fire blinded his senses. All he could hear was his Grunkle screaming.
Dipper charged through the flames; ramming himself into the tall for that stood above Ford. But Ford wasn't there to help him pin down Bill. He looked up to see Ford running for the bag, pulling a flask from his jacket pocket.
Oh you've got to be kidding.
Bill pushed Dipper up roughly, but didn't give him any mind as he bolted Ford's way, his hair tinged the color red.
Ford got to the clone first, dumping the contents of the flask over the burlap and soaking it through. Bill had no hesitation pushing him aside, but the red color was replaced by a deep purple, and he payed no attention to Ford after he was away from the bag.
Soggy arms pulled themselves out of a bag. The clone was shaking, clearly scared. The slow-motion of the others skin reminded Dipper of Tyrone. At least Tyrone didn't seem scared of death. This clone, however, clutched melting hands onto Bills jacket.
Bill muttered a shaky "You'll be okay." but no one there believed him. The purple of Bills fear flashed a blue color. He knew he couldn't save him.
It didn't stop him from trying. His hands glowed a faint orange and the melting skin seemed to hold it's form a few moments longer before sagging to the ground again. Bill tried again and again, but in the end, the clone still ended up a puddle in front of Bill.
The blue never faded from Bill's hair as he turned to Ford.
It was the quietest Dipper had ever heard Bill's voice in. It was waverering, unsure. Ford was defensive.
"Why?! You want to know why? How does it feel to watch the innocent die?!" Ford snapped. Dipper felt sick. Ford knew what he did was fucked up. He knew that clone wasn't just a thoughtless copy.
"What?" Bill seemed taken back. "You cant be serious! Who have I killed?"
"You nearly killed the entire town five years ago!"
"No one died! I get it. You don't have the same taste of parties that I do, and I don't plan on having another. But I never killed anyone!That wasn't my goal!"
Bill was right. The apocalypse had been nothing but deadly, but when it was over, everyone found their loved ones and continued on with their lives. Something like that was impossible to not do on purpose.
Ford opened his mouth only to shut it again. He knew Bill was right too.
Bill acted as if he wanted to lash out, but instead turned his attention back to the puddle. With a blue light, pulled up the liquid into a puddle.
"Leave. If I see your face again, you'll end up like your car." Bill began walking off in the direction of the mansion.
"My car?" Ford questioned, but then quickly became aware of the flames engulfing the vehicle.

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