Sleep Deprivation Typically has Bad Judgement

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Despite the situation Dipper found himself in; AKA the ex demon and child replica of himself sleeping in the same room, he found himself oddly secure. He blamed it on the ridiculous amount of blankets that was set on the couch. He couldn't complain much because it was far more comfortable than his own bed.
Then why was he still awake? Probably nerves. They were so welcoming to him after what had happened, even Bill was more distant rather than hostile. They were upset, but not at him. They acted as if he were more on there side and a part of their mourning and that made him feel extremely guilty.
The sound of bare feet padding in the loft suggested that Bill was now awake and coming down. Dipper closed his eyes, before realizing he was trying to trick a dream demon into thinking he was asleep. He cleared his thoughts, forgetting the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. All he could hear was the soft footsteps passing the couch and toward the child's bed behind him. As if Bill read his thoughts, the footsteps got quieter.
Then they left all together. Against his better judgement, Dipper followed the sound out.
He could see Bill enter a door down the hall, and was grateful to see it left open. Cautiously he crept up to the room. He could hear two voices murmuring to one another.
"I'm not angry with you. You know that." It was Fiddleford. His voice suggested he had just woken up, probably by Bill. "...Bill? "
"I-I know. It's just that- I was stupid." He sounded near tears and was strange hearing it in Bills voice. Despite seeing Bill walk in, he would be less surprised if it was just a servant that ironically sounded like Bill.
"That was years ago. We've moved on. We love you now. That's what matters." The was a chuckle that sounded a lot like a parent correcting a foolish child. Dipper dared to look into the door way to see Bill crouched at the edge of the bed cloaked in blankets from his own bed. Fiddleford was still bundled in bed, but his hand was outreached to rest on Bills tear stained cheek. The scene was incredibly intimate and reminded dipper of, well it reminded him as a parent and a child. "We are stronger than you think we are. We'll get through this."
"Then when will these night terrors stop?" Bill tears had returned. "Even little Alexander... He's scared of me when he wakes up from them, and I can only take credit for doing that to him...t-to you."
Fiddleford chuckled again, tucking a puff of blonde behind Bills ear. "You didn't sleep near enough today did you?"
Bill stood. "Would you like to see your wife?" His hand hovered over Fiddleford, as if awaiting command.
Fiddleford shook his head. "No, not tonight. I want to see Timothy."
Bill nodded in understanding and maybe a little more mutual feeling. Dipper ignored the flare of guilt at the mention of the deceased clone.
"And Bill?"
"It'll be okay. If love is anything, it's blind. And I would forgive you a thousand times over." He said with a yawn, before failing under Bills magic.
"That scares me more than anything." Bill murmured to no one in particular.
Dipper took this opportunity to wall past the door, and down the hall to avoid being spotted by Bill. At then end of said hallway was French doors to a balcony and Dipper invited himself out.
He took a deep breath in and tried to disconnect himself from the household behind him. He felt as if he were interrupting their togetherness. He had beloved that Bill staying here was just a convenient set up and at the very least, a small friendship not this.
And what made him feel worse was that Bill regretted his actions. He realized past the fact that he hadn't killed anyone, he had still seriously traumatized people. And he understood that it wasn't just a 'haha, human weakness'. Ford probably didn't regret killing the clone and he had killed someone.
The door opened behind him.
"Couldn't sleep?" It was Bill, but he voice was steady and secure. There was an edge to it as if Bill was rationalizing the reason he couldn't sleep. Dipper found it was a bad idea to outright tell Bill it wasn't because he caused the apocalypse.
"No. It's just... I don't know." Dipper decided against staying quiet. "You guys are so kind, even after what happened. You guys just welcomed me in... " and I feel like the bad guy when you're supposed to be. "I know I can't say that I'm happy for you, given our past, but I sure as hell am happy for Fiddleford and the kid." He dared to look over to Bill. His expression was unreadable. "Thank you."
Bill scoffed. "I ain't doing you no favors, kid. Why do you humans always make it about yourselves?" Bill took a step back towards the door. "I would try to get some shut eye soon. Alex likes to wake up first thing in the morning and I doubt you'll be spared of his plans." And with that he turned and left, dragging his blanket behind him.
He looked back to the horizon once more, picking out places he knew from the edge of the balcony before heeding Bills warning.
The clock in the bedroom suggested he had only been gone for two hours. The lack of a lump in the bed in the loft suggested that Bill hadn't gone to bed either.
Dipper briefly reconsidered actually going to sleep if Bill was still running around. His brain helpfully reminded that Fiddleford and Alex readily trusted him, and that it was Dipper himself that should not be trusted.
He felt guilty for thinking that way.
Great. Now the guilt was going to keep him up.
Heya! Sorry for the slow updates. (I really hope that this long chapter makes up for it) I'm sorta graduating and moving at the same time so I've been really distracted. Hopefully this summer you'll see more of me.

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