Sweet Tooth

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They all slept in the sheet tent that night; with Alexander curled against Mabel and Bill slept against Dippers arm. Dipper was happy to see that Bill hadn't gotten up throughout the night, but Bill was still sound asleep when the began to wake.
"Does he always sleep with his eyes open?" Mabel whispered.
Alexander shrugged. "Sometimes. Those are the days he sleeps in."
Dipper looked over and waved a hand in front of Bills face. He nearly jumped when the pupils followed his movements.
"I don't think he's completely asleep." Dipper whispered back. "Does McGucket know he does this?" He asked Alex. He shot Mabel a wary look. She looked up the symptoms on her phone.
"No. Why would he?"
Dipper shut Bill's eyes for the time being.
"It's a hit." Mabel answered Dippers unspoken question.
"That's why he has such a hard time staying awake." Dipper spoke to himself.
"What? Why?" Alexander asked.
"I'll go talk to McGucket. You two keep an eye on him." Dipper stood, heading out of the room.

McGucket didn't seem surprised Bill had sleep paralysis.
"Me and Alexander will stop by the pharmacy on our way out." He had said. When Dipper asked if he could get medicine for it over the counter, the man just smiled and twirled a gold ring around his finger.
Dipper didn't ask anything further. Bill walked in and disrupted the tense atmosphere.
"Hey boyo." McGucket greeted. Bill glanced between Dipper and Fiddleford.
"What's going on?" Bill asked.

Bill was surprised he had sleep paralysis. After the initial denial that it was even possible and that he was a being of pure energy; he doesn't even need to sleep, this is bullshit. It was a battle to get him to agree to at least try the medication.

The ride to Greasys Diner was quiet. Mabel gave Bill an apologetic look and he rolled his eyes.
"Hey kids!.. And?" Lazy Susan greeted, pausing over their new companion.
"Bill." He smiled.
"Alright, Bill. You new to town? I haven't seen you around."
"Yes ma'am. I got here about a week ago." He lied through his teeth.
"What brings you to little old Gravity Falls?" She led then all to a booth.
"Came to take in the view." He gave her a smile and Lazy Susan chuckled down a blush.
"Such a charmer. What'll it be? " She asked once they sat down.
"Mmm." Bill propped his chin on the table, the look he gave her made even Mabel turn red. "Something sweet."
"Aa-h well. How about the chocolate chip pancakes." She cleared her throat and Bill sat up as if nothing had happened at all.
"Sounds wonderful." He answered.
"Same for me!" Mabel called after.
"Blueberry for me." Dipper said and then she left the table.
"I didn't know you were such a flirt! You have to teach me your ways." Mabel grinned at the demon. Bill only blinked as if he didn't even know what she was talking about.
"I thought I was being charismatic."
Mabel laughed. "She totally wants some."
"Some? Some of what?"
Dipper leaned over to Bill, nonchalantly bumping their shoulders and whispered "She wants to mate with you."
"O-oh no. None of that."
Dipper didn't admit the way Bill blushed about that was both adorable and instilled a little bit of jealousy in him.
"Back already." Lazy Susan called, loading the table with pancakes. Bill stayed quiet other than a small "thank you.". Dipper squeezed his hand under the table.
Dippers and Mabel's dished sported the same generous amount of whip cream, syrup, and toppings as usual. Bills however, had whip cream and chocolate chips pilled on top of it. All Mabel could do was howl with laughter.
"Women scare me." Bill mumbled to Dipper. Dipper nodded in agreement.
Despite the difficulty, neither one let go of the others hand under the table. Bill wolfed down almost all of his plate before stopping abruptly with a groan.
"Stomach ache?" Mabel asked with a knowing grin.
"But it's so good. How could it harm me?" Bill tried to ask. Dipper only laughed.
"You need to eat slowly." He said.

Dipper hesitantly let go of Bills hand when the stood to leave and Bill beat the twins to the register.
"Leave the tip." Dipper nodded to Mabel. They both watched as Bill paid with a hundred dollar bill.
Right. He kept forgetting Fiddleford was a millionaire.

"So, how did you like it?" Mabel asked over the seat with a big grin.
"Fiddleford said chocolate couldn't be a meal." Bill replied with a michevious grin.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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