Family Friend Day Out

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Dipper hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until Alexander was shaking him awake.
"Come on! There's only an hour before breakfast and the fort fell down!"
Dipper really wished he could just melt back into the cushions.
"Dippeeeeeuuuuuurrrrrr." He pulled on his leg and Dipper willed his eyes to stay close.
"Alexander David Cipher, it is 5 in the morning." He heard Bill chastise from his loft.
"But... I didn't mean to wake you up!" Alex tried to explain.
"It's the same rules, Alexander. If they aren't awake, they don't want to play."
"Why don't you go play in the garden? I'll join you in an hour." With that, Dipper listened to the kid run off.
Bill climbed down from his loft and Dipper tried his best to pretend to be asleep, but his foot was outside the blanket and that was not okay. He curled his toes to gain warmth and wait till Bill left to cover his foot. On the contrary to his plan, Bill replaced to blanket were it had fallen asleep as he passed. His footsteps hesitated at the edge of the couch, before he slipped into what Dipper assumed to be a closet.
Dipper tried to reason with his wakefulness that he was up half the night and really should be getting back to sleep. He couldn't get his nerves to settle with Bill up and walking around, and guilt settled back on him.
He sat up, knocking the blanket back to the floor. Bill had returned from the closest, changed into a crisp white dress shirt rolled up to his sleeves.
"Going somewhere?" Dipper tried to joke. Bill only raised and eyebrow.
"Yes? I was actually going to ask you about that." He looked deeply unsettled by Dippers (fully accidental) reading his intentions. Dipper tried not to consider the terrified expression as cute. He just laughed instead.
"Ask me about what?" Dippers smile did not ease Bills tension, if anything it made it worse, but he continued anyways.
"We should take Alexander out somewhere. He's getting antsy here without someone his age to play with. Isn't there some sort of amusement corporations in the area?" Bill made a vague gesture that did nothing to help explain what he was saying.
-------A super unprofessional time skip-----------
And that's how Dipper found himself competiting with Bill in a match of bowling. They had long since giving up there pride and requested the gutter railings go up, but neither him or Bill wanted to be the worse loser here.
Alexander had been better than both of them combined.
"It's rigged! This outdated building is built on a slope and is throwing off my aim!" Bill disclaimed after knocking three pins down in an someone else's lane.
"Then adjust your aim." Alexander tried to reason.
"Please, he needs to do more than just that to hit anything." Dipper aimed to disproved as he picked up his ball. He managed to get the ball in the gutter despite the railing. Dipper repeated Bills earlier statement, before retreating back to the table. "Why didn't Mr. McGucket come?" Dipper asked Bill who was watching Alexander knock three pins down (from his own lane).
"Im not sure. He said something about it getting cold and it causes his knees to act up." Bill picking up a french frie from the plate on the table and ate it.
"Ah, I was thinking maybe he could give Alex some sort of competition." Dipper took a fry as well. Ugh, unsalted. Bill laughed at that; not a full maniacal laughter, but a calm normal bout of smiles. Dipper found himself smiling back. "I know Alex hasn't gotten out much, but have you?" Dipper didn't stop from asking.
"Nothing past walking in the woods. Glasses typically doesn't like us going into town unattended."
Dipper tried not to physically flinch at the nickname. It was understandable that Fiddleford didn't want two paper children and their adopted demonic (that once tool over town nonetheless) Father run free in public, but Dipper wasn't about to say he agreed with this idea in front of Bill. It did make sense why Bill had actually asked him to go with them to go out of town.
And all at once, Dipper understood why Mable had wanted to show her friends from home Gravity Falls. He wanted to show Bill Lazy Susan's Dinner and how great her pancakes were, the haunted convience store, or the graveyard. Oh, he would get a kick out of the graveyard. And that brought Dipper to another uncomfortable realization; he wanted to take Bill on a Gravity Falls tour rather than Alex. He swallowed that idea with the excuse the he wanted to show Bill the value of the town he nearly destroyed.
"Hey, can I have a dollar for the pin ball machine?" Alex tugging on his sleeve brought Dipper out of his thoughts. He looked at Bill who was sitting across from him and was... And was asleep?
"Uh... " Dipper shot Alexander a questioning look. The kid only shrugged.
"He does that all the time." He dismissed. "I think it has something to do with being a dream demon, but he sleeps like a cat." He reached over to push the hand holding Bills head up away, but Dipper shooed him off.
"Do you mean he sleeps all the time or that he takes short cat naps a lot?"
The kid only held out his hand in response. And to think he thought Bill didn't rub off on this kid. He gave Alex a dollar.
" He can't sleep for more than three hours at a time and falls asleep at any hour of the day. I.E: sleeps like a cat." He spoke as if reciting from a text book before scrambling towards the arcade.
He felt his phone buzz with a text. Probably Ford wondering when he's coming home. He folded his jacket and set it on the table before knocking Bills support out from under him. His head landed softly in the folded fabric.

They'd go home when Bill woke back up.
Heeeeeya! So I'm officially a free-of-highschool-thank-all-things-holy graduate! I don't feel all that free to be honest, but I am doing better on updating so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that. Okay, so if you're still reading this Authors note (then I love you forever and always for listening to me drone on and on) then I have and itsty bitsy favor to ask. I am writing a personal original characters story called "Out Of Line" that has literally no views and it hurts my little heart. So if you would, go check it out and give it some love. It's a gay polyamorous romance if that sweetens the pot for any of you.

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