Admit It! You Missed Me!

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He didn't even get to the mansion doors before the opened. The servants must have recognized them.
Mabel followed close behind him as Dipper navigated the winding hallways unattended. He doubted if Bill or Fiddleford knew he was here, but it was odd that they trusted him to wander around with watch. Dipper didn't take advantage of this by snooping into unknown rooms; if anything he made it a point to walk faster to Bill and Alexanders room.
He didn't bother knocking, but motioned for Mabel to be quiet. He could hear Bill snoring from the loft. Other than that the room was empty. Bill probably shooed Alex to the garden.
Mabel's hand squeezed his, seeking reminder. He realized that despite his words, seeing was believing. He lead them out of the room.
"He'll be up in a little while." Dipper didn't feel the need to explain, but he needed to fill the tense air. "but I'm sure you want to meet Alex, right?"
Mabel gave a quiet squeal and the tense air vanished.
"Oh! What if his voice still cracks? Oh my gosh!"
"Shut up!" He nudged his sister, but she seemed unfazed. He smiled back despite her comment.
Just as he thought, Alexander was in the garden, but he was covered in dirt and leaves helping Fiddleford get a new flower bed dug. It didn't take him long to be noticed.
"Dipper!" Alex ran away from his Fiddleford asking him to hand him a shovel and towards the siblings. "and Mabel, right?"
"You got it, shortie!" She ruffled the kids hair.
"Oh good, you brought more help!" Fiddleford called from the dirt mound.

Around an hour later Bill had came to the courtyard to call Fiddleford in to rest and supplied the twins two glasses of lemonade.
They gratefully took a break.
"That kid has too much energy. We're you that razzled when you were that age?" Mabel said between gulps of lemonade. Meanwhile, Alex was explaining to Bill how plants get energy from the sun. He was sure Bill knew more on that subject than even Dipper himself did, but Bill acted clueless nonetheless.
Then Bill asked if Alex ran on sunlight as well and Mabel choked on her lemonade laughing. Bill looked momentarily terrified and Dipper was sure that his own first experience hearing Mabel laugh was equally as terrifying. Dipper laughed at the expression that had now changed to confusion. And then Mabel laughed harder. Until both twins were laughing so hard the nearly spilt their drinks.
Bill had smiled, maybe chuckled, but avoided laughing as if he was afraid to include himself in it. Dipper made a vow to change that.
Bill dismissed himself as the twins and Alex began burying the flower seeds. Another hour later they were finished.
The twins sat in a small sitting room with a fan provided by a servant on full blast. They were both red from the sun.
"Pine Tree? Shooting Star? " Bill slipped into the room. Dipper tried to ignore his sister jump at the names. "You two need to head into the dinning hall." Mabel shot a troubled glance to Dipper.
"Is it already time for lunch?" Dipper stood, motioning for Mabel to do the same.
"Not for another three hours. This is just a sort of cool down thing." Bill didn't bother the explain further, before he left the room.
Bill wasn't in the dining hall, and Dipper couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that Bill's seat did not have any silverware or dishes in front of it. That didn't stop him from indulging in the cold strawberry ice cream the servants dished out.
Bill entered the room halfway through the dessert, but took a beeline to Fiddleford. He whispered something into the old man's ear and he nodded distantly. Dipper looked away to avoid staring, but his gaze returned to the odd two when Bill placed a hand on Fiddlefords forehead. He had burned slightly, but as Bill lifted his hands away, Fiddleford seemed more comfortable.
Bill looked his way, as if asking something. Dipper decided to take a step in trust and nodded. Bill slipping away from Fiddlefords chair, his fingers dragging along the tall back of it. His steps were soundless, but Dipper could practically feel him coming closer.
Dipper looked up as those slender fingers met the back of his chair. Bill must have understood, because he leaned down, his breath ghosting against Dippers red cheek. The cool felt nice against the burn.
"You can heal?" Dipper whispered, but he wondered if his sister could still hear. Her eyes were trained on the dish before her.
Bill simply shook his head no before whispering back "I can only trick your mind into not feeling it."
Dipper hadn't realized he was leaning forward into the breath until their foreheads rested against one another. Neither of them pulled away. Dipper racked his head for someone else to say to keep him crouched down here, but within short seconds Bill stood upright and place his closet hands where his neck met his shoulders. Bills fingers slipped beneath his t-shirt but stayed mounted on his shoulders. His thumbs were heavy on the base of his neck. Dipper briefly noted that he hadn't done it this way with McGucket, but the his mind unhelpfully wandered if Bill could give a good massage.
The hands grew colder and then almost like a string snapping, it stopped hurting. He didn't feel amazing or anything, but he felt normal. And then the hands retreated and his shoulders felt bare.
Mabel politely declined Bills offer.
Heyyy. So finally I am getting around the the billdip part of this piece. I'm so sorry it's so short. I just wanted to get it out today.

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