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"Humans are so weird." Bill said more to himself when he let go of Dipper.
"How so?" Dipper asked anyway.
"None of us are related, but McGucket, and Alexander; they're-"
"Family." Dipper interrupted.
"Being family and being related are two very different things, Bill."
"Then what are you?"
Dipper didn't even hesitate. "Your friend." and it hung in the air like that. Bill have him an odd look.
"Humans are so weird."
Dipper couldn't help it. He laughed. It was light and airy and forgot the troubles of the day. He needed that, and that man that needed it more than himself laughed as well. It was maniacal, just like always, and he realized he always laughed like that. It honestly sounded like a mad scientist and it was genuine. It made him laugh harder.
"Why am I laughing!" Bill cried, holding his stomach.
"Like hell if I know." was all Dipper could manage. That only seemed to encourage Bill more. "Okay, okay." He wiped a tear from his eye. "We should go check on Alex." Their laughter died down.
"How should I... " Bill trailed off.
Dipper stepped up to him, hand on either shoulder. "You cannot cry."
"I know, I know. But I'm telling you this because it's the worst thing you could do. It'll get him all worked up, and then he'll think this was a big deal, and-"
"He'll be afraid of me."
"I wasn't going to say it that drastically."
"He's going to be afraid of me!" There was the waterworks.
"Bill!" His hands were knocked with his shoulders. Bill brought his hands up to his face to cover himself, but Dipper grabbed ahold of both wrists. He was met with a blue fire tauntingly in front of his face. The fire vanished almost instantly. "No one here is afraid of you." Dipper tried to keep his face stern. Having a look of pity would be detrimental. He wasn't dangerous, but he didn't needed to be coddled. Before he could blink, Bill was already hugging him again.
"I hate this."
"I know."
"Will you stay with Alexander tonight?"
"Of course, but you still need to talk to him."
Bill didn't respond. He only cried harder into Dippers shoulder.
"Go on. Get it all out." He shouldn't be doing this. This was a family matter and he was intruding.
He was his friend, he reasoned. This wasn't some pity friendship to make sure that Bill felt liked. Bill needed him and he was going to be there. He tightened his grip around Bill.

It took a few moments, but Bill dried up and straightened himself up. It didn't looked like he had been crying at all. Dipper wished he had learned that skill in Highschool.
Alexander was in their room with Mabel, in the process of building a two story pillow fort. He looked fine and acted as if nothing had happened. Except for a black hand.
He didn't seem to care. He was all smile and laughter. There was no hesitation when he approached Bill. There was no hesitation as he tried to drag him off towards the blanket fort.
"Alexander." Bill didn't put himself be pulled away. He knelt down, opening a palm in front of the child. "Can I see it?" He asked quietly. Alex placed the dark hand in Bill's.
"It doesn't hurt."
Bill nodded. "I apologize, I will be sure to be more careful."
Alexander smiled. "It's okay. It was an accident."
Bill nodded again. "What is that?" He moved the child's attention to his creation. Alexander looked ecstatic.
Bill let himself be led inside.

His wakefulness did not last long however. Dipper found himself pressing a pillow over his ears to keep him asleep as Mabel and Alex laughed and screamed over a movie. It was giving him a headache, but he would endure.
Bill turned in his sleep after Alex let out another screech. He could feel his hair against his leg. Good lord was it poofy. Bill let out a groan. Dipper ran his fingers through his hair in hopes to sooth him back to peaceful sleep.
Good lord was it soft. He picked a knot by his ear.
"You awake?"
"Yeah." He was half awake.
"Sorry." He stopped running his hand.
"Nooo. Pet me." He grumbled. He sounded like a child. Dipper complied. "What are they doing?"
"Watching a movie."
"Oh." He sat up and Dippers hand fell to his lap. Bill stretched, and his spine popped wonderfully. "What time is it?"
"little after 8."
"Mmm." He looked towards the two after considering something. "Hey." He leaned over to Dipper. He could feel his breath on his lip. He forced down a blush. His heart was beating so God damn fast.
"Yeah?" He leaned closer.
"We should go to the kitchen." He whispered and Dipper could practically feel the smile across his face.
All Dipper was thinking just feel. His head was full of static. He nodded, mimicking Bills smile.
They snuck out of the fort,and Dipper stretched his leg. He watched Bill do the same.
The were slow to leave the room so the others would not hear them, but once they were out of the door, Bill ran. He laughed, "Come on! Keep up!" His voice echoed through the hallways. Dipper ran after him. The small lights seeping out from underneath the doors became passing lights in the dark hallway. Dipper felt like he was falling. His head was light and he ran faster. He didn't stop himself from laughing. He followed Bill around another corner. Then another.
He felt like a child on a secret mission by the time they reached the kitchen.
Heya! I'm back! I just started a new job (which had a lot of free time so hopefully you'll see a lot of me)

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