Chapter 3: When She Woke

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It was surprising that they let Amelia stay with Arizona all night. Of course, she wasn't doing anyone harm by sleeping in a chair next to another sleeping girl, but still, Amelia was thankful when she woke up to see Arizona's dull, yet golden blonde hair. Although, maybe she should have really opened her eyes first.

"Hi Amelia; how'd you sleep?" A strange voice asked.

Amelia blinked hard and as her vision came into focus, she saw a woman with phenomenally interesting features. It wasn't that they were unique, but more so that they made so much sense together.

She had shoulder length, slightly choppy, dull blonde hair. It wasn't like a dirty blonde though, more like a fainted golden blonde. Her eyes were an icy dark blue, but they were still light toward the center. It reminded Amelia of the variation of blues in the rising morning sky.

Most blonde haired blue eyed girls were the same; a stunning beauty or a dull nothing. This woman was different; she was a simple beauty but still seemed oddly angelic.

"Amelia? Are you okay, hun?" The woman asked.

Amelia shook the thoughts from her head and answered, "Yeah; I'm fine. Who are you?"

The woman smiled and replied, "Oh. I'm Emmy; Michael's wife. We know Arizona's family and when Michael brought you in here last night, he asked me to keep an eye on the both of you."

"Where are the girls?" Amelia sat up and asked, realizing that Kaisha wasn't in the room.

"Teddy is in recovery with Mr. Brooks and Kaisha is in the lobby with Ezra." Emmy answered confidently.

"Who is Ezra? And how is Alex?" Amelia asked, hoping that Emmy realized that Alex was Mr. Brooks.

"Ezra is my son, and Alex is fine. He was shot in a very minor area, like Teddy." Emmy then smiled hopefully.

"Why didn't you call my mom?" Amelia asked.

"Because you told us not to and we couldn't find any information on you. You didn't have your wallet or phone. We only knew your name was Amelia because you told Michael that."

Amelia looked down to reach into her sweat pants pocket before realizing that she wasn't wearing her own clothes. "Whose clothes am I wearing?"

"Well, Michael told me you were
covered in blood, so I came with extra sweats and a tee shirt. I figured that no one really wants to wake up in a hospital gown if they can help it. You don't remember?"


"Well, that's okay. It was late and you were in shock. I gave you my clothes and you went behind the curtain and changed. You ended up falling asleep on the examination bed, so I called Michael in and he helped me carry you into Arizona's room. We didn't call Social Services because we weren't sure if you were a minor or not." Emmy explained.

"Thank you." Amelia replied.

"Are you hungry?" Emmy asked.

Not that she had realized it before, but Amelia could admit to feeling pretty hungry. She nodded her head and Emmy pulled from her bag a Ziploc full of apple slices and a container full of peanut butter. Emmy got up and handed it to Amelia before sitting back down and smiling.

"Thank you." Amelia responded to Emmy's kindness.

"Well, do you want to call your mom?" Emmy asked.

"Not really, but I guess I kind of have to, huh?"

"Well, if I were your mom, I'd want to know that you were safe."

"Can I borrow your phone; mine is in my bag at Arizona's house?"

"Sure." Emmy replied before handing Amelia a pink and white cased phone.

Amelia dialed her mom's number before watching Emmy walk out of the room, presumably to check on Ezra and Kaisha.

Amelia waited as the phone rang three times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" answered her mom's sleepy voice.

"Hey. It's Amelia. I'm at the hospital. Something bad happened at Arizona's and I just came with her to the hospital, and can you come and get me?" Amelia confessed as emotionlessly as she could manage.

"Can't you just find your own way home?" Kirsten complained.

Amelia bit her lip and narrowed her eyes, but replied calmly, "Yeah; I can try. I should be home some time today."

"Alright. Bye." Kirsten replied before Amelia recognized the familiar sound of a dial tone.

Amelia set the phone in the sweatpants pocket and walked out into the lobby. Emmy was sitting on the floor playing blocks with the kids. When she saws Amelia, she got up and brushed herself off before she asked, "So did you get ahold of anyone?"

"Yeah, my mom. She can't come and get me, so I have to find a way home." Amelia found herself comfortable in admitting this to Emmy.

Emmy smiled and replied, "Let me get Ezra and give Kaisha to Alex. I'll take you home."

Amelia smiled before looking to the ground and said, "Thanks."

Emmy walked over to her, and put her hand on Amelia's shoulder before saying, "You are welcome, just let me get my stuff."


The ride to back home was probably the most enjoyable ride Amelia had experienced while on her way home. Emmy was smiling the whole time, and Ezra was singing along with almost every song on the radio. Emmy must have sensed that Amelia didn't want to go home yet, because she took the scenic route through the parks to her house.

Amelia stared out the window and watched as the trees seemed to blend into each other. Strangely, she couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of Emmy for very long. Something about her seemed so familiar; or more accurate, safe.

Soon the trees faded away and Amelia's house came into view. It was technically still in the city, but her nearest neighbor was nearly a football field away.

Once Emmy pulled up, Amelia grabbed Emmy's phone from the sweatpants and handed it to her. Emmy grabbed it and asked for Amelia's number. Amelia happily gave it to her, and Emmy said,

"There; I just texted you. When you get your phone back, and if you ever need anything you can get ahold of me."

"Alright. Thank you." Amelia replied, honestly not wanting this moment to end.

Emmy put her hand on Amelia's shoulder, smiled, and said, "See ya soon."

Amelia opened the door and smiled,
"See ya, Emmy."

The feeling of utter amazement absorbed Amelia as she watched Emmy drive away. It wasn't sad, but more expectant. It wasn't as if Emmy had truly left, but more like she had promised to return.

It's strange when the feelings of trust and hope mix evenly, and no forced relationship is in place. Just two people, with a phenomenal connection. Not in the romantic sense, but more along the line of family. Though she hadn't felt it in a very long time, Amelia thought that maybe-- just maybe, she felt new; alive.

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