Chapter 13: Things Are Gonna Get Brighter

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"Okay. Okay. Come on; tell me everything." Amelia said laughingly. It was the happiest she had been for awhile, and for once, she felt as though she could be happy. She felt normal, better even.

"Well, Cody and I have been dating for a little while now, and he asked me to, you know, and I said no; because of religious beliefs. And guess what?" Calla said to the group of girls all gathered in her room for a sleep-over.

"What?" Many of them said in unison.

"He said okay. That's it. And then we watched a movie and fell asleep in the couch. Guys, I love him. He's so sweet." Calla replied happily.

The girls, the four of them, smiled at each other and couldn't help but feel the same way about their own lives, especially their love lives.

"Remember how we met? You know, with Amelia?" Becky laughed.

"Can we not." Amelia laughed back, but not wanting her to continue.

"Do it, Linds!" Calla laughed as Lindsey started telling the story. Amelia always liked stories, but she still felt that Arizona told them best.

"It was fourth period and Calla was hanging off of Cody. Becky and I were walking down the hall together as always when we saw Amelia. We'd seen her around before, but this time it was different, she looked sociable. Like, most of the time going up to Amelia was frightening; mostly because she was always so quiet. But this time, she looked happy. And then--" Lindsey started before Becky cut her off.

"Then Calla leans back and her leg trips Amelia and they both hit the ground. The second they sat up they looked at each other and just started laughing. No idea why! Linds helped Calla and I helped Amelia up and magically we became friends."

"Becky! That was my story!" Lindsey laughed before pushing Becky to the ground and whacking her with a pillow.

"Pillow Fight!" Becky shouted laughingly before tossing a pillow to Calla.

Calla tossed one at Amelia and the girls began to playfully hit each other with pillows. After about twenty minutes of this, the girls all fell on the bed laughing.

"Guys. I don't know if I've ever said this, but I'm so glad that I met you guys." Calla confessed breathlessly.

"Me too." Lindsey agreed.

"Ditto." Becky smiled.

The girls all sat up and stared over at Amelia; waiting for an answer. Amelia sat up and looked over at them.

"I am glad that I met you guys, but honestly, I still miss Arizona."

"It's okay. I miss my old friend Macy. But we have to make new friends when ours leave us." Lindsey said hopefully.

"But she never left." Amelia whispered just loud enough for them to hear.

"Well, she's basically dead right? That counts as leaving you." Becky said confidently.

"Out." Calla said firmly looking at Lindsey and Becky.

"But--" Lindsey started.

"No. Get out." Calla said just as harshly.

With pouty faces, the two girls left the room and walked into the kitchen to get more food.

Calla moved over to Amelia and held her.

"It's okay. Amelia, they didn't mean it."

"I know."

"Then what is it?"

"They're right. Arizona left me, maybe it's not her fault, but she's still gone."

"No. Amelia look at me. Arizona's not gone. Her heart is still beating. You still visit her, and I know you wouldn't go and visit someone if you didn't believe that they were still there. Arizona is alive, and she'll wake up and when she does, all five of us will spend the day together. I promise."

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