Chapter 16: An Angel In A Box

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It wasn't long after the accident that Levi and Micah were arrested; after all, they had killed people. It wasn't long after the crash that Amelia found her old friend again. Every day she would go home and run the blade along her thighs, wrists, and sides; unable to feel anything more than a sting and sorrow.

The day of the funeral was bright and sunny, but the wind bit Amelia's arms sharply. The preacher did a great job for someone who didn't know anything more than Emmy's name.

"Emerson Cadence Maker was taken from us on June 2nd and her unborn child along with her. She was loved in life and will be remembered fondly in death. Now allow me to pass it on to her husband, Michael."

"Thank you Father. As many of you may know, I am a paramedic. It is my job to help people. I come too the rescue. I'm a superhero, and I save people. Now, every day I beat myself up for not being able to save Ems. But that's okay, because I know that'll have to stop doing that. That's not what she would have wanted. Now you might say, you're the man, don't you tell her what to do? I might never agree to that. Ems was stubborn, but in the best way. She was kind. She picked up stray kids at the hospital and stayed with them awhile. She would go to the nursery and hold the adoption babies. She loved the little things. Most like why she was a poet." Michael began to tear up, but continued.

"And then there's Cadence. I found out it was a girl just after Ems had died. I named her Cadence in a heartbeat. Not only after Emmy, but also for her favorite poem. This girl used to call her Dancer, just because she couldn't say Cadence. This little girl was going to our dancer. Amelia, I know you're going to get this a lot today, but she loved you and this isn't your fault."

Michael walked off with tears falling gently down his face. He got to the stands and held Ezra tightly.

The casket was closed and the body never revealed, and Amelia stared at the wooden box.

"Amelia? Would you like to say a few words?" The preacher asked.

Amelia nodded and got slowly up to the podium. She took a deep breath and began.

"Excerpt from "Winter" by Charlie MaKenzy Montgomery.

'The air bit softly into her bare neck. Her flowing locks chopped away on a summer trend, could no longer provide the dark comfort which it once had. She rubbed her arms and felt her hand glide along the goosebumps. Winter was coming, and Kay had to move quickly; the winter was harsher than any words uttered by her conscious.'

'Winter lived alone in the mountains until autumn leave gave way to the frozen gusts. Kay lived alone in the forest, and dreaded the fall of that final orange leaf. There wasn't much said between the two of them as Winter drug on. The wind howled and the house moaned; tempting Kay's nightmares to return. She tossed across her bed and woke in cold sweat after every night. On clear nights, Kay would sit outside on the swing and pray for Winter to be kind. Winter wouldn't hear of such begging. The summer sun rose quickly the following year, but Winter promised to return; leaving behind a raging river of melted snow. Kay prepared as best she could, but Winter came and took Kay with it.'

'Winter came back the next year and waited for Kay to return. Winter dropped snowflakes on her grave, but they turned to raindrops. Winter wasn't built to live alone. The odd thing about Winter was, that it wasn't entirely there after Kay left. It didn't come raging in every year, but rather strolled in and out; not quite sure what to do. '

'Forever we live like Winter without Kay; wandering in and out of reality. Teased by fantasy and hope, we trail about this world without purpose. The only thing that saves us, is our ability to love and then love again. Because as the sun rose one the first spring day, Winter stayed and began to melt away. It let out a final cold sigh as Winter gave way to Spring. To this day, Winter longs to see Kay again, but still waits for the sun every day. Kay would have wanted it that way."

Not that she expected it, but after she finished, she got applauded. Once it had stopped, she continued.

"I think I'm like Winter and Emmy is like Kay. She left, and we're sad. The thing is though, Emmy would have wanted us to go on and live every day happily, not in misery."

Amelia finished and sat back down.

Many more people came to speak about Emmy. Most of them told happy stories but a few told sad ones. Emmy fell out of a tree saving at cat when she was eleven. Emmy lost her smiled after she lost her dog when she was seven. Simple stories like this flowed through Amelia's mind, but she held strong. She refused to let them see her cry.

Amelia stayed with Michael and Ezra past the burial and into the reception. Once they were home, Amelia put Ezra down and watched as Michael grabbed the things from his side of the bed and curled up on the couch where Emmy would sit. She waved goodbye and began to walk home. It wasn't far, but the whole way, a thought chased her. A silver friend with a unique taste licked it's lips as she thought of it.

It was never said that the end of anything was easy, but it was always necessary. As she was walking home, the dark storm clouds gathered overhead. It wasn't long after this until an old habit made its final performance. 

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