Chapter 9: Please, No Surprises

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"Wow." Levi said, a smile stretching across his face.

"What?" Amelia blushed and pulled her loose hairs behind her ears.

"Just-- wow." Levi smiled again and let out a quick laugh.

"Thanks." Amelia blushed again.

"Well, let's go inside." Levi suggested as he grabbed her hand and led her in.

They walked in and only a few other people were eating; a family of four feeding an infant, an old couple staring at their food, and a couple of preteen girls giggling over who knows what. Amelia slid into the booth closest to the door, her back to the wall, and Levi took the seat across from her. Quickly, a waiter arrived with the menus.

"Hi; my name is Amen, and I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I start you two off with something to drink? I suggest our carbonated raspberry flavored water; it's just about as good as it gets." The waitress perkily announced.

"I'll have a Sprite with a cherry." Amelia said shyly.

She had always been self-conscious of her favorite drink, but she couldn't drink anything else when she was nervous. She needed something to comfort and calm her.

"And I'll have a Coke with a lemon." Levi smiled.

"Will do. I'll have those out for you in a jiffy." Amen said, just as perkily as before.

"Well, that's sounds amazing." Levi looked up from his menu and smiled at Amelia.

She smiled awkwardly back and asked, "What does?"

"Sprite and cherry. It sounds good. Unique."

"Well, so does Coke and a lemon." Amelia laughed.

"Have you ever been here before?" Levi asked.

Amelia thought back to the last time she was here. She was with her dad and Nicole. They ordered a chicken fried steak to share. It turned into just a meal for the girls, but her dad seemed happy with his Sprite and cherry; feeding off of the happiness of the girls.

"No; not that I remember." Amelia lied. No one was ready for that story, especially not Levi.

"Well, you want to get an appetizer?"

"What are the options?" Amelia asked, secretly knowing them by memory; both French and sweet potato fries, jalapeño poppers, buffalo wings, cheese sticks, and steak on a stick.

"Well, I think we should have the steak on a stick. It is really good; you have to try it! It is just thin steaks, amazingly seasoned, and stuck on a stick."

"Sounds amazing. Can we add sweet potato fries to that?" Amelia asked shyly.

"Of course. Sounds great. Do you know what you want to have?"

"Can I get the chicken fried steak?"

"Of course. I was actually going to get that too. It is good here. I had it with my grandma when I first came here."

Amen, thankfully, arrived with the drinks,

"Here you go; one Sprite with a lemon, and a Coke with a cherry." She was beaming with pride, until Levi picked the lemon from Amelia's glass and put it in his. He grabbed the cherry out of his Coke and set it down on a small plate.

"Can we get two more cherries?" Levi asked politely.

"I am so sorry. I messed up. I'm sorry. I--" Amen stumbled before Amelia cut her off.


"Of course." Amen said before leaving and returning quickly with two cherries. She gently set them in Amelia's Sprite and stood back to smile.

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