Chapter 14: In a Fire of Buring Glory

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It was June 2nd, and in fact, Amelia wasn't sure about what he proposed they would do that night, but she loved him, and it was okay. Maybe it would be better, but she felt as if it was moving too fast, but in contrast, she also felt as thought her entire life had been moving pretty slowly up until this point.

As she slipped out of the shower and jumped into her matching blue undergarments, she wondered if it would really be okay. Walking out of the bathroom in sweats and a tee, she looked down at her wrists. The scars were fading, just like the times in her life that made her cut. She stepped onto her floor, and stepped into her sandals to keep her feet from getting cold against the tile floor.

Amelia waked over to her dresser and sat down by the vanity to begin blow-drying her hair. As she listened to the sound of the dryer through her headphones, her thoughts drifted to the last few months and how much had changed. Six months ago, she wouldn't have dreamed of allowing anyone to get this close.

Now here she was in June. The months seemed to flitter by faster when she wasn't cutting; when she wasn't having a panic attack, mostly when everything wasn't okay. Arizona still wouldn't wake up. Emmy was pregnant. Calla was getting closer than ever. Levi wanted more, and Amelia couldn't help but trust that, as Arizona always said, "You'll be okay."

She was dragged from thought by the ding of her cell phone. She turned off the dryer and felt her hair was almost dry. How long had she been doing her hair?

Hey Babe. You ready for tonight. I figured we'd go to Montana's and then come to my house and watch a movie before. I love you.

Amelia smiled, but felt her gut twist. She whispered slowly to herself, "You'll be okay." before responding.

Sounds great. See ya then.

"Cherry in a Sprite and Lemon in a Coke, right?" Amen smiled.

Amelia and Levi had become an icon of perfection at school. Levi, the mysterious good-looking new guy magically brings the eternal social introvert out of her shell; it was like some sort of a fairly tale. In fact, Amen was musician, and she had written a piano piece just for them. They were inspiring.

"Yep. Thanks, Amen." Amelia smiled brightly before taking a seat across from Levi.

"So, are you going to order the same?" Levi asked.

"Yea; it's not like I eat anything else here."

"You should try something new." Levi teased.

"So should you!" Amelia said laughingly.


"What do you want to watch?" Levi asked kneeling down to see the movies on the bottom shelf.

"Something funny." Amelia smiled as she sat cross legged on his bed.

"Dark Shadows, work?"

"Yep. Come on!" Amelia patted the seat beside her after Levi put in the disc.


The movie was playing in the background and Amelia's thoughts were rushing past. It was okay. She was okay.

He gently lifted her shirt off her bodice and laid his head on her bare chest. He stripped out of his own shirt before they resumed. She knew she was ready and she knew everything was right.

No. No it wasn't. He was leaning atop her and she felt her pulse race and her chest tighten. Amelia began to panic and she couldn't help herself. Memories flooded her mind until she was forced to shove Levi off of her and scream, "Stop."

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