Chapter 8: I Promise

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"And that is why they developed pen names, or pseudonyms; so that the sisters could write and get published. Amelia."

Amelia lifted her head from her desk and answered her teacher, Ms. Kent,

"Amelia, since you obviously have something better to do and don't need this lecture, I'm sure you wouldn't mind telling us why the Bronte sisters had to use pen names."

"I-- um--" Amelia started before being interrupted.

"Hand in your notebook, please." Ms. Kent said, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"But, Ms. Kent I didn't--"

"You notebook will be in my hand within the next thirty seconds or you can take it to the principal's office; your call."

Amelia looked down and rose in frustration and handed her notebook to Ms. Kent.

"Thank you. Now, can you turn your books to page 415 and take notes."

"Ms. Kent."

"Yes, Amelia."

"I need my notebook to take notes."

"Just borrow paper from Arizona; that's what you always do anyways."

Amelia swallowed and whispered, "Arizona's not here."

"We don't mumble. And where is Arizona?" Ms. Kent asked bluntly.

The whole class erupted into whispers.

"Class! Let's let Amelia tell her own gossip. Well, where is she?" Ms. Kent asked.

Amelia felt her chest tighten, but she refused to give in. She looked dead into Ms. Kent's eyes and said calmly,

"She's in coma."

"Oh." Ms. Kent said. Her head dropped in shame, but she quickly rose it and returned Amelia's notebook.

"Thank you." Amelia said before sitting back down and making her notes.

The rest of the class passed slowly and Amelia jumped when the final bell rang. Amelia carefully put her English book in her bag before realizing that Ms. Kent was standing next to her.

"I'm sorry, Amelia. I had heard rumors, but you know kids theses days; they over exaggerate."

"It's okay." Amelia said quickly, making sure to keep her head down.

"I hate to pry, but is that who 'she' was?"


"Well, yes. In your notebook, the page you left it on. It was just the same thing repeated; 'She's fine. It was just a dream.' Was Arizona the 'she'?"

Amelia felt a shock in the fact that Arizona wasn't the "she". It was Emmy. She hadn't talked to Emmy since Monday night and it was now Wednesday. Emmy had texted a few times wondering at first about babysitting and now if Amelia is alright.

"Yes. Arizona's the 'she'." Amelia lied.

"Do you have anyone to talk to about it? I mean, from what I heard happened-- Amelia you can't just pretend this is a dream. You have to open your eyes and confront your problem. It will never get better otherwise."

"I'm fine, really. I just need to go somewhere before I head home, so can I go?" Amelia said, her eyes still wandering across the dull carpet.

"Alright, but if you ever need anyone, I'll be here." Ms. Kent finished almost apologetically.

"Okay. Bye, Ms. Kent." Amelia said walking out the door.

She went as quickly as she could to her locker and exchanged her English book for the classes she actually had homework in.

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