Chapter 18: Forever and Always

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"Can I have that one?" Ezra asked pointing to the blue Lego.

"Here you go." Amelia replied handing it to him while looking up from her book.

"Thank you, Amy." Ezra said placing the Lego atop his growing tower.

Amelia returned to her book. Michael gave it too her shortly after her seventeenth birthday. It was Emmy's poetry book and it was beautiful.

There's something about her
In sunlight
Her eyes soften
As my heart pulls for her
Her hand falls away
Never to be loved
Forever lost
My Amelia

It was odd. Though it had been a little over a year since Emmy passed, so much had changed.

"Hey, Amelia! We have to take Ezra home; it's 4:00." Arizona shouted from the car. She was in a blue cut off tank top and had her hair tied back high. Her smile was a much appreciated gift.

Amelia brushed her hair from her face and picked up Ezra's toys, placing them quickly into his bucket. She then grabbed his hand and Ezra followed her happily to the car. Arizona picked him up and buckled him in his seat.

Arizona drove away and Amelia stared at her happily.

"What?" Arizona laughed pulling a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Nothing. I-- I just really missed you."

"I missed you too, Amelia."

"You have to tell me again; what was it like, out there?"

"Well, it was inspirational. And once, I saw a dancer. She had messy blonde hair and blue eyes that I swear we're deeper than any ocean. Amelia, like I said, it was amazing."


And that is where we end this story. In fact, it wasn't much of a story at all. It happens everyday.

It takes a small act of kindness to mend a broken heart and pull together a thousand broken pieces. It takes one good person to change the lives of many. It takes a dancer to show the world how to fly.

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