Chapter 12: Things are Gonna Get Easier

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Months had passed by and winter slowly gave way to spring and its rain, but Amelia didn't mind. It was now mid-March and Amelia felt a new sense of hope with every passing day. She began to spend more and more time with Emmy, and along with that, more and more time with Levi.

It was as though all the terrible times in her life were coming to a close. Her mother had found a new job, and was happy at work. Nicole was still dating Burke, but thankfully had begun to keep the "extracurriculars" to a minimum. School, although never very hard, became easier and even social interaction had become less difficult. In fact, Amelia had days where she could perhaps admit to making a new friend or two. Sadly, Arizona hadn't woken up.


"Arizona?" Amelia whispered entering the open door to the hospital room. Every time she visited, she always hoped that Arizona had woken between nurse watch shifts. Sadly, Arizona still lay silently in her hospital bed; just as she had for the past few months.

"Just checking." Amelia sighed before taking her seat. She reached over and pulled one of Arizona's blankets over her shoulders. It was colder than usual, or maybe it was the rain. Amelia slid closer to Arizona and began her routine.

"So, Emmy and I have been spending so much time together. I really like her, and did I tell you that Emmy is Dancer? I probably did. I just can't get over that. Ezra, her son, is so sweet. She lets me watch him all the time. Now, Emmy and I have, basically girls nights. Like me, you, and Rachel used to have. We stay up and watch movies and laugh and play games, well, most of the games involve seeing who can manage not to burn the food. Most nights we end up settling on just popcorn and store-bought cookies."

Amelia looked up from the quilt placed on Arizona's lap and smiled.

"And you know, Levi and I have gotten so much closer. I'm still scared. I never told you what happened with Jason. Zoni, I'm scared, really scared."

Tears began to fall gently, but Amelia dismissed them.

"I know Levi is different, but every time we get closer to that inevitable moment, I fell powerless. I want to leave him, but I don't. I want to run away and hide, but I don't have anything to hide behind. Arizona, I think-- I think I might love him. And not like I love you, or Emmy, but like, that love that goes farther than friendship. He makes me feel happier than almost anyone. He cheers for me when he comes over and sees me. He'll knock on my window late at night and when I open it, he doesn't barge in. He pulls me close, kisses my forehead and whispers, 'I just needed a good-night kiss.' He is adorable and perfect and it all feels so wrong. He flaunts me around school sometimes and it makes me feel amazing. Arizona..."

Amelia took a moment to compose herself, as if she knew that Arizona could hear her.

"Arizona, I don't know what to do. I need help."

"What do you need help with?" A voice asked from the doorway.

Amelia whipped her head around and saw Michael standing in the doorway.

"How long have you been there?" Amelia inquired sheepishly.

"Not too long actually. Levi's in the lobby downstairs looking for you. He asked where you were, and I figured you didn't want to be bothered when you were with Arizona, so I just came to get you." Michael explained.

"Thanks." Amelia smiled at him before standing, tossing her blanket on the counter, and kissing Arizona's forehead.

"I'll be back soon" Amelia whispered to Arizona, not knowing if she heard, but choosing to believe that she did.

Michael was standing next to the elevator and took the same one down as Amelia. In that minute or so, they discussed Ezra, but Amelia could tell something else was bothering him. The elevator dinged after hitting the ground floor and Amelia watched as Michael left.


"Okay. Okay. What's the surprise?" Amelia laughed as Levi lead her through her own house; his hands wrapped gently around her face.

"Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you." Levi answer confident, but laughingly.

"Okay, but--" Amelia stopped talking when she felt her bare feet step onto the cold tile floor in her bedroom. She felt her chest tighten and her breathing become shallow.

"Babe? What's--" Levi started before Amelia stopped. He took his hands from her face and stood in front of her. "Amelia? Are you okay?"

Amelia nodded and felt her pulse slow. It was okay, and so was she. "Show me the surprise."

"Ta-da!" Levi announced as he allowed her to see her room.

Her end wall held a collage of photographs in a poster picture frame and the letters "AMM + LDM = Forever"

"Levi, it's amazing. But what does the D stand for?"

"Oh, that's my middle name. I put your full initials; Amelia Morgan Montgomery, AMM. So I decided to put mine too; Levi Duke Miller, LDM."

"Aww. Thanks." Amelia leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She stood and leaned on his chest for a minute until she heard her mom come in the front door. She looked back over at Levi, "Does my mom know you're here?"

"If I said yes, would you believe me?" He answered quietly.

Amelia pushed him gently towards her bedroom window and laughed, "No. Now get out of here before we are both caught."

Levi jumped out of the window and hit the ground with a light thud. He began to walk to his own window before returning to quickly place a kiss on Amelia's soft lips.

"I love you." He whispered before running off to his house. He climbed into his window and waved goodbye before leaving her sight.

"I think I love you too." Amelia whispered into the air that still held the smell of his cologne and the memory of that first real kiss.

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