Dragon ball z fanfic: Trunk's Future

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Okay guys don't hate me if this is terrible! I jut got an idea and its for fun so don't like don't read! I don't own dragon ball z or the characters! I've been wanting to write an anime fanfiction for a while and here it is!

A,b,c,d,e,f,g I don't own dbz! Lol okay well I don't own dragon ball/z/gt wish I did I'd make more episodes but yeah...

Chapter 1

Impossible. There was no way a little girl could do this well in the world martial arts tournament. The final round and I get stuck fighting an eight year old little girl.

I don't know how she beat all those other guys, but she wasn't going to take me.

The sun was setting on an utterly astonished crowd of people. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the stadium fit to hold about half a million people.

Fire was in her eyes, and I could tell that we were both determined to win. Her black eyes shone like dark diamonds in the light of the fading sun. Her stance told me she was ready to do this, all or nothing.

To be honest it was kind of cute. I couldn't help but crack a smile at her tiny frame ready to attack me at any moment. That was mistake number one.

It didn't hurt as much as it shocked me when she unleashed a perfect round house to my nose that I managed feel. This little girl was dangerous, but what was I going to do? Hit a little girl? I disappeared and then reappeared behind her and with a quick blow to the back of the head she was out like a light.

There wasn't much applause as I took a victory over my eight year old opponent, but I did hear an angry mother in the crowd that sounded furious, and a little familiar at that.

"Trunks is the champion folks! This is his first win but second round with the title after he beat the androids! Come on folks a little applause for our savior!"

That really got the crowd going finally, but all it did was remind me of how I had to beat the androids, because they didn't leave anyone else here to do it.

I sighed and went through the usual routine with the media, but I couldn't get that little girl out of my head. Where did she get her power? How did she get it... If she was a saiyan, then the only way she could have gotten that power was from the only saiyan left alive...me.

Well, I haven't had to much luck with the ladies lately. Most of them are either scared of me, or are gold diggers and are only interested in getting the capsule corp inheritance later on.

I was in the middle of giving another speech about world peace, when I saw the little girl run into an older ladies arms. She looked a lot like... Chi-chi!

No way could this be Gohan's little sister. Goku had been dead for years, and besides she was too old to have a kid that young...

I completely abandoned the blonde man who always hosted the tournaments and pushed my way through the crowd of obsessed fan girls to find Chi-chi.

Where did she go? On my way, I ran into my mom and Paur talking about how Roshi and Oolong had run off to terrorize the ladies bathroom again, when they asked me to stop and chat.

"Sorry mom! I gotta go!" I called as I caught a glimpse of Chi-chi's old lady kimono, and dashed to catch up with her.

It didn't help that I had fans swarming me and I think I even knocked down a few people's ice creams.

"Chi-chi!" I called as I tried to flag her down. At the sound of her name she turned and scowled at me as soon as she recognized me.

Her and my mom had had a fight a long time ago about Gohan's death, and they stopped talking all together. My mom thought of Gohan as her son, and he was Chi-chi's son. It hurt a lot of people when he died, and then their argument just poured gasoline on the fire for everyone.

"Trunks! My goodness boy! You have some nerve beating little Pan here, and without so much as an apology! I am just appalled! Who do you think you are coming back in my life! You're not getting her killed too she's all I have left so you can just turn right around now Mr.Home wrecker!"she was in full force now, and if you've ever seen how an angry mother bear gets while her cubs are in danger, then you might get a fraction of how hot headed she can be.

"Home wrecker?"I stuttered out in disbelief that she would go that low. The crowd had parted like the Red Sea, because we could all sense a battle coming, and it would not be pretty.

"What did you jut call my son?" My mother bellowed as she stomped her way to Chi-chi. I grabbed her arm in attempt to stop her, but I got taken along as well.

"Lady you listen here!" My mother spat as she got in Chi-chi's face.

"No you listen here you dried up old hag! You've got two seconds to get out of my face and back to your little shack before I show you why hospitals were invented!" Chi-chi screeched.

"Just ask my son how old I look once he even said twenty-five for your information! Oh and those tacky dresses add about twenty years to your hideous face!"

Both women were fuming and red as tomatoes when the little girl interrupted.

"Grandma? That wasn't very nice." She tugged on Chi-chi's skirt. She had my mouth gaping and my eyes as wide as plates.

Was she really Gohan's daughter? That was the only explanation right? She did call Chi-chi grandma.

I saw people in the crowd begin to pull out their phones and begin videoing the arguing that was going on. After she shushed the little girl for interrupting I decided it was my turn.

"Is she Gohan's daughter? If she is then Chi-chi could I take her on as my student? I owe it to Gohan and we both know you can't train her like I can." That last part came out wrong and I had only succeeded in making her madder.

What was I thinking I'd never had a student before! I didn't even get to finish my training with Gohan.

I do owe him take at this much though. He died fighting the androids, and I never got to even thank him for training me.

"If you think I'm letting either of you anywhere near my granddaughter think again! She's not going within fifty feet of you as of now!" She screamed in our faces and treaded away. For an older lady she could move.

I had to go after her. It was my only shot at repaying Gohan. I chased her through the crowd of people once again and just as I was near catching up with her she escaped in a taxi only to have me running after the car.

I was fast don't get me wrong, but with the way people drive in West City, not even I could keep up with the taxi swerving in and out of traffic going way too fast.

I began to fly over it counting on her getting out some time soon, but in a sea of weaving cars and other taxis, it's not hard to lose which one your after. I finally gave up and settled down just around the corner of a coffee shop Gohan used to take me to when we were done training and needed a break. They always gave us whatever we wanted for free after the owner saw us fighting the androids one day in front of her shop.

She drug us in her shop after the fight and bandaged us up pretty good and told us no matter where we were, we were always welcome in her shop.

I had come to friendly terms with her lately. I had been coming there more often, like I usually do this time of year, because it gave me good memories of my best friend.

I walked through the doors and I listened for the familiar jingle of the bell she kept up on the door, but it wasn't there today. The shop was empty except for two people in the back corner.

I caught a glimpse of three teenage boys sitting on the floor and a younger child off to the side in the back of the shop being lectured by an all to familiar man.

"Roshi? What the heck are you doing here? Where's Iris?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh hello Trunks, I caught these boys stealing from Goten here. The four star ball too! Can you believe it? He managed to take the ball from Hercule Satan, by beating him in a fight!" He yelled with pride as he punched the air and gave the kid a thumbs up.

"Wait what? Slow down, Roshi, your not making any sense. Who stole from who? And who got the ball?" That old man is losing it these days. I don't think he could find his way out of a wet paper sack anymore.

"The three boys here" he pointed to the teenage boys "stole from Goten" he pointed to the isolated kid on the far edge, who looked to much like Goku for me to believe "Goten fought Hercule, and won so he asked for the four star ball! He's Hercules grandson too!"the old man then started carrying on about Hercule's daughter and some things were said I really don't want to repeat.

"Listen boys. Stealing won't get you anywhere in life but jail. I don't want to see that happen to you so just try not to do this again ok?" I asked the boys knowing they wouldn't listen. They all muttered curse words and quickly walked out of the shop.

I stepped forward an turned to Goten "Who is your father?" I asked him my believing what I was seeing.

"Gohan." He said looking up at me"and your Trunks! My dad trained you and you beat the androids because he did! So basically my dad beat the androids right?" He asked me looking prouder than before.

"Yeah kid, I guess he did. I never thought of it that way, but you have a point. Tell me Goten, do you like to fight?" I had to do this for Gohan. One way or another I will repay him.

"I love to fight! How'd you know that?"

"Would you like to become my student? It would really mean a lot to me, and since your father trained me it would be kind of like getting trained by him. So what do you say?"

"You'd really do that? For me?" He looked astonished at my proposal.

"Of course kid, if you'll let me that is."

"Yeah!" He said and then punched me in the face.

"Wha-"I started but didn't get to finish because he decided it would be fun to use the kamehameha technique on me right there, in the middle of a coffee shop.

He looked just like his dad doing it too, I simply put my arms out to block it.

"I didn't mean fight now!" I said angrily as his innocent look told me he really didn't know. And his next reply was simply "Oh, my bad."

"So Roshi, what are you doing here anyway?" I asked him as I tried to divert my gaze from Goten, as he ate Iris out of food in the back fridges( yes I said fridges like plural the kid has to have a tape worm or something.)

"I'm taking over for a while. Iris said she had some things to do before she got to old you know? Boy I remember when I was in my sixties. That was a long time ago! I was young and I met this girl and she was-"

"That's great but did she tell you what she went to do?"

"Nope! But anyway on my story..."

I walked away from him, an it's a good thing I did too. The blind old man droned on and on I guess he didn't notice I left.


"Ah! Ash uh Runs?" I'm not exactly sure what he meant to say but the food in his mouth definitely didn't want him to say it.

"Umm... Im going to pretend I didn't hear that...anyway, Goten, since you're going to be my student and all, would you consider moving into Capsule Corp? You don't have to but I think it would be a lot easier than you know-"

"Ah ure!" He said as he was now scarfing down the last of the muffins.

"Roshi! Where's my grandson? Have you seen him?" A man called out from behind me.

"Oh hey Trunks right? What's up? Have you seen Goten? Oh there he is my bad." Goku said with a goofy grin on his face and started scratching the back of his neck.

"Goku? Oh my God where did you come from?" Once again, my eyes were wide as plates. He had his signature orange jump suit on and he walked right passed me to Goten. He picked him up and turned to me "Have you seen Gohan anywhere?" I heard Roshi gasp behind me "I haven't seen him in so long I've just had an eye out for new talent these days on Earth and Goten has made quite the name for himself even in Otherworld!"

"Umm... Gohan is umm... Dead"


"Yeah he....he went down fighting."

"Oh." He was obviously upset, but who wouldn't be.

A pregnant pause was thick in the air (hehe had to do it)"Hey you should stop by sometime and we could try to end the family feud that's been going on for a while now between Chi-chi and mom." I desperately tried to change the subject.

"Will do Trunks, tomorrow maybe?" He asked still upset but looking better.

"Yeah sure. Tomorrow would be great. Oh and how did you manage to get back on Earth?"

"I'm back for twenty four hours, because of all the good things I've done for the planet. Yama gave me a freebie on this one. Ill come over tomorrow around nine okay?" He asked without giving me time to answer. He walked right out of my favorite coffee shop that was...under new management. I wonder how this would play out with Roshi here.

"Damn, the kid didn't even stop to say hi! I trained him after all!" Roshi mumbled under his breath.

"So Roshi, why did you agree to work here anyway, isn't it a little....out of the way for you?"

"Iris promised me a date for watching the shop for a month or two." I can see why he'd be interested in her. She was pretty still, and probably even more so in her youth, not that I was attracted to her like that though.

If there is one thing I've learned about Roshi it's that he'll do anything for a girl. And I mean ANYTHING.

Once, just to walk with my mom, he flew miles and miles to put out a huge fire at the Ox King's castle.

"Thats....nice." I just could not picture him with Iris. "Well Ill see you Roshi! Feel free to stop by tomorrow around nine and visit since you'll be working in town anyway." I called as I left for home.

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