Chapter 8

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"The saiyans are coming? Here?" Videl asked extremely worried now.

"Yes. I came to warn you all, but you should know I'm a saiyan too."

"You're son wouldn't happen to be a super saiyan would he??" She asked with a suspicion that lead straight to Gohan

"His name is Kakarot." He sighed, knowing exactly how powerful his youngest child was, he had seen it in a vision.

"You mean goku? He's dead, or so I thought he was, but everyone is back now...including me."

"Yes I was dead as well for a good twenty years or so, until one day, it all just came back. Me, King Vegeta, Beatrice..."his voice got soft as he spoke the last name.

"Who's Beatrice? I know of King Vegeta, Gohan told me that much."

"How does this... Gohan know of our race?" He eyes her carefully.

"H-he's Goku's son, and my would-be husband if not for the androids." She looked down not meeting his gaze.

"So it's true. The rumors indicated Kakarot had a son, I never knew what to believe though."

"Gohan has two of his own." She whispered.

"I take it the same goes for you, yes?"

"Yes." She said sheepishly. She couldn't figure out why she was telling him this, but there was just something about his aura that made her like him.

Gohan had described his father, Goku, the same way.


"All right Gohan, you've mastered your physical potential now it's time to really train you mentally." Kabito said materializing an air horn and a sound system with a microphone attached.

"Chibis!" He called loud enough for them to hear as far away as they were.

Within moments they had raced back to find large speakers scattered everywhere.

"Gohan, as a Kai you must be able to make a rational decision and think straight in the worst of situations, so this will prepare you. I will ask a question and you will give me an answer with all the noise in the background." He said as he handed the troublesome chibis the microphone.

"Sing." He commanded.

Soon they were wailing at the top of their lungs music their grandmother had playing all the time. Gohan recognized it as his mother's taste in music and fought hard not to hum along just for old times sake.

Not that Chi-chi had had any taste in music that was good, at all, but he remembered all the lyrics.

They reminded him of home. He suddenly felt all the loneliness and depression that he had been surprising ever since his departure from his friends and family overflow him. Being pure with saiyan and human blood running through your veins had to equal out to be the most deadly combination in all of history.

Humans never accept things the way they are. They always try to change the situation to favor them most. When it comes down to it, a human will either evolve and make nature work for them, or die trying.

A saiyan's nature is very similar. They want what they want, and they will have it, or they will die fighting for it.

Purity, makes you stronger. With karma and people who will grow to love you fighting on your side, losing is rare.

Throwing them all together, you have a strongly driven individual with the brain capacity to learn and evolve, to change the world around you, and the power to do it. Driven by futuristic visions, pride, and the love for the world and people around you. With an ever changing body, mind, and heart. The only thing standing in the way, is the thing that drives them most. Pride, and human nature.

While you have the most powerful combination ever know, you have the one with the biggest weakness as well.

Human nature can be cruel. It can hold you back and tear into your heart, making it impossible to go on. Pride can leave you angry and bitter, once again, not able to go on. By mixing two ever changing strengths and weaknesses, you get a being with an ever changing strength and weakness.

Love is also one of the weakest emotions. It can leave you blind and beaten, with an aching heart.

It is also the strongest emotion. Love is feeling strongly for someone other than yourself. Love is being selfless and courageous. Love is being able to stand after being broken, not because you want to live, but because you want to die.

Because of one emotion you will throw it all away for one person, that is why love makes you weak, but the people who channel their love to ignore the pain and go on are the people who make love a strength.

Love is utter weakness, but the people who love unconditionally know how to make it their strength. Thy know how to fight death and darkness, because the strength of love is rivaled by none.

Gohan knew this, he always had somewhere in the back of his mind. He knew love would be the death of him, but he knew that not even death could stop love from getting stronger, just like it couldn't stop him. He focused, tuning out the tone deaf chibis and really took the time to listen to Kabito.

He also knew that he loved his family so much, it would be the death of him again.

okay so this is LONG overdue and it's deep I know but if your reading this then OMG I LOVE YOU! Anyone have any ideas for the future of this book? After everything goes down that I had planned I don't know where I intend to take this. Again if you want to be a character then just send me some information PM or just comment. Thanks guys! (:

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