Chapter 7

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Gohan's P.O.V.


"Yes Gohan. I would have let you leave to protect the planet, but your training must start from scratch, unless you would like to forget about becoming a Kai and be restored to the state you were in when you started."

"No. I can't do that, my father needs me down there!"

"Sadly it's the truth." Kabito looked like he was rehearsing the line "don't shoot the messenger" in his head ready to spout when I jumped him, because he probably expected me to.

"Only with a pardon from the Grand Supreme Kai, can you pick up where you left off, and he's away on business in the East quadrant of the universe."

"Well then I'll wait until he gets back." I was not going to waste my time relearning everything just to be pardoned.

Who wouldn't pardon me for trying to save a planet?

"I'm warning you, I know you've met him as well, but I don't think he'll be as forgiving as I am of this situation."

"If he's as pure as he brags about being then of course he will. Not to sound arrogant or anything but I did just buy some time to save a planet in my future command."

"No one really knows what you just did now do they? No witnesses?"

"What's a witness?" My daughter interrupted.

"Child know your place." Kabito said gently. No matter how soft his tone was it still didn't stop her from bursting into tears and breaking my heart at the same time.

No one could continue a conversation with a crying child in the background, so as the father I was, I picked her up and held my eight year old daughter for the first time.(A/N:Is anyone else tearing up?)

She wrapped her arms around my neck and slowly stopped crying and fell asleep right there.

"Kabito, don't you think I should get excused? I was doing what was right, and if he doesn't see it that way, then I don't know what I'm going to do but I can not start the training over." I talked very softly and craned my neck as far away from her sleeping ears as possible.

"Yes I do think you should, but only in rare cases are they given."

"Well in the beginning of my time here history was the first thing I had to learn and the creature Majin Buu was in it, and he's been resurrected. If that wasn't Buu then I don't know who it was."

"You realize there is a greater chance of the latter then it being Buu do you not?"

"He was a pink, pudgy, thing with an "M" engraved on his belt."

Kabito's eyes grew wide at my description of Buu and immediately he closed his eyes, and I could tell he was trying to contact someone.

While he did that, I went to find the best place to put her down. It then dawned on me that I didn't even know her name, or her brother's.

She looked just like her mom when she was sleeping. I decided it would be best to sleep today off so I lay down right next to her and drifted to sleep.


Trunks/3rd person P.O.V.

"So tell me again what happened, Dende."

"Well-" he started.

"So Gohan, my son Gohan, used instant transmission to show up and he nearly knocked Buu out without even trying, and then he bought us three days to train?"

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