Chapter 4

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I was turned to instant mashed potatoes as I hit the ground, unprepared for the shift in gravity.

"Well if it isn't Trunks." I heard a familiar deep voice say as I tried to get up.

"Never trained in a gravity chamber before?" Asked a voice that was obviously Krillin's.

"Can't say that I have, actually." I replied finally getting up. My body had finally adjusted, and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. There was the hyperbolic time chamber, but that didn't really count as gravity training.

"So, word on the street is you beat the androids." My father said proudly.

"Yeah, I guess so, but it was mostly thanks to me going back in time and training with you." Silence followed as everyone filed in the little shack King Kai calls his house.

It isn't big enough to change your mind in, who has guests (permanently) and has a house the size if a clown car?

"So Trunks, what's it like down on Earth now?" Tien asked.

"We'll it's pretty much the same now as it was when I went back to the past to try and help out a little."

"So how's Gohan doing?" Krillin asked excitedly.

"You mean you haven't seen him either? Goku asked about him too, but he's been dead for years.." I suddenly felt like I couldn't meet any of their gazes and I just kept my eyes locked on my feet.

"What? There's no way! Last time we checked the kid was a super saiyan!"

"That was about nine years ago guys, and he was defeated, but I discovered something interesting pretty recently. "I paused making sure if I should tell or not "Gohan has two kids, back on Earth. I don't know if he knows they exist or not though."

"No way! I never pegged Gohan for the player type. That poor girl. Raising two saiyans without a dad. One is bad but two?" Krillen questioned.

"Now wait, are you sure these were Gohan's kids?" Tien asked me.

"Positive. One looked just like Goku complete with the gravity defying hair and everything, and the other looked like the female version of little Gohan. No mistaking it." I said totally sure of myself.

"I don't buy it..." Yamaha said.

"If it helps I could tell you that they were being raised by Chi-chi and she basically threatened to hospitalise my mom and me if we went near them."

"Oh ok."
"Yep I'd believe that"
"Makes sense..."

"That banshee woman kakarot married?" My father asked me.

"Her name is Chi-chi, but in other words yeah. The banshee woman."

Suddenly a blue horned demon appeared instantly in the middle of the room pushing past people to get to Vegeta.

"Your wanted, in King Yama's office. It's very urgent." He stated as he used instant transmission to take Vegeta with him.

Sakura was wreaking havoc on Earth. All the people that had ever hurt her were dead, and the people she loved most were pampered to their heart's content.

She owned everything now. What the puny earthlings wouldn't give up, she'd take by force.

Her heart was once beating and human, but now it was still and cold frozen in her hollow body. She didn't think about much anymore. Her only thoughts were those of survival for herself and the ones she loved.

Food. Trunks. Shelter. Trunks. Water. Trunks. Kill the Earth. Kill Trunks. Food. You get the picture. She had an unhealthy obsession in the beginning, now it was madness.

She wanted Trunks to love her so much she'd take his life so he would love her. That was her plan that day, and it made sense in her unpredictable way of thinking. Where a normal person sees crazy she sees logic, and vice versa.

"Die!" She screamed at the television with an image of Trunks winning the championship.

"Die,die,die!" She screamed as she bashed the television to bits and pieces. Just like trunks had done to her heart.

She'd get her revenge. Even if it killed her. She was ready to die for her cause, and apparently so was Trunks, because that's what he did.

She laughed at how easily she brought down the worlds greatest fighter after training with Mr.Satan so long. She'd eventually had to teach herself how to fly.

She was a brilliant martial artist, and a brilliant mind too, but it went to waste as she slowly rotted away her mental capacity. She was in physical perfection though, and she felt that made up for her lack of knowledge of real fighting. How wrong she was. She had the instinct of a fighter, and the determined personality to do it right, but he just couldn't help herself. That wish was meant for her, she knew it. Oh, how proud her new master would be when she returned with her new power.


"You have mastered your physical abilities of a Kai, but you must now train mentally. Look here, the crystal ball, ask it to show you something anything in the world."

Gohan knew just who he wanted to see, and he imagined her face. He didn't know for sure she was a her but he had a gut feeling, and there she was, standing by his mom and Bulma and another little boy who looked like the girl and him as well.

The red skinned Kai looked at Gohan and could tell they were his children.

"I didn't know you had children, Gohan."

"Neither did I." He whispered. It perplexed him to no end at how the universe played a sick, sick joke on him called life.

She looked just like her mom, but she had his eyes. They both did. Before he knew what was happening, a girl wearing non-earthly armor and had a tatooed "M" on her forbead busted down the front door he had walked through many times as a child, and grabbed his little girl and set off.

The boy ran after her but it did no good. She was too fast. They had taken her, and he had to watch it happen.

He turned his gaze to the elder Kai an said "Let's begin. I need off this planet, my family needs me." He growled through clenched teeth.

"Good to see you've regained your reason to fight." He smiled, and the training began.


"Something terrible is going on on Earth, Goku, and you and Vegeta are the only forces that can stop her that I know of on such short notice." His thoughts went to how strong Gohan had become training to be the next North Kai. King Yamma knew he only agreed because he was told he would get his life back when he completed the training. Two other men were being trained to become Kais as well. Even being offered such a position showed great respect from the Grand Supreme Kai.

"Yes I know, King Yamma. I was there and this is nothing to take lightly. "

"If I didn't know that do you think I'd be sending you back there? You caused all this in the first place Goku! So if it wasn't serious you would not be going back!"

"What did the fool do now?" Vegeta asked with a smirk plastered to his face.

"He let a teenage girl steal a wish on the dragon balls and become the most powerful being in the universe!" King Yamma bellowed angrily.

"We'll that sounds about right, all though it could have been worse. It could have been that imbecile Hercule Satan." Vegeta said.

'"Did you just take up for me Vegeta?" Goku asked grinning.

"No! I did not!"
"Oh come on Vegeta you know you did!"
"I did not not end of discussion! Drop it or ill call the banshee woman on you with the skillet!"

"You wouldnt!" Goku exclaimed in horror at the thought of being hit with Chi-chi's "Saiyan Swatter".

"See these? I've already been hit!" He pointed to the red bumps on his forehead Vegeta missed before.

"That woman is ferocious, kakarot! I don't see how you put up with her."

"I manage." He said coolly.

"Lets just get on with it Yamma!" Vegeta demanded.

"Fine, fine. Baba! Take them to earth to handle our little...situation." He glared at Goku.


"Where did he take her Goten?" Chi-chi exclaimed.

"Uhh... I dunno grandma. She's just gone that's all I know! The big lady was too fast for me." He said shrugging his shoulders and sulking at the loss of his missing sister.

"Don't twins have some sort of telepathy or something? Just contact her that way." Bulma said.

"We'll it's not really that easy Bulma. It's not so much telepathy as, ya know, sometimes if she gets hurt it hurts me for a second, or if she's hungry, I'm hungry!" He exclaimed "and I AM hungry!"

"Oh good Lord Goten! What am I going to do with you, huh?" Chi-chi asked as she went to her kitchen to cook.

"How can you cook at a time like this Chi-chi?" Bulma said still shaken from losing her son.

"Well if there's one thing I've learned it's that worrying doesn't help when it comes to saiyans. So just sit still and go along for the ride. There isn't much you can do." Bulma didn't respond.

"Oww!" Goten yelled. "I think it's my sister! We have to go find her!"


"Yes. Yes. Thank you Sakura, she'll do nicely. Quite the lively one and pure too. I didn't know inhabitants of this planet could be that strong, but it doesn't matter. Her energy is mine." The old wizard preached to his second in command. He had her make that wish before his monster was activated. Just so he could still have the upper hand if he needed it after all, she was only a little stronger than the second best and Majin Buu could handle that right? His plan had always been to kill her and all the others in the end anyway. Then he began the preparations for arrival day, which was tomorrow.

He watched her face twist in unrecognizable emotion as the child was stabbed and drained of her energy.

"It's not enough! Bring me the other child and we will have enough to awaken Majin Buu!" He screamed manically.

"Yes master." She agreed and set off for the boy child.


"Something terrible is happening on Earth!" King Kai said as he scrunched his already crooked form over and looked through the galaxy.

Tien, Yamcha, Krillen, and I put our hands on king Kai's back and watched the whole thing go down. They were stabbing Pan and right in front or them was a purple cylinder pulsing with veins and light from the inside. It moved in almost a rhythm as if it was going through respiration. I wasn't sure, about anything except one fact I knew.

This thing, Pan being kidnapped, and Sakura going crazy, were all bad. Very, very bad.


Gohan knew it would take a longer amount of time to become a Kai, than he had. He was already running on borrowed time as it was, and being alive made it so much more difficult. Now he had to have sleep, food and water, which took a great deal of time from him.

He was thinking of abandoning the training and leaving, but he couldn't do that. If he wanted to be strong enough to defeat those guys, he would just have to stick it out not just for his mother's sake or his own. For his children that were going to get the rest of the childhood they deserved if it killed him...again.

Day after day of relentless mind training with Kabito was wearing him down. They weren't even training. He was sitting there while Kabito read magazines and snored. He even had to sleep there in that position. They were siting Indian style and facing each other. He got so bored at one point, he considered counting the hairs on the red skinned kai's head. That took a code red level of boredom.

When he was a kid he used to try and watch the grass grow but always ended up falling asleep and that's the only pass time that kept him company. Watching the grass grow. He thought it could be worse though. He could be watching golf, and because he wasn't he was thankful. Anything would have been more delightful at this point. Even getting hit in the head with his mother's Saiyan Swatter, and that was saying something. That old thing was never even used to cook anymore. Simply for swatting unruly saiyans ranging from toddlers to full grown adults.

Who ever invented frying pans ought to be hit in the head with one and see how it feels. Or at least hit by my mother! he thought.

"Gohan you are obviously NOT training as hard as I am! If you ever want to become a Kai you must train harder!" He screamed in Gohan's face and hen continued to read his dirty magazines.

"What? How are you training you just sitting over there sleeping and reading magazines! Inappropriate ones at that! Did it ever occur to you that I might get hungry? I'm alive I have to eat! Will you please stop that snoring because it drives me crazy!" He had intended talk but he ended up shouting right in Kabito's ear.

"Well I see you don't want my help." He said icily.

"No! Wait that's not true I just lost it for a moment! I'm sorry please come back." Gohan said exhausted.

"Fine." Said Kabito a little disappointed.

Well guys tell me what you think please comments and votes would really be appreciated and I'm going to be bringing in a lot of new characters most of them evil maybe two good but I need your help if you want to play a role in this just comment the name of your character and their age and description.

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