Chapter 5

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Goten and Pan watched in horror as the red devil, Tabura, (aka king of all demons) spat straight at Chi-chi and Bulma.

The children were terrified as they watched them slowly turn to stone. Tabura then turned to the children.

"Because I'm nice, ill give you two choices. Would you like me to kill you now, or would you like to delay the inevitable and fight me?" He asked them with a grin forming on his face.

"I'll never surrender to you!" Pan spat out in outrage at the loss of her grandmother, and the audacity this man had if he thought he could mess with her. She had a very powerful grandpa, and was not afraid to use him. She wasn't afraid to call on him at all, she just didn't know how.

"My grandpa is going to show up any minute now and save us, and you'll be sorry!" She threatened.

Tabura hadn't laughed this hard in centuries. An eight year old child threatening to sick her grandfather on him. He thought she was very admirable, bluffing was the best strategy in this situation. She was smarter then he gave her credit for.

Just when he was starting to wonder if the other one could talk Goten piped up and followed that threat.

"My grandpa is going to make you pay for what you did to grandma! You hear me? Your going to be real sorry in just a minute!" He tried his best to sound terrifying but it just wasn't working, and only made Tabura laugh harder.

They were in for a wild ride once he stopped laughing and got serious though. He toyed with them for quite a while. He lived seeing the glint of hope in their am eyes as they thought they had a winning blow, but he loved more the disappointment in their eyes as they saw him still standing.


Gohan was loosing his cool now as Kabito kept up the bragging about his training style and how Gohan wasn't doing anything.

He gloated on about himself, and then deprecated Gohan's improvement.


Thanks for dropping us off Baba! We owe you one!" Called Goku as he shot off into the sky following Goten's ki. Chi-chi's had disappeared completely and it was starting to worry him.

Vegeta was also worried about Bulma. The woman should have learned not to get in trouble by now, and he had a bad feeling that she was in trouble.


I watched as all the Z fighters trained their hardest on King Kai's planet, and realized I had nothing to do. They were training because king Kai wouldn't let them leave until they were of use on the battle field with Buu. He told us about the evil monster the wizard Bobidy planned to release, and who Bobidy was in the first place. An evil wizard, the son of the maker of buu, also an evil wizard, and he had come to redirect his father'a dreams. To destroy the universe.


Bobidy was proud. Very proud. Had the screaming lady not been brought in, they wouldn't have had enough pure energy to revive Majin Buu. Sakura was proving even more useful to him than even he expected. He had told Tabura to finish off the prisoners, meaning he would probably add them to his collection of statues, or eat them. Sometimes he almost cared about Tabura's cannibalism. Almost. He would think about it ever so often wondering if he could catch some disease, but then he'd remember he had more important things to worry about.

Tabura was strong, and his second in command. He didn't know guests would appear though, and leave him to pick out a new second in command, because Tabura was dead.

Bobidy wasn't too phased about losing him, since he had found the perfect opponents to test Buu out on. He had been waiting all day for someone to claim the screaming lady and her children sidekicks who, he decided, had been trained in the art of headachejutsu. No way could he stand much more if her nagging. She didn't even know him and she was yelling about his wardrobe and his cleanliness.

How anyone had ever put up with her, he didn't know. He did know, however, that if you wait long enough, your reward will come to you, and so they did.

He didn't imagine it being this easy either. All he had to do was wait a couple of hours and there they were.

*Enough fooling around!* he thought to himself. It was time to unleash the beast.


So what did you guys think? Please comment and vote it would really mean a lot to me after the third time to write this chapter in twenty four hours, I am tired of typing. My iPod isn't exactly great to type these chapters on

Vote & comment! (:

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