Chapter 2

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"Nice to see you haven't changed Goku." My mom said mechanically as she set the table for breakfast.

"Nope. Sure haven't." He said before snatching up the majority of the food, much to my mother's dismay, and digging in.

"When do I start my training Trunks?" Goten asked me as his twin sister Pan looked at him perplexed.

"Oh no! You're not touching my baby with a ten foot pole!" Chi-chi screeched. The look on her face was enough to curdle the blood of any saiyan to ever live, and that was my cue to slump in my chair and avoid direct eye contact. 

"Calm down Chi-chi! After all, it's what Gohan would want for his boy. To grow up strong enough to defend his family. He can't do that without Trunks." Her expression immidiately calmed and the aura she was emitting seemed less.. life threatening. Goku is the only being alive who can assuage her anger

"Fine! But Pan stays with me. She won't be turned into a hooligan that won't finish his eduction b-because he wants to fight so bad that he won't ever come home and see his mom and...and." That was all it took for her to burst into tears. Goku quickly tried to console her but it wasn't working.

"We all loved him Chi-chi." My mom said sadly scooting food around in her plate.

"You loved him? What would you know about loving MY son? He lived for twenty two years and you loved him so much when he was staying with you, you let him train that son of yours and he got KILLED!"

"Chi-chi!" Goku yelled as she turned away and stood up with such force the chair was sent flying. She exited with such haste no one but Goku knew she was crying.

"This has gone on long enough, Goku, let me handle it." My mom said as she got up and followed her.

As soon as they were both out of earshot Goku sighed and regained a facial expression fitting to anyone of his status as the most powerful being in the universe. We should have checked before we handed out titles like candy. "We have to get the dragon balls guys. I'm sensing some nasty stuff going on around the outskirts of North City. Nasty like planet threatening. We need Gohan back. After the stories I've heard, well more like rumors, in Otherworld about how you traveled in the past then Gohan is going to be the dividing line between life, and mass destruction and genocide. Everyone will die this time these guys don't play games like the androids. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" He looked straight at the twins, and then to me. I sensed something in his gaze though. Something like.. fear? No. The Goku I knew would never be afraid.. but then, what was it? Anxiety? Maybe he was still shooken up from Gohan being brought up.

"Maybe we can stop it while you're here Goku." I suggested trying to break my pessimistic ways. Old habits die hard though.

"No. We need more time and that's just something I don't have. Goten and Pan have to learn fusion, and you and I are going to be doing some training of our own. Meet me at the lookout in thirty minutes Trunks. I'm going to get an early start with these two. Tell Chi-chi where I went please." He glanced at  the twins and without questioning they set off in persuit. 

The hyperbolic time chamber still existed here? That secret must have died along with Goku otherwise Gohan and I would have used it. At least him. That place let's you push yourself like no other. I still remember training with my father more vividly than anything else in my entire life. It was supposed to be great, finally meeting my dad and all, but the only real time he ever spoke to me was to tell me some old wives tale from Planet Vegeta. It didn't even make sense either.

"Once, there was a planet. With lots of people, who thrived. The people's prosperity gave the planet itself a voice, so when they started polluting it, it spoke out. It was its own person you see? Their spirit of joy and life gave life to the inanimate objects around them. I'm still not sure how, but when the planet was destroyed, it didn't even put up a fight. I was calling the saiyans to destroy it. To put it out of its misery. And luckily for it we obliged. Planet Gaerion. It was much like planet Vegeta, and it sold for a high price."

"Why are you telling me this father?" I asked him.

"So you will know when this planet dies, and the way things are they will be here soon." he answered and that was the only time I had ever seen warmth in his eyes.

"Who father?"

"Enough! I must beat Cell! I won't have any of your foolish ramblings going on so leave me!" That was the last time I'd ever see warmth in eyes again.

I'll never know why he chose to even speak to me, much less about this. Could he have had a reason? Maybe Earth had called out to whatever was invading the planet now. What if my father knew this would happen, and he kept it to himself? Would he really do that? If he had we were all royally screwed. F

"Okay Trunks you need to meet Goku in twenty five minutes plus you have to tell mom and Chi-chi where you're going." I thought outloudas I made my way through the dining room and living room to the entry hallway. It may have been falling apart but I can still picture it like it was in the past.

I approached the glass doors, and saw both women laughing like nothing had ever happened. Glad to see that's back. I walked smoothly out the door closing it lightly behind me so I wouldn't get chastized for slamming 'the only front door we have' again.

"Mom, I'm going to the lookout to meet Goku." 

"He left? Oh darn that man. Always running off! I'm going to get him one day!" Chi-chi exclaimed while quite irritated at the current M.I.A Goku and twins.

I took off knowing mom and Chi-chi would be in a jetcopter following immediately. I loved flying, almost as much as fighting. There was just a feeling of freedom you get when doing both things but fighting was like earning your freedom. The feeling of winning was like nothing else I'd ever experienced. It was oddly satisfying. Mom looked into the Saiyan genetics but refused to go any further for fear of turning me into a lab rat, but she did find out that the Saiyan gene is completely dominant. Like a virus. Human cells won't last

Gohan wasn't the type to just knock a girl up and leave her. That had me wondering why he never told me he was having a kid or kids in this case. Did he even know about them? Who was their mom? So many questions and so few people left to answer them.

It was times like this when I really cursed the androids for killing my best friend/mentor. If Goku could get him back in one timeline he could in another right?

Definitely, I've learned there isn't much Goku can't do. Between making a super saiyan out of an eleven year old boy and calming Chi-chi down in times of need, his powers were extraordinary. Especially the Chi-chi part. She could magically whip a frying pan out of no where and then BAM. Living with Goku and Gohan though, I'm sure the only Easter eggs she gave out were goose eggs. I wonder where I could get a frying pan? I think my mom has one too.

I've seen them both whip it out on Roshi on occasion. 

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