Chapter 9

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Trunks's/3rd person p.o.v.

"Goku." Mr.Popo interrupted the training session between the two saiyans. Vegeta paused to glare at him.

"You need somethin'?" Goku asked hopping to his feet gracefully.

"Don't you think it would be much more productive if you and Vegeta went in the hyperbolic time chamber?" He suggested helpfully.

"Well, yeah actually it would."

"You mean to tell me we've wasted two training days and you never told us we could go in there?" Vegeta roared.

"You knew about it too, you could have suggested it just as easily as me." Mr.Popo said calmly earning a death glare and a few names mumbled under Vegeta's breath.

"Alright Vegeta we only have today left lets make it count!" Goku cheered joyfully preparing for battle and leading Vegeta into the hyperbolic time chamber.


"Gohan, you still haven't mastered healing. You must be in touch with your subconscious mind and be able to feel the life in every thing around you. Don't stop at feeling it though, reach out and bond with it. Healing is actually a painful process for the healer, but you must learn it." Kabito said.

"I'm trying, but it's just not working. I'm a fighter not a healer." Gohan said for once wishing he wasn't part saiyan. He had a strong suspicion it was his saiyan blood locking his abilities to do this.

"So like this?" Goten asked as he placed his hands on the Z sword and closed his eyes in concentration.

"You felt that too?" Pan asked astonished and then joined her brother.

"Children stop!" Kabito called angrily, and just as he did so, the Z sword snapped and dissapeared leaving an old purple man in its place.

"Huh? Children did that?" The old man snapped loudly.

Gohan and Kabito were too busy trying to pick up their jaws from the ground to notice how advanced the chibis were compared to their father.

"How did you little girls do that?"

"I'm not a girl!" Goten snapped angrily.

"Well then you should cut your hair sometime! Honestly, what is it with this generation?" his eyes wandered to the dirty magazines the chibis had neglected to find...yet(A.N./ I'm not saying that's foreshadowing, but it's foreshadowing.)

"Uhh, would you two mind explaining that stunt? PLEASE?" Gohan asked not only out of curiosity but out of desperation. If he was ever going to save his planet he had to know.

"Well, I dunno really daddy. The sword just felt weird and the big red guy said to feel the life of everything around you, and it felt like life to me, and grandma said shiny things aren't alive."

"She only said that because you went around looking for a vampire to fight after we watched that kissy kissy movie." Pan snorted.

"Well he looked pretty strong, and grandma says you should never fight earthlings, so I didn't think she'd care if I fought Mr.Sparkles."

"His name wasn't Mr.Sparkles, Goten." She scoffed "It was Diamond Man, how many times do we have to have this conversation?" she placed her hands on her hips and have him the Chi-chi look.

"Enough!" Kabito roared at the arguing chibis.

"Quite."The old man snapped and grabbed each child's right hand.

"I see. You two have saiyan blood in you. Not just that, but Tuffle heritage as well. No wonder you were able to master the healing technique so easily. Well on an inanimate object at least."

"What?" the chibis asked astonished. They had been told about saiyans by their grandmother, but never anything about Tuffles.

"Yes Tuffle. They were the race that hates he planet with the saiyans, but eventually got massacred and wiped out like the rest of the races to cross King Vegeta's path."

"I know that but how? I'm not a Tuffle." Gohan asked confused. He had done his research on Tuffles and he knew they were peaceful people advanced in technology and trained more mentally than physically if they ever trained at all.

"You're not, but have you looked into their mothers heritage?" the old man asked eyeing the children suspiciously.

"Videl would have told me if she wasn't an Earthling." Gohan stated firmly.

"I wouldn't be too sure boy. You have good eyes and a crystal ball, look into the past and find out for yourself."


"Damn it King Kai I need to help them!" I bellowed angrily at having to sit on the sidelines. In just a few short hours, the fight with Buu would start, and I would be stuck here, in Otherworld.

"Trunks, there isn't anything you can do. If Goku and Vegeta can't win this fight then Gohan is ready to step in, and sorry to tell you this but you've been surpassed."

"Well then teach me what you taught Goku to fight my dad and Nappa. I need to know King Kai. That's my planet too and I'll be damned if I just watch while its threatened. I've gone trough too much to lose and be stuck on the sidelines now so you have to teach me. It's your job to-"

"Trunks! Calm down! I never said I wouldn't teach you. I will, but you young people need to learn some patients." He said exhaustedly and muttered something under his breath.


"Alright Vegeta. Come on...just a...little more." Goku panted trying to regain his breath. Vegeta had been a super saiyan for quite a while, and so had Goku. A few years ago, Goku had broken the barrier to get to super saiyan two, and Vegeta was about to break it for himself.

I'm a flash of golden energy his hair stood straighter and lighter, but his eyes remained the same teal. White-gold electricity danced across his skin and lit up his stoic expression.

He was angry that he had let his rival break the barrier first. He was angry he didn't even know about the level beyond super saiyan before Goku told him. Mostly though, he was angry he couldn't have reached it soon enough to save his home. His son had suffered for it.

He was angry for reasons his saiyan heritage wouldn't allow, but he ignored it and fought the urge to return to his base form. He fought everything he knew to "fit in" here on Earth and at first not because he wanted to either. He had let himself get attached to Trunks and Bulma (a.k.a. The Woman) and when he lost his life being a fool rushing into a battle he knew he wouldn't win buying Bulma enough time to flee, he was almost sad to be separated from them.

He pushed himself against his rival almost overpowering him. Goku fought back with all his strength, but it was what he figured would happen if they constantly trained together. They were dead even.

Whoever won would have to rely on their senses and their brains. Vegeta definitely had more brains in every day situations, but Goku can come up with the oddest techniques in the spur of the moment. Where he gets his insane ideas no one will ever know.

Vegeta threw a fast right hook connecting with Goku's jaw, and he soon retaliated with a kick to stomach. While he had the chance, Goku let loose a flurry of kicks and punches before finishing with a close ranged kamehameha wave. When the light faded, Vegeta was no where to be found. Goku turned behind him, knowing Vegeta's fighting style all too well. He turned only to find empty space. He tried to sense Vegeta's ki, but in the moment of him letting his guard down Vegeta struck.

Using his signature move, Final Flash, and then attacking without giving Goku a chance to recover, he won the first match. Goku was out cold soon followed by a very exhausted saiyan prince.

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