Chapter 10

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 "Kakarot! Either get up or get blown to oblivion if you want to be the reason everyone dies that's fine I'll just pummel you to bits and save the universe myself!" Vegeta stalked away from a sleeping Goku to continue his training in the hyperbolic time chamber. It had been four months to the day they set foot in there and Vegeta would rather burn in hell than admit he actually cared about the fate of the universe still, but every now and then he would do something that would prove to everyone the Saiyan prince wasn't near as cold hearted as they had originally thought.

An hour of explosions, buckets of ice water, an entire fridge full of food, and an extremely irritated Vegeta later, Goku had successfully been brought out to train.

 "Gee Vegeta, you sure are being persistent. You wouldn't happen to, ya know, care a little would ya?" Goku smiled his silly grin and prepared to run. Vegeta turned to face him with a blazing scowl covering his face.

 "Of course not! Who the hell do you think I am? I am certainly not some third class clown who couldn't even finish off a planet of weaklings! I am  prince! P-R-I-N-C-E!" he succeeded in lecturing Goku for another half hour drilling in the already painfully obvious fact that Vegeta was of the royal bloodline and therefore, his superior.

 "Yeah yeah yeah, I know Vegeta. I know. You've only said it more times than I can count."

"Huh, that's not very hard to do. I guarantee if you don't have a finger for the number you don't even know it exists. You can't even count past ten Kakarot."

"I can count to eleven!"

"I rest my case..." Vegeta snorted and  dropped into his fighting stance. Goku soon followed and attacked everyone's favorite prince(technically he's our only prince if you don't count Gohan being the grandson of the Ox King).

With deadly aim Goku took Vegeta by surprise with a swift kick to the jaw, and Vegeta retaliated by kneeing Goku in the stomach. Goku hit Vegeta in the nose with his palm and used instant transmission to appear behind Vegeta and ram his elbow into his neck. Vegeta twisted with the force and brought his leg up seeing an opening for a high kick to the side of Goku's head. Goku now had him where he wanted him, he had intentionally left an opening to see if Vegeta would catch it.

Goku moved swiftly catching Vegeta by the ankle and pivoted while picking Vegeta up and slaming him on the ground.

Vegeta bounced back up from his hands and landed with his back facing Goku. He turned before Goku could move and backhanded him with his right hand and launched an energy attack with his left.


"Alright allright Trunks. I'll teach you...but first, you have to make me laugh." King Kai snorted.

"This is rediculous why in the hell-"

"Do you want me to teach you or not?" he placed his hands on his hips and began to check on the Earth.

"Yes please,  you have to teach me!"

"Then make me laugh. It was the price the others paid."

I began to rack my brain for a joke, anything would do, this guy laughed at his own shadow sometimes. There hadn't been much reason to laugh growing up though.

"Why was six afraid of seven?" I asked.

"I already heard that one you're going to have to do better than that Trunks!"


Gohan couldn't believe what he was seeing. He saw Videl. His Videl. She was alive and she was fighting off a man who looked just like his father, but with scars on his face. He wasnt taking it easy on her either. Blow after blow she took unable to fight back. He stopped his vision to keep the chibis from looking and ,with his hand on the crystal ball still, he shattered it letting his strength get away from him. He was past angry. He was furious. He could sense that the man hitting HIS Videl wasn't human, and from Videl's new ability to take a hit and the fact that her power level that had risen,  he could tell she wasn't either.

He was more angry at himself than anything.  How could he have not known? Three years with her and he never even suspected. He fell in love with her and had two children and he couldn't see it.

The old Kai looked at him with pity while the Goten and Pan had no idea what was going on.

"Gohan are you mad at us?" Goten asked fixing his gaze on his feet and bringing Gohan back to reality.

"What? No. No I'm not mad at either of you guys, who could be mad at you?" he said scooping Goten and Pan up in his arms.


Bardock had grown tired of explaining the way energy worked to Videl, so he simply decided to attack her with it until she had no choice of using it. With another energy beam he knocked her flat on her back unconscious.

"You'll get it next time." he muttered to the air as he picked her up and flew toward her home. They had only started training today and he was rather unimpressed with her fighting skills. Hadn't his grandson taught her anything? What kind of planet raises females to be defenseless? He knew she was a Tuffle and also one of the main reasons the Saiyans were targeting the Earth, and to his knowledge Tuffles had been the scientists of the bunch on planet Vegeta but it wasn't unheard of for a Tuffle to be a decent fighter. She obviously needed more training, a lot more if she was to be able to defend herself against King Vegeta, the legendary super saiyan.

If legends were correct, then his son, Kakarot,  was also a super saiyan but he had already finished his battle with Frieza, and he wouldn't let him take care of another tyrant who was never his problem. If Bardock had his way then the only people who would be fighting would be him and Videl. He didn't believe in a child fighting the father's battles, but King Vegeta did. He had contacted Vegeta and told him to stay here and become accepted into their forces and infiltrate them from the inside. He never thought he'd be praying for his prince to betray his race, but now the only hope he had was if Vegeta would rise against his father's orders and protect this useless mudball with him.


Bobidy,  who had barely been able to persuade Buu to keep him alive,  sensed the two most powerful energies on Earth on the move and he decided to stop by and pay them a little visit.

"Buu. That way!" he ordered pointing in Bardock's direction.

"Buu want fight!"

"Yes, yes you'll fight we're coming upon two basic power levels that are much higher than the Earthlings." he exaggerated.  While Videl and Bardock were strong they were no match for Buu.

They began to fly, and in seconds Buu reached the man flying with a girl in his arms.

"Kill them Buu!" he shouted as Buu sped in for an attack.

Videl opened her eyes at the last second only to tighten her grip on Bardock and look for the lost link.

Tuffles have what's called a family link. Her mother had taught her about it. Ever since she had died she lost the link with her children, but now that she was alive she  was desperately searching for it. Finally she felt it. A flicker of life coming from only one. She latched onto it just in time for Buu to attack. The heat from the energy beam melted Bardock's armor it was so close, but Videl had managed to get them out of there just in time.

Her wounds had been forgotten about as she jumped to her feet and looked at the little girl in front of her who was being held by none other than Gohan. The betrayed look in his eyes told her that he knew.

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