(IV) In My Absence

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Sid decided to walk Luke to his apartment. It'd been three weeks since Luke had moved into his new loft, and he could never get used to the aspiring, amazing feeling of getting home to his own domaine. And Luke wasn't even eighteen yet, and he had an amazing apartment downtown, seconds from the beach and everything he ever needed. In this he was lucky.

"Thanks for walking me home," Luke said looking, around for his keys.

Sid didn't give a word response. The black haired boy simply pushed Luke against a brick wall and began to kiss him passionately, like as if he'd been waiting all day to do so.

Luke didn't hesitate before kissing him back. Luke and Siddyagi Huey had been dating for a while now. Luke didn't know where they stood, he didn't know if they were exclusive and he didn't know where they planned to take their relationship. But if it was one thing he knew, it's that Calum wasn't coming back and he knew that he had to move on, and after a dark period, he might have finally realized and accepted that. It'd been an entire month of feeling worthless and unwanted. Cal wouldn't fight for him. It'd been a month of depressing solitude.

"Are you gonna invite me in?" Sid asked.

"Erm, maybe not tonight."

"What?" Sid asked confused. "I bought you fucking desert."

Luke giggled relentlessly. "I know... I'm just not feeling that well tonight." In truth, Luke just wanted to get home and crash. He'd become one of those boring adults who just wanted to drink wine and watch Netflix on their lonesome--replacing wine with drugs. Drugs of all kinds. In Calum's absence, Luke grew quite comfortable to resorting to drugs as a way of just feeling numb. He'd become more like Calum. He even tried to care less.

"I'll let you off this time," Sid rolled his eyes.

"Bye, Sid," he smiled and walked over to the building elevator. He took the elevator towards his floor. Once in, he took his shoes off and walked into his apartment, he then threw his keys and his phone on the marble of his counter island. He had a few chores to do before he could get into his pj's and rest.

He had everyone over for dinner the day before, so he began by filling up the dishwasher. After dishes, he picked up all his clothes and threw them into a hamper. He then ran a vacuum over his living-area carpet and thus he was done. After he thought he was done, he began walking to his room, and as he walked into his room he began to strip himself of clothing. By the time he got to the washroom, he was completely naked and ready to take a long shower.

He walked into his shower and turned on the faucet to hot water. He liked showering in water just above mild temperature. Never cold and never hot. He then took a loofah and filled it with soap. Once his body was all wet, he began to gently scrub his skin with the milk soap. When he began to run shampoo through his scalp, that's when he heard something.

From the kitchen, Luke heard someone open and close his door. His skin jumped when he remember he'd left his door unlocked. He immediately shut off the water and stood in the shower, panicking about what to do. He had left his phone on the kitchen counter, so he very well couldn't call the cops.

He toughened up and he stepped out of the shower in his soaking body. He picked up a hard towel and wrapped it around his waist. He looked into the mirror to realize his head was still a big bubble of shampoo, dripping off his head, but it didn't matter.

He sneaked out through the exit of the washroom that lead straight to the kitchen. Once he was in the kitchen, he went into his cutlery and pulled out the sharpest, scariest knife he could find for self defence. He managed to reach the kitchen unseen and unheard. Luke began to make his way to the living room. He kept the knife steady, giving his arm rest over his rib. "Who's there?" Luke asked. "I've got a gun," he exaggerated unquestionably.

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