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Oh my god.
I just told Tyler that I loved him and until that point in time, I didnt even know I did but after saying it, I knew I did and I meant it.
I love Tyler.
How fucked up can my life get? I love a man who is completely wrong for me. A man I know could never make me truely happy as long as we're both living our life the way we are.
I live this club and its my life and my family but I don't want to just have the club, I want more. I was to prove that I can live a life and make myself Happy and prove I'm more than just a Biker Chick.
'Wow' I breathe and drop myself to my bed.
I'm an idiot.
Tears start to fall.
I just confessed my love and looked like an idiot while he stood there. He didnt say how he felt.
I know he cares but I never expected him to ever say he loved me but I did expect something more than what he gave me.
Mom and dad have a good life, they've been in it together since she was pregnant but I can't do it. I can't be an old Lady, I want to be my own person and make my own life.
If things were different and I wanted this life then I woukd have gone for it, I would have thrown myself at him and we could have worked.
Mom comes in after an hour of me sulking to myself.
'You ok baby?' She asks me.
'I love him and I can't be with him' I tell her.
'Why?' She asks me.
'I'm going to college and I dont want to be stuck in this life forever, I want to go do things my life and he has the club'
'Oh sweet heart' she pulls me into a hug and I cry again.
'I just want to graduate and go to college and move on' I tell her.
'Love isn't easy to get over baby but I am so proud of you and how far you've come. You're a mature young woman and it makes me so sad that you dont need me as much'
'I'll always need you Mom' I tell her. 'What do I do?'
'Whatever you want. If you want to be with Tyler then you'll work it out, love finds a way but if you dont want to and you dont think it'll work then just leave it and move on'
'I told him I loved him and he didnt say how he felt'
'Did you expect him to?' She laughs 'These boys are thugs and tough, they're not about to easily share feelings baby'


I threw all my focus into school and my car for the next few days and Tyler kept to his word, he stayed away from me and everyone knew something was up.
I didnt think anyone noticed there was something going on in the first place but I guess they did.
Talia and Toby were big helps to keep my mind occupied and off Tyler but I found that at night, I woukd think and I woukd get upset.
'Ready?' Aunt Holly asks.
'Huh?' I blink and look at her 'Oh, yes, let's go' mom had a scan today so she couldn't take me to see the college I'd be going to but she wanted someone with me to make sure it was good enough for her baby.
Speaking of baby, the twins were due in like five weeks which means she could have them at any time now and since her fainting last week, she's up to having check ups weekly until they're born.
'I hope the babies stay in there today while we're here' I say to Holly as we get out of the car.
'She better not have them while we're here' Holly mock snaps. 'I was stuck at a damn motel while your brothers were being born, I'm not missing these babies'
I laugh. 'How are you going anyway? You know after Garry'
No one reakky mentioned it since it happened.
'I miss him. He had some good qualities but I know if I could go back, I wouldn't wish anything else to happen to him after he hurt you'
'I'm sorry, I didnt want him to die, I just wanted him away from you' I explain.
'I know Neika' she smiles 'let's go look at this new school'
We tour around it for an hour looming at the classrooms and then another hour looking at the dorms and the other shit around the school.
I was happy with it. I was excited to come here.
'I love it, so worth the boring three hour tour' I smoke as we hop back in the car.
'I really hoped you like it because I would have killed you if you said you didnt want to go to this school and just made me walk around for hours' Holly groans 'my feet are killing me'
'That's what happens when you wear heels to these sorts of things, notice how I am wearing flats' I grin.
'Call your mother would you and see how she's going'
I laugh at my aunty and pull my phone from my pocket.
After a few rings someone answers the phone but its not my mother 'yeah?' I frown.
'Why are you answering ny mother's phone Tyler? And why do you sound out of breath?'
'Because' he pants 'Your moms going into labour anf refuses to go to hospital and your dad and I are trying to get her into the car'
'She's what?' I shout.
'What's going on?' Holly asks.
'Moms in labour' I tell her 'Tyler, we're on our way back, call me if she goes to hospital, we'll be an hour and a bit' it was nearly 2 hours drive but with Holly driving we could make it in a little over an hour.
The whole way back, I fidget and I keep looking at my phone. Holly is already speeding and I still wish we could get there faster.
I was worried, my mother was stubborn and she hated hospital so I know she wasn't going to go until she knew they were coming.
Finally, Tyler calls me 'where the hell are you? She's refusing hospital and they're coming' he's panicked.
'Call a fucking ambulance, we're like ten minutes away' I say.
'They're swamped today and itll be like half hour before one gets here, your dad is talking to them and they're walking him through it'
'Shit' I think of anything that woukd help my mother. 'Make sure mom is comfortable and throw some blankets in the dryer so they're warm for delivery'
'Ok' I hear Tyler running around and I hear moms groaning in the background.
I hang up when we pull into my street and I'm out the car door before its even stopped and racing past the crew and into the house.
My mothers groans were coming from upstairs so I race up there.
She isn't sweating but she looks very uncomfortable.
'Are you having them here mom?' I ask her. She just nods. 'Alright, Tyler, go get a bigger blanket' he runs from the room.
'What do we do?' Dad asks.
'You've seen her have four kids dad, her trousers need to come off for a start, we need a heart moniter for the babies to make sure they're alright, someone find one' I say.
'Grandma is bringing one' Dad tells me and he heads for mom.
'Do you need a drink?' I ask mom.
'Yes please baby'
'I'll go' Tyler says coming back in with the blanket.
'Thank you' I tell him. I help mom out of her trousers properly and put the blanket over her legs.
'What did the ambulance say?'
'Not alot, to call back when we see a head' dad shrugs
'Wow, they're really shit today, they're meant to be here, they're meant to talk you through everything, if anything happens to mom or the babies then I will kill them' I snap. I was not pleased. 'I'll be putting in a complaint that's for fucking sure'
'I have to push' mom breathes. My eyes widen and I look to her.
'Shit' I had been there when Daisy was born so I remember what the nurses had told her. 'Head down mom, legs up and short pushes, remember with Daisy'
'I'll call the ambulance again' dad says. Tyler comes back in with a glass of water and some latex gloves.
'Legend' I take the gloves and slip one on my hand and give the other to Dad. With a deep breath, I look under the blanket and I see a head full of dark hair.
'One of then is there Mom, I have to help stretch you so you dont tear' I tell her. This was not how I pictured things going. I did not want to look at my mothers vagina while she was giving birth let among touching it and helping her birth the babies but I had to, dad was on the phone.
She grunts and groans in pain and stops pushing. She pants taking deep breaths.
'You're doing good mom' I tell her 'Dad, how long until they're here?' I call.
'Fifteen minutes' he says 'has her water broken?'
'Dad, there is a babies head in her vagina, I think her waters are gone' I state.
Mom starts to push again and most of the head is out. 'Blanket Tyler' I say.
'Small pushes Mom, head is almost out' I tell her. She does as I tell her and the head cones all the way out and mom takes a break.
'One more push and bubs out, just the shoulders' I say.
Tyler hands me a blanket and I have it ready. Mom screams as she pushes one more time. Once the shoulders were out the baby just slides out and I scare myself by almost dropping the baby on the bed but I caught it and wrapped it up.
A second later, the baby started wailing and I smile. 'My baby, you delivered my baby' mom cries.
I open the blanket and look to see if I had another brother or sister.
'Its a boy' I tell her. Not even a second later, paramedics are coming through the door. I lay my new brother on my mothers chest and she cuddles him, crying.
I just watch my new brother quieten down as the paramedics do their thing, I can't hear what they're saying, I dont care but I watch them help dad cut the cord and then they're handing him to my father.
Baby number 2 is coming.

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