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The next days was Amy sick and i visited almost everyday. School was a lot more boring without her...
She teksted me though almost every minute. And everytime she said:
"Don't worry, it's over before the weekend!"
But i didn't believe her. Her mother didn't to. She said that Amy never was this sick before and it could be dangerous...

The end of the week when i visited Amy she looked terrible. She coughed a lot and she wore a mask.
"Why the mask?"
"So people don't get the same illness as me, whatever is wrong with me" she was frustrated, that was obvious.
A few moments later Amy's mom came in, she looked quite sad.
"I have some good and bad news, Amy" i furrowed my eyes. Since when was i invisible?
"Good news first!"
"Uhm... okay... The good news is that you'll probably be better next week. At least that's what the docter said."
"And the bad news..." i asked, actually i kinda knew already what she was gonna tell.
"And the bad news... you can't go to that meet and greet... the docter says your to weak"
We waited nervously for Amy's reaction but she kept quiet. She only moved her mouth, which was opening and closing like she wanted to say something.
"Amy, you al-"
"Amy, calm..."
"NO WAY IN HELL!!! I'LL GO EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!" and she stood up trying to walk away but her legs couldn't hold her and she fell on her knees.
We rushed to help her but she waved us off.
"I'll do it myself! Get out! Now!" And she tried to stand up, this time succesfull. Amy's mother left and i helped her back to her bed.
"Your really upset..."
"You don't say?! Of course i am! I love Cameron Boyce! And then this stupid fever get's in the way of us?! No way!" She half yells.
"Calm down Amy! it's not worth it if you lose your voice"
"Your right... i'll rest then i'm better tomorrow and i can go" she smiled again and laid down.
"Sleep for now... tekst me if you need me okay?" She nodded and i left the room. Her parents waited downstairs and looked at their hands. When they noticed me i saw they cried.
"What's wrong?"
"Amy... she got it to..." Her mother sobs.
"What?! Was has she?"
"S-She h-has..." then her mother started crying again.
"Amy has cancer" her dad finished the sentence.

I cried... the whole night i cried...
Why was this happening to her?! To us?! Cancer? Why that awful disease?
My parents tried to comfort me but failed. I couldn't eat and the times when i was alone i cried till i couldn't anymore.


Beep beep...
"Hang in there, Amy! Fight on!"
"She loses conciousness!" A docter yells.
"Go... go to Cameron f-for... me" Amy whispers before she blacked out.
"Amy! Wake up!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

"Yeah?" I looked up to see my fathers face. He smiled weakily.
"She wanted you to do something for her right?" I nodded.
"To go to that meet and greet from Cameron..." it sounded emotionless. But that was how i felt. I didn't feel pain, sad, or was mad at all... i didn't feel anything, it was like my light blew out.
"Shouldn't you go then?"
"I can't leave her! I'll be here when she wakes up!"
"But would she be happy if her wish was trown away?" My mother asks me, putting an arm around me.
"Then go! Get a handwriting from him and come back. She'll be the most happy girl on earth" my father smiles. I nod and stand up.
"I'll clean myself at home and go. when i'm done i'll come straight to the hospital again"
"Take your time" and i ran off. The cheering face of Amy in the back of my head.
"Go to him! Go in my place!" And with those thoughts i can smile a bit again.

When i reached my home i quickely took a shower and brushed my hair. While looking at the mirror i saw i looked like i didn't slept for days. I sighed and put some make up on to camouflage it. Not that i had much but when i was done i looked a lot better.
Now the clothes... after a while of searching through my closet i found my favorite hoodie with matching jeans. Good enough...
And with my phone in my hand and some paper with a pen in my pocket i left.

After a while of walking i saw a huge crowd of (mostly) girls. And because they were screaming so loud i thought i would become deaf.
"Why are you screaming?! Jeez!" I touched a girls shoulder. She turned around and smiled a big smile. She had a lot of make up on. Horrible...
"CAMERON BOYCE IS OVER THERE!!!" She screamed to me and pointed to a building of glass.
"Where is the line for the meet and greet?" I asked.
"Starts over there! But you need a ticket to enter" she pounted.
"Okay thanks!" And i walked to the end of the line. A big and tall guy stopped me.
"Ticket please" he said with a low voice.
"What kind of?"
"You must buy one at the site" he said.
At that moment i felt my phone vibrating and i took it out. A message from Amy!

Thanks for going (Y/N)!
You need a ticket to get inside, i'll send it below this tekst.

I smiled when i read it and showed the big guy the ticket. He looked at me and then at the ticket.
"Your not the girl from the picture on the ticket"
"I'm not, but my friend couldn't come because she's in the hospital."
"Likely story, now go!"
"It's true!" But he pushed me away.
It made me angry... really angry... so i walked to the guy and stook my chin in the air.
"Now listen! My friend is dieing in the hospital and she asked me to get a handwriting from Cameron so..." the big guy kept quiet and looked at me annoyed. Which made me even more angry.
"GET OUT THE WAY!!!" And i walked past him. He tried to take my arm but i turned his arm so he would be in pain.

After that i didn't have a problem anymore. Except the waiting line. And then finally after a long time of waiting i reached the table. That Cameron Boyce boy sat there with a few bodyguards. They were talking.
But i had to admit... that boy was cute with his freckles...
"C-Can i have a handwriting?" I said stuttering. I really didn't to disturb them.
"Wait a sec" the boy said. Akward i kept silent. Waiting for him to pay attention.
When he was done talking, which wasn't long he turned to me.
"You wanted a handwriting?"
"Yeah, for my friend Amy. She's a big fan of you" he smirked.
"A lot of girls are... you want one to?"
"No thanks... i was send here by her and that's the only reason why i'm here, sorry" i took the handwriting for Amy and started to walk away untill i heard him yell.
When i turned around he stood right in front of me.
"Your no fan?"
"No... weird isn't it..." i chuckeld.
He kinda blushed but recovered fast and smiled.
"Yeah... by the way, what's your name?"
"(Y/N) (L/N)... but i really have to go! My friend is waiting for me!" I wanted to walk away but the boy grapped my arm.
"Wait!" I turned around and saw he had light pink cheeks. Why? Because of me? No way!
"Oh uhh...W-Why did you come instead of your friend? If you don't mind me asking."
"She uhh... has cancer" i mumbled while looking away. It hurt when i talked about it...
"Omg i'm so sorry! I never should've asked!" He let go of my hand and i looked up to him again.
"Can i do something for you- uhh both of you?"
I smirked when an idea popped up in my head.
"What about visiting her?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Cameron! You have a meet and greet remember?" A bodyguard said.
"Oh uhhh right! Coming!" Then he turned to me again.
"Which hospital?" I smiled.
"I'll be there! After i'm done with this" he pointed to the yelling fangirls, smirking. I nodded and left.

Love Or Fangirl? (Cameron Boyce X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now