Chapter 1 Thilonias and Me

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   Imagine a world where dragons lived among humans. Well, in the town of Kellymore this was the case. In the small town there was a small house with a small girl living inside it. The young girl's name was Jules. Jules was extremely short with bright, blonde hair. It was Jules' 11th birthday and she was getting ready. She looked around her room seeing that it was decorated with large posters of dragons. That was the thing, Jules loved dragons. She knew every dragon just by how it roared. Her entire life she's wanted a dragon for her own.

Down stairs she heard the doorbell, she bolted down the stairs. When she got to the door she opened it and saw, Nathaniel T. Waterson. Nathaniel and Jules always had a rivalry. The problem is Jules' mom loves him. So, of course she invited him.

He sat down and she looked at him. Then, suddenly she heard another knock on the door this time everyone was there! There was Jules' best friend Tyrone, Lyla, Erin, Em$ta, Janey, Josh, and Benny. Lyla was studying wizardry but, she was still working on her technique. Erin was a young girl who is quite interested in the art of making swords. Em$ta's parents are griffin herders. She is a griffin, and an aggressive one. Janey is another one of Jules' good friends. She helps Jules with her experiments. Benny has extremely rich parents who could pay enough money to put him in the most expensive night schools in the land. He is also, mentally unstable. Josh, was also quite rich, that is because he is actually a prince.

"Who are you people", asked Nathaniel.

"Well if you must know Nathaniel these are my friends Tyrone, Lyla, Erin, Em$ta, Janey, Josh, and Benny. Oh, you look confused. A friend is someone who actually likes you.", Jules said with a smirk.

As the party went on Jules became more and more excited for presents. Every time she walked by the table full of presents she almost turned into Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. The presents were the ring. Janey and Tyrone went up to Jules.

"Stay strong Jules", said Tyrone

"It's more fun to open gifts when you open them with everyone!", Janey said acting more mature then Jules.

"Is it though?", Jules asked barely paying attention.

20 minutes later, it was present time. Everyone gathered around the table full of brightly colored wrapping paper. She could tell who gave her each gift. Josh probably gave her the gold-plated statue of his face. He told her that there was dog poop on the inside. Classic Josh. Em$ta probably got her the human skull. No change from last year. Lyla got Jules a dragon care set. This was the nicest set in the town! Benny got Jules a brand new carriage to drive around the town in. Tyrone and Janey got her a picture of the three of them together with a frame that says: Best Friends! Erin got her a brand new sword she made out of emeralds with an emerald dragon on the handle.

A few minutes later Jules' grandma came in and brought a medium-sized present wrapped in green wrapping paper. Jules could spot out a few holes on every side of the present. She put the gift on the table. Jules quickly grabbed it, tore off the wrapping paper, and opened the small box inside. In the box she found a small and live dragon! It was black and gold (Jules suspected it was a mix between a shadow and electric dragon). It was Jules' dream to have a dragon, and now she did! She really needed that dragon care kit that Lyla gave her.

After everyone left and the party was over, Jules got ready for bed. When she got to her room, she examined the dragon she got from her grandmother. Right then Jules named the dragon, Thilonias, or, Theo for short. That night as Jules fell asleep she grabbed on tightly to Thilonias. She had dreams about all the adventures she would have with her new best friend.

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