Chapter 11: Finding the Others

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 When Jules and Thilonias finally hit the ground, they snuck in through the back door. Jules and Thilonias climbed the stairs to her room. She closed and locked the door, her mom could not find out Thilonias is still here. Jules looked at Thilonias."Okay Theo, I don't think you can understand me, but how did you get out?", Jules asked. Thilonias seemed to understand. He took a peice of paper and a pen and drew a picture. It seemed to be him scratching himself out of the cage. Jules was amazed how Thilonias could draw! "Where are the others?", Jules asked him. Thilonias shrugged just like a human. Jules was stumped. She felt this need to help the poor dragons. They had to have been transported somewhere.  They can't be dead yet. Jules didn't know where to look. Then, swiftly Jules heard clattering of horses. She looked out the window and saw an extremely large carraige. Loud growls and roars.  Jules the knew that roar. It was a dragon. Not just one hundreds! Those were the salvaged dragons! Jules and Theo immediatly dashed down the stairs. They followed the carraige closely. The carraige went towards the tallest mountain in the town. Jules had only been there once, but that was for dragon searching. Thilonias and Jules mounted Thilonias so they could see from an ariel view. They flew up into the air. They saw the carraige go into an extremely large cave. Theo landed and him and Jules snuck into the cave. There she saw the same knights from the salvation."Alright George, shall we set up the guillotine?", One knight asked."Of course, Henry. I'll get the supplies.". Right as the knight was about to leave, Theo stepped and accidently kicked a rock into a deep crevice. The knights stopped and looked in there direction. Jules and Theo hid behind the rocky wall. "There's someone here", the knight whispered. "Hello? Is anyone there?", the other called out. They inched closer and closer. They finally came to the place Theo and Jules were standing. Jules found a pebble and threw it further on into the mountain's large forest. When they left, Jules mounted back on Thilonias and flew to the carraige where the dragons were. Jules got off him and slowly went in. Luckily there was a torch inside so Jules could see. In the carraige were dozens of cages, filled with dragons. Jules immediatlywent to work picking the lock on each cage. The dragons fled out of the cage. There were Earth dragons, water dragons, magic dragons, crystal dragons, and fire dragons. Soon the entire carraige was empty besides empty cages. Jules was about to leave when she saw Thilonias looking and smelling something. "What is it Theo?", Jules asked him. Jules drew closer and saw a dragon egg! The egg was unlike any she has ever seen. The egg looked as though it had the galaxy rapped around it. Jules softly picked it up and admired it. She wondered what kind of dragon was on the inside. She looked to see if a mother had left it behind and came back for it. Jules couldn't leave it there alone. So, she put it in her pocket and went on her way. As her and Thilonias were about to leave the cave, the knights came back. Jules and Thilonias ducked down and started sprinting to the outside. Jules climbed on the top of Theo and they left for home.

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