Chapter 12: Egg Inspection

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When Jules came home she immedietly dashed to her room with Thilonias close by. She closed and locked the door. She quickly took out a small telescope and found away to place the egg on it for inspection. Jules took a powerful light to see if she could see the inside. However, the egg's skin was extremely thick. Jules took a firm grip and picked up the egg for closer inspection. The firm grip caused a crack in the egg. Jules put it down quickly. The crack swiftly covered the egg. All of the eggs peices fell down and showed a newborn dragon. The dragon's body was a blue jade color, with stars on his wings. Jules was amazed. She knew every single dragon known on the entire planet, but has never seen this one. Jules thought it was a mutation of a water dragon or some other breed, but simple dragonoligy said otherwise. From closer inspection Jules realised it is a brand new breed! This was one of Jules' dreams, to find and name her own dragon breed. Jules named the astonishing breed a "Space Dragon". She then named the dragon itself Nebula. A sudden worry came over Jules. She wasn't supposed to own a dragon, let alone a rare and unknown dragon! Jules knew that it was only a matter of time before people found out. There was a knock on the door. Jules knew it was the police or the army! Maybe if she didn't answer they would think she isn't home and go away. But the knocking remained persistent. Jules slowly walked down the stairs, and reluctantly opened the door. It was Benny. Jules let out a breath of releaf but soon realised that benny was wearing official royal knight armor."Benny what are you wearing?", Jules asked with a worried tone. "I just got accepted in to the royal fleet of knights! I'll be doing the police duties and executions!", Benny said, to her excidetly. "Wait you're gonna kill people?", Jules said, shocked. "Well, tecnically, yes, but only if they deserve it. By the way I heard a growling noise like a dragon or something coming from your house." Jules face turned a bright red as sweat beated down her face and back."Do you know anything about that?", Benny asked. "No I don't", Jules said with her voice cracking. "Well I hope it's not a dragon because if it was then, I'd have to kill them. Hey, do you know about anyone setting free the dragons from the mountain?", Jules tried to change the subject. "Um, why are you here Benny?", Jules asked. "Oh, well since the dragons were set free we need to clear the neighborhood and take them again so, we're going door to door for inspections. Can I come in?". Jules hesitated."Uh...Sure. Why not?.", Jules let him in. He immediatly went to her room and looked around. He checked under the bed, in each cabinet, and any place where she could hide a dragon. "Well, I guess your clear-", Benny was cut off by gentle russiling coming from the closet. He went closer, he rested his hand on the nob and opened the closet. Thilonias and Nebula immediatly fell out onto the floor. Benny stood in awe. He looked at the dragons then Jules then his sword."Benny you know Thilonias, and this is Nebula she is a brand new breed.", Jules said akwardly. "I'll have to take them away.", Benny said. "No, please Benny, I love them!". "I know you do but, if I set them free,and my boss were to find out, I'd be sent to prison!",Benny exclaimed. "He won't find out! I swear, I'm good at hiding things." Benny thought for a moment."Well, I guess I can make an exception. But, if anyone were to find out you would be killed.". Benny left and Jules new she had to run away.

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